stplanr: Sustainable Transport Planning
- GitHub:
- Vignettes
> library(stplanr)
Loading required package: sp
> data("flow")
> data("cents")
> data("flowlines")
関数名 | 概略 |
SpatialLinesNetwork |
Create object of class SpatialLinesNetwork from SpatialLinesDataFrame |
SpatialLinesNetwork-class |
An S4 class representing a (typically) transport network |
angle_diff |
Calculate the angular difference between lines and a predefined bearing |
bb2poly |
Convert a bounding box to a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
bbox_scale |
Scale a bounding box |
buff_geo |
Create a buffer of n metres for non-projected 'geographical' spatial data |
ca_local |
SpatialPointsDataFrame representing road traffic deaths |
calc_catchment |
Calculate catchment area and associated summary statistics. |
calc_catchment_sum |
Calculate summary statistics for catchment area. |
calc_moving_catchment |
Calculate summary statistics for all features independently. |
calc_network_catchment |
Calculate catchment area and associated summary statistics using network. |
cents |
SpatialPointsDataFrame of home locations for flow analysis. |
crs_select_aeq |
Select a custom projected CRS for the area of interest |
decode_gl |
Decode Google polyline compressed string |
destination_zones |
example destinations data |
dist_google |
Return travel network distances and time using the Google Maps API |
dl_stats19 |
Download Stats19 data |
find_network_nodes |
Find graph node ID of closest node to given coordinates |
flow |
data frame of commuter flows |
flow_dests |
data frame of invented commuter flows with destinations in a different layer than the origins |
flowlines |
SpatialLinesDataFrame of commuter flows |
format_stats19_ac |
Format UK 'Stats19' road traffic casualty data |
format_stats19_ca |
Format UK 'Stats19' road traffic casualty data |
format_stats19_ve |
Format UK 'Stats19' road traffic casualty data |
gclip |
Crops spatial object x to the bounding box of spatial object (or matrix) b |
gprojected |
Perform GIS functions on a temporary, projected version of a spatial object |
gsection |
Function to split overlapping SpatialLines into segments |
gtfs2sldf |
Import GTFS shapes and route data to SpatialLinesDataFrame. |
is_linepoint |
Identify lines that are points |
islines |
Do the intersections between two geometries create lines? |
line2df |
Convert SpatialLinesDataFrame objects to a data.frame with from and to coords |
line2points |
Convert a SpatialLinesDataFrame to points |
line2route |
Convert straight SpatialLinesDataFrame from flow data into routes |
line2routeRetry |
Convert straight SpatialLinesDataFrame from flow data into routes retrying on connection (or other) intermittent failures |
lineLabels |
Label SpatialLinesDataFrame objects |
line_bearing |
Find the bearing of straight lines |
line_length |
Calculate length of lines in geographic CRS |
line_match |
Match two sets of lines based on similarity |
line_midpoint |
Find the mid-point of lines |
line_segment |
Divide SpatialLines dataset into regular segments |
locate2spdf |
Return SpatialPointsDataFrame with located points from OSRM locate service |
mapshape |
Simplify geometry of spatial objects with the mapshaper library |
mapshape_available |
Does the computer have mapshaper available? |
n_vertices |
Retrieve the number of vertices from a SpatialLines or SpatialPolygons object |
nearest2spdf |
Return SpatialPointsDataFrame with nearest street from OSRM nearest service |
nearest_cyclestreets |
Generate nearest point on the route network of a point using the |
nearest_google |
Generate nearest point on the route network of a point using the Google Maps API |
nearest_osm |
Generate nearest point on the route network of a point from OSRM locate service |
od2line |
Convert flow data to SpatialLinesDataFrame |
od2odf |
Extract coordinates from OD data |
od_aggregate |
Aggregate OD data between polygon geometries |
od_dist |
Quickly calculate Euclidean distances of od pairs |
od_id_order |
Generate ordered ids of OD pairs so lowest is always first |
od_radiation |
Function that estimates flow between points or zones using the radiation model |
onewaygeo |
Aggregate flows so they become non-directional (by geometry - the slow way) |
onewayid |
Aggregate ods so they become non-directional |
overline |
Convert series of overlapping lines into a route network |
plot,SpatialLinesNetwork,ANY-method |
Plot a SpatialLinesNetwork |
points2flow |
Convert a series of points into geographical flows |
points2line |
Convert a series of points, or a matrix of coordinates, into a line |
points2odf |
Convert a series of points into a dataframe of origins and destinations |
quadrant |
Split a spatial object into quadrants |
read_stats19_ac |
Import and format UK 'Stats19' road traffic casualty data |
read_stats19_ca |
Import and format UK 'Stats19' road traffic casualty data |
read_stats19_ve |
Import and format UK 'Stats19' road traffic casualty data |
read_table_builder |
Import and format Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) TableBuilder files |
reproject |
Reproject lat/long spatial object so that they are in units of 1m |
route_cyclestreet |
Plan a single route with |
route_graphhopper |
Plan a route with the graphhopper routing engine |
route_network |
SpatialLinesDataFrame representing a route network |
route_transportapi_public |
Plan a single route with |
routes_fast |
SpatialLinesDataFrame of commuter flows on the travel network |
routes_slow |
SpatialLinesDataFrame of commuter flows on the travel network |
sln2points |
Generate spatial points representing nodes on a SpatialLinesNetwork |
sp_aggregate |
Aggregate SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to new geometry. |
stplanr-package |
stplanr: Sustainable Transport Planning with R |
sum_network_routes |
Summarise shortest path between nodes on network |
summary,SpatialLinesNetwork-method |
Print a summary of a SpatialLinesNetwork |
table2matrix |
Return Matrix containing travel times between origins and destinations |
toptail |
Clip the first and last n metres of SpatialLines |
toptail_buff |
Clip the beginning and ends SpatialLines to the edge of SpatialPolygon borders |
toptailgs |
Clip the first and last n metres of SpatialLines |
update_line_geometry |
Update line geometry |
viaroute |
Query OSRM service and return json string result |
viaroute2sldf |
Convert json result of OSRM routing query to SpatialLinesDataFrame |
weightfield |
Get or set weight field in SpatialLinesNetwork |
writeGeoJSON |
Write to geojson easily |
zones |
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of home locations for flow analysis. |
> sp::proj4string(routes_fast) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
> buff <- buff_geo(routes_fast, width = 100)
> plot(buff)
> plot(routes_fast, add = TRUE)
> # 実行には のAPIキーが必要
> l <- flowlines[2:5,]
> rf <- line2route(l = l, "route_cyclestreet", plan = "fastest")
ラインの中間地点を判別する (maptools::SpatialLinesMidPoints
> data(routes_fast)
> p <- line_midpoint(routes_fast[2:5,])
> plot(routes_fast[2:5,])
> plot(p, add = TRUE)
- flow
- zones
> od_dist(flow, cents)
[1] 0.000000000 1241.440938878 2292.969116998 1559.182641180
[5] 1465.710002425 1948.211478289 2801.375632502 1241.440938878
[9] 0.000000000 1095.260929856 1257.244854083 1771.598744849
[13] 2441.371729780 2815.095721479 2292.969116998 1095.260929856
[17] 0.000000000 1525.589592098 2281.135221354 2929.788209636
[21] 2859.079796872 1559.182641180 1257.244854083 1525.589592098
[25] 0.000000000 774.073087517 1404.627297842 1557.976110730
[29] 1465.710002425 1771.598744849 2281.135221354 774.073087517
[33] 0.000000000 676.159597719 1341.207105685 1948.211478289
[37] 2441.371729780 2929.788209636 1404.627297842 676.159597719
[41] 0.000000000 1165.205940526 2801.375632502 2815.095721479
[45] 2859.079796872 1557.976110730 1341.207105685 1165.205940526
[49] 0.000000000
od2line / od2line2
データフレームをSpatialLinesDataFrame, SpatialLinesに変換。sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame()
- flow
- zones
- destinations
- zone_code
- origin_code
- dest_code
- zone_code_d
- silent
> (newflowlines <- od2line(flow = flow, zones = cents)) # SpatialLinesDataFrame
class : SpatialLinesDataFrame
features : 49
extent : -1.55080649004, -1.51186137386, 53.8040984467, 53.8288740915 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
variables : 15
names : Area.of.residence, Area.of.workplace, All,, Underground..metro..light.rail..tram, Train,, Taxi, Motorcycle..scooter.or.moped,,, Bicycle, On.foot,, id
min values : E02002361, E02002361, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, E02002361 E02002361
max values : E02002393, E02002393, 265, 0, 1, 4, 28, 11, 3, 89, 13, 12, 185, 6, E02002393 E02002393
> (newflowlines2 <- od2line2(flow = flow, zones = cents)) # SpatialLines
class : SpatialLines
features : 49
extent : -1.55080649004, -1.51186137386, 53.8040984467, 53.8288740915 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : NA
> # plot(cents)
> # lines(newflowlines, lwd = 3)
> # lines(newflowlines2, col = "white")
> rnet <- overline(sldf = routes_fast, attrib = "length")
> SLN <- SpatialLinesNetwork(rnet)
> weightfield(SLN)
> shortpath <- sum_network_routes(SLN, 1, 50, sumvars = "length")
> plot(shortpath, col = "red", lwd = 2)
> plot(SLN, add = TRUE)