rglobi: R Interface to Global Biotic Interactions

> library(rglobi)

バージョン: 0.2.9

関数名 概略
get_child_taxa Returns all known child taxa with known interaction of specified taxa and rank.
get_data_fields List data fields identified in GloBI database
get_interaction_areas Find locations at which interactions were observed
get_interaction_matrix Get Interaction Matrix. Constructs an interaction matrix indicating whether source taxa (rows) or target taxa (columns) are known to interact with given type.
get_interaction_table Returns all known child taxa with known interaction of specified source and target taxa on any rank.
get_interaction_types List interactions identified in GloBI database
get_interactions Get Species Interaction from GloBI
get_interactions_by_taxa Return interactions involving specific taxa
get_interactions_in_area Return all interactions in specified area
get_predators_of Get a List of Predators of a Given Prey Taxon
get_prey_of Get a List of Prey for given Predator Taxon
query Executes a Cypher Query Against GloBI's Neo4j Instance