Zelig: Everyone's Statistical Software

> library(Zelig)
Loading required package: boot
Loading required package: sandwich
ZELIG (Versions 4.2-1, built: 2013-09-12)

|  Please refer to http://gking.harvard.edu/zelig for full       |
|  documentation or help.zelig() for help with commands and      |
|  models support by Zelig.                                      |
|                                                                |
|  Zelig project citations:                                      |
|    Kosuke Imai, Gary King, and Olivia Lau.  (2009).            |
|    ``Zelig: Everyone's Statistical Software,''                 |
|    http://gking.harvard.edu/zelig                              |
|   and                                                          |
|    Kosuke Imai, Gary King, and Olivia Lau. (2008).             |
|    ``Toward A Common Framework for Statistical Analysis        |
|    and Development,'' Journal of Computational and             |
|    Graphical Statistics, Vol. 17, No. 4 (December)             |
|    pp. 892-913.                                                |
|                                                                |
|   To cite individual Zelig models, please use the citation     |
|   format printed with each model run and in the documentation. |

Attaching package: 'Zelig'

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':


The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':


バージョン: 4.2.1

関数名 概略
GetObject Extract the fitted model object from the Zelig object
GetSlot Generic method for extracting variables from both S3 and S4 fitted model object
GetSlot.zelig Return a Value from a 'zelig' Fitted Model
MCMChook Hook to Clean-up MCMC Objects
MatchIt.url Table of links for Zelig
Max Compute the Maximum Value of a Vector
McmcHookFactor Hook to Clean-up MCMC Factor Object
Median Compute the Statistical Median of a Vector
Min Compute the Minumum Value of a Vector
Mode Compute the Statistical Mode of a Vector
PErisk Political Economic Risk Data from 62 Countries in 1987
SupremeCourt U.S. Supreme Court Vote Matrix
TexCite Get a TeX-style Citation
Weimar 1932 Weimar election data
Zelig-package Zelig Everyone's Statistical Software
Zelig.url Table of links for Zelig
ZeligDescribeModel Produce a 'description' Object from the Name of a Model
ZeligListModels Get a Character-Vector of All Models with a 'zelig2' Function
ZeligListTitles List the Titles of the Zelig Statistical Models
alpha Extract ancillary parameters from 'parameters' objects
approval U.S. Presidential Approval Data
as.bootlist Convert of Vector of Bootstrapped Parameters to a List-style Boot Object
as.bootvector Convert Boot Object to a Vector
as.data.frame.setx Coerce a 'setx' Object into a 'data.frame'
as.description Generic Method for Casting 'description' Objects
as.description.description description -> description
as.description.list list -> description
as.matrix.pooled.setx Convert a "pooled.setx" Object to a Matrix
as.matrix.setx Convert a 'setx' Object to a Matrix
as.parameters Generic Method for Converting Objects into 'parameters'
as.parameters.default ??? -> parameters
as.parameters.list list -> parameters
as.parameters.parameters parameters -> parameters This is merely an identity function when casting 'parameters' objects into 'parameters'.
as.qi Generic Method for Converting Various Objects into 'qi' Objects 'qi' objects are list-style objects used by the 'summarize' function to compute simple summaries about the simulated data. For readability and and simplicity
`purposes, the 'qi' function typically returns a list of named simulations. This list is
`converted internally by Zelig into a 'qi' object so that several methods can be easily applied to the Quantities of Interest: plot, summarize, and print
as.qi.default ??? -> qi
as.qi.list list -> qi This function has a lot of room to go wrong. It tries o detect whether the zelig model is old-style or new-style (as of 4/4/2011). Eventually this feature should be phased out.
as.qi.qi qi -> qi
as.summarized Generic Method for Casting Objectst as 'summarized' Objects
as.summarized.list list -> summarized.qi Convert a list into a "summarized.qi" object
as.summarized.summarized.qi summarized.qi -> summarized.qi
attach.env Attach Variables to a Function
bivariate Sample data for bivariate probit regression
bootfn.default Default Boot-strapping procedure
bootstrap Generic Method for "bootstrap"
bootstrap.default Produce Boot-strapped Parameters for a Statistical Model
bootstrap.gamma Bootstrap Parameters for Zelig "gamma" GLM
bootstrap.negbinom Bootstrap Parameters for Zelig "negbinom" GLM
bootstrap.normal Bootstrap Parameters for Zelig "normal" GLM
callToString Convert 'call' Object to a String
cite Citation information for a 'description' object
cluster.formula Generate Formulae that Consider Clustering
cmvglm cmvglm
coalition Coalition Dissolution in Parliamentary Democracies
coalition2 Coalition Dissolution in Parliamentary Democracies, Modified Version
coef.parameters Return Simulations of Parameter Coefficients
combine Produce All Combinations of a Set of Lists
constructDataFrame Construct Data Frame Construct and return a tiny (single-row) data-frame from a larger data-frame, a list of specified values, and a formula
constructDesignMatrix Construct Design Matrix from Construct and return a design matrix based on a tiny
`data-frame (single-row).
depends.on.zelig Whether a Statistical Package Depends on the Zelig Software Suite
describe Method to describe a model to Zelig
describe.default Default describe function for an arbitrary model This method exists solely as a backup when an author does not contribute a 'describe' function for their model
describe.exp Describe a "exp" model to Zelig
describe.gamma Describe the 'gamma' model to Zelig
describe.logit Describe a 'logit' model to Zelig
describe.ls Describe a 'ls' model to Zelig
describe.negbinom Describe the 'negbinom' model to Zelig
describe.normal Describe the 'normal' model to Zelig
describe.poisson Describe the 'poisson' model to Zelig
describe.probit Describe the 'probit' model to Zelig
describe.tobit Describe a "tobit" model to Zelig
describe.zelig Get Description Object Used to Cite this Zelig Model description Constructor for the 'description' class
eidat Simulation Data for Ecological Inference
find.match Find a Partial or Exact Match from a Vector of Strings Searches a vector of character-string, and returns the best match.
free1 Freedom of Speech Data
free2 Freedom of Speech Data
friendship Simulated Example of Schoolchildren Friendship Network
get.package Find the Zelig package that a particular model belong to
getPredictorTerms Get Predictor Terms from Zelig-style Formulae
getResponseTerms Get Response Terms from a Zelig-style Formula
getResponseTerms.Formula Get Response Terms from a "Formula" Object
getResponseTerms.formula Get Response Terms from a Standard Formula
getResponseTerms.list Get Response Terms from a List-style Formula
grunfeld Simulation Data for model Seemingly Unrelated Regression (sur) that corresponds to method SUR of systemfit
has.zelig2 Whether an Arbitrary R-package has a Zelig2 Function within Its Namespace
help.zelig Help system for Zelig models
hoff Social Security Expenditure Data
homerun Sample Data on Home Runs Hit By Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa in 1998.
ignore Constructor for the 'ignore' class This class is included for future use, and is currently not used in any Zelig model. It is designed for use with zelig2* functions
immigration Individual Preferences Over Immigration Policy
is.formula Whether an Object is a Formula
is.qi Test If Value is Interpretable as a QI
is.valid.qi.list Check If Object Is a List of Valid Quantities of Interest
is.zelig.compliant Whether a R-Package Contains a 'Yes' in its DESCRIPTION File's 'Zelig' Field
is.zelig.package Wether an Installed R-Pack Depends on Zelig
klein Simulation Data for model Two-Stage Least Square (twosls) that corresponds to method 2SLS of systemfit
kmenta Simulation Data for model Three-Stage Least Square (threesls) that corresponds to method 3SLS of systemfit
link Method for extracting the link function from 'parameters' objects
linkinv Method for extracting the inverse link function from 'parameters' objects
list.depth Count the Depth of a List Object
list.zelig.dependent.packages Get a List of Packages Installed on the Current Machine that Depend on Zelig
list.zelig.models List Zelig Models Installed on the Current Machine
loadDependencies Load External Dependencies Safely and Dynamically
macro Macroeconomic Data
make.parameters ??? For use with cmvglm
makeModelMatrix Make a Model Matrix from a Zelig-Style Formula
makeZeligObject Make an Individual Zelig Object
mexico Voting Data from the 1988 Mexican Presidental Election
mi Bundle Data-sets for Multiple Imputation
mid Militarized Interstate Disputes
mix Produce All Combinations of a Set of Lists
model.frame.multiple Create Model Frame from 'multiple' Object
model.matrix.multiple Create Design Matrix of a 'multiple' Object
model.matrix.parseFormula Construct Design Matrix from a Parsed, Zelig-style Formula
multilevel Multilevel
name.object Name Elements of an Object
names.qi The Names of a 'qi' Object
newpainters The Discretized Painter's Data of de Piles
param Generic Method for Simulating Ancillary/Auxillary Parameters of Zelig Models
param.default Default Method for "param"
param.exp Param Method for the 'exp' Zelig Model
param.gamma param method for the 'gamma' Zelig model
param.logit Param Method for the 'logit' Zelig Model
param.ls Param Method for the 'ls' Zelig Model
param.negbinom Param Method for the 'negbinom' Zelig Model
param.normal Param Method for the 'normal' Zelig Model
param.poisson Param Method for the 'poisson' Zelig Model
param.probit Param Method for the 'probit' Zelig Model
param.relogit Estimate Parameters for the "relogit" Zelig Mdoel
param.relogit2 Estimate Parameters for the "relogit" Zelig Mdoel
param.tobit Param Method for the 'tobit' Zelig Model
parameters Constructor for 'parameters' class
parse.formula Parse Formulas for Zelig Models
parseFormula Parse Zelig-style Formulae
parseFormula.Formula Parse "Formula"-style Zelig Formulae
parseFormula.list Parse List-Style Zelig Formulae
plot.MI.sim Plot graphs of simulated multiply-imputed data
plot.ci Method for plotting pooled simulations by confidence intervals
plot.pooled.sim Method for plotting pooled simulations by confidence intervals
plot.sim Method for plotting simulations
plot.simulations Plot Any Simulation from the Zelig Core Package
print.qi Print a Quantity of Interest in Human-Readable Form
print.qi.summarized Print Method for Summarized Quantities of Interest
print.setx Print values of 'setx' objects
print.setx.mi Print a Bundle of Data-sets
print.sim Print values of 'sim' objects
print.summary.MCMCZelig Print a Summary MCMCZelig Object
print.summary.pooled.sim Print a Summary of a Set of Pooled Simulated Interests
print.summary.relogit Print Summary of a Rare-event Logistic Model
print.summary.relogit2 Print Summary of a Rare-event Logistic Model
print.summary.sim Print Values of a Summarized "sim" Object
print.summarySim.MI Print Multiply Imputed Simulations Summary
print.zelig Print values of "zelig" objects
qi Generic Method for Computing Quantities of Interest
qi.exp Compute quantities of interest for 'exp' Zelig models
qi.summarize Constructor for QI Summarized Class This class takes an arbitrary number of the same type of quantities of interest labels them, then merges them into one simple printable block. In particular, this class determines which print function to use based on the the type and size od data to be passed to the print function.
reduceMI Reduce MI Formulas Take a formula in any of the reduced form or in a structural form and return the most reduced form of that formula
relogit Fit a rare-event logistic model in Zelig
repl Generic Method for Replicating Data
repl.default Default Method for Replicating Statistics
repl.sim Method for Replicating Simulated Quantities of Interest
replace.call Hook to Update the Zelig Call with the Appropriate Call Object
robust.gee.hook Classify Fitted Object as Naive or Robust
robust.glm.hook Hook for "glm" Models in Zelig
rocplot Receiver Operator Characteristic Plots
sanction Multilateral Economic Sanctions
setx Setting Explanatory Variable Values
setx.MI Set Explanatory Variables for Multiply Imputed Data-sets This function simply calls
setx.default once for every fitted model within the 'zelig.MI' object
setx.default Set explanatory variables
sim Generic Method for Computing and Organizing Simulated Quantities of Interest Simulate quantities of interest from the estimated model output from 'zelig()' given specified values of explanatory variables established in 'setx()'. For classical maximum likelihood models, 'sim()' uses asymptotic normal approximation to the log-likelihood. For Bayesian models, Zelig simulates quantities of interest from the posterior density, whenever possible. For robust Bayesian models, simulations are drawn from the identified class of Bayesian posteriors. Alternatively, you may generate quantities of interest using bootstrapped parameters.
sim.MI Simulate Multiply Imputed Data
sim.default Method for Simulating Quantities of Interest wrom 'zelig' Objects
simulation.matrix Get Simulations as a Matrix
simulations.parameters Return Simulations of Parameter Coefficients
simulations.plot Plot Quantities of Interest in a Zelig-fashion
sna.ex Simulated Example of Social Network Data special_print_LIST Method for Printing Summarized QI's in a List Form
special_print_MATRIX Method for Printing Summarized QI's in a Matrix Form
splitUp Split a List into Two Lists This functions takes any list, and splits into two lists - one containing the values of arguments with specifically specified values and those without specified values.
store.object Store Object in Environment with a Fake Name
structuralToReduced Transform the Multilevel's Structural Formulas Into Reduced Form
summarize Generic methonf for summarizing simualted quantities of interest
summarize.default Summarize Simualted Quantities of Interest
summary.MI Summarry of Multiply Imputed Statistical Models
summary.MI.sim Method for summarizing simulations of multiply imputed quantities of interest
summary.Relogit Summary for "Relogit" Fitted Model
summary.Relogit2 Summary for "Relogit2" Fitted Model
summary.glm.robust Summary of Generalized Linear Model with Robust Error Estimates
summary.pooled.sim Return a Summary of a Set of Pooled Simulated Interests
summary.sim Method for summarizing simulations of quantities of interest
summary.zelig Zelig Object Summaries
swiss Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators (1888) Data
t.setx Matrix Transpose of a "setx" Object
table.levels Create a table, but ensure that the correct columns exist. In particular, this allows for entires with zero as a value, which is not the default for standard tables
terms.multiple Extract Terms from a 'multiple' Object
terms.vglm Model Terms for 'vglm' Models
terms.zelig Model Terms for a Zelig Object
termsFromFormula Extract Terms from Zelig-style Formulae
toBuildFormula Build Formula ???
tobin Tobin's Tobit Data
tolmerFormat Convert a Formula into 'lmer' Representation from Reduced Form Take a formula in its reducd from and return it as a 'lmer' representation (from the lme4 package). This is basically removing the starting 'tag' from each term.
turnout Turnout Data Set from the National Election Survey
ucfirst Uppercase First Letter of a String
user.prompt Prompt User
voteincome Sample Turnout and Demographic Data from the 2000 Current Population Survey
z Return value for a zelig2-function
zelig Estimating a Statistical Model
zelig.call Create Function Call
zelig.skeleton Creates a Skeleton for a New Zelig package
zelig2 Interface Between Zelig Models and External Functions
zelig2exp Zelig to Basic GLM Fitting Functions
zelig2factor.bayes Zelig Bridge Functions to Bayesian Models
zelig2gamma.gee Bridge between Zelig and the GEE Model Fitting Functions
zelig2gamma.survey Interface between 'Zelig' and 'svyglm'
zeligBuildWeights Developer Utility Function for Dealing with Observation Weighting