RCurl: General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R

> library(RCurl)
Loading required package: bitops

Attaching package: 'RCurl'
The following objects are masked from 'package:git2r':

    clone, push, reset


関数名 概略
AUTH_ANY Constants for identifying Authentication Schemes
CFILE Create a C-level handle for a file
CURLHandle-class Class "CURLHandle" for synchronous HTTP requests
CurlFeatureBits Constants for libcurl
HTTP_VERSION_1_0 Symbolic constants for specifying HTTP and SSL versions in libcurl
MultiCURLHandle-class Class "MultiCURLHandle" for asynchronous, concurrent HTTP requests
base64 Encode/Decode base64 content
basicHeaderGatherer Functions for processing the response header of a libcurl request
basicTextGatherer Cumulate text across callbacks (from an HTTP response)
binaryBuffer Create internal C-level data structure for collecting binary data
chunkToLineReader Utility that collects data from the HTTP reply into lines and calls user-provided function.
clone Clone/duplicate an object
coerce,numeric,NetrcEnum-method Internal functions
complete Complete an asynchronous HTTP request
curlError Raise a warning or error about a CURL problem
curlEscape Handle characters in URL that need to be escaped
curlGlobalInit Start and stop the Curl library
curlOptions Constructor and accessors for CURLOptions objects
curlPerform Perform the HTTP query
curlSetOpt Set values for the CURL options
curlVersion Information describing the Curl library
dynCurlReader Dynamically determine content-type of body from HTTP header and set body reader
fileUpload Specify information about a file to upload in an HTTP request
findHTTPHeaderEncoding Find the encoding of the HTTP response from the HTTP header
ftpUpload Upload content via FTP
getBinaryURL Download binary content
getBitIndicators Operate on bit fields
getCurlErrorClassNames Retrieve names of all curl error classes
getCurlHandle Create libcurl handles
getCurlInfo Access information about a CURL request
getFormParams Extract parameters from a form query string
getURIAsynchronous Download multiple URIs concurrently, with inter-leaved downloads
getURL Download a URI
guessMIMEType Infer the MIME type from a file name
httpPUT Simple high-level functions for HTTP PUT and DELETE
merge.list Method for merging two lists by name
mimeTypeExtensions Mapping from extension to MIME type
postForm Submit an HTML form
reset Generic function for resetting an object
scp Retrieve contents of a file from a remote host via SCP (Secure Copy)
url.exists Check if URL exists



  • url
  • ...
  • .opts
  • write
  • curl
  • async
  • .encoding
  • .mapUnicode
  • binary
  • header
  • isHTTP
> getURL("http://www.nytimes.com",
+        header = TRUE, 
+        verbose = TRUE,
+        cookiefile = "/home/duncan/Rcookies",
+        netrc = TRUE,
+        maxredirs = as.integer(20),
+        netrc.file = "/home2/duncan/.netrc1",
+        followlocation = TRUE)



>  httpGET("")



> url.exists("http://www.omegahat.net/RCurl")
[1] TRUE
> url.exists("http://www.omegahat.net/RCurl-xxx")