listviewer: htmlwidget for interactive views of R lists


> library(listviewer)
> library(pipeR)

バージョン: 0.1

関数名 概略
jsonedit View 'lists' with jsoneditor
jsoneditOutput Widget output function for use in Shiny
renderJsonedit Widget render function for use in Shiny



> Pipe(list(
+   array   = c(1,2,3),
+   boolean = TRUE,
+   null    = NULL,
+   number  = 123,
+   object  = list( a = "b", c = "d"),
+   string  = "Hello World"))$
+   .(~ str(.))$
+   jsonedit()
List of 6
 $ array  : num [1:3] 1 2 3
 $ boolean: logi TRUE
 $ null   : NULL
 $ number : num 123
 $ object :List of 2
  ..$ a: chr "b"
  ..$ c: chr "d"
 $ string : chr "Hello World"
<Pipe: jsonedit htmlwidget>
> jsonedit(iris)