plotly: Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'

> library(plotly)

Attaching package: 'plotly'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':

The following object is masked from 'package:git2r':

The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':


バージョン: 4.5.6

関数名 概略
add_trace Add a trace to a plotly visualization
as.widget Convert a plotly object to an htmlwidget object
bbox Estimate bounding box of a rotated string
config Set the default configuration for plotly
embed_notebook Embed a plotly figure as an iframe into a IPython Notebook
event_data Access plotly user input event data in shiny
geom2trace Convert a "basic" geoms to a plotly.js trace.
get_figure Request a figure object
get_plot Obtain underlying data of plotly object
gg2list Convert a ggplot to a list.
ggplotly Create plotly graphs using ggplot2 syntax
hobbs Hobbs data
knit_print.figure Embed a plotly figure as an iframe in a knitr doc
knit_print.plotly_built Print a 'built' plotly object in a knitr doc
knit_print.plotly_hash Print a plotly object in a knitr doc
last_plot Retrive and create the last plotly (or ggplot).
layout Add and/or modify layout of a plotly
mic Mic data
offline Plotly Offline
plot_ly Initiate a plotly visualization
plotly Main interface to plotly
plotly-shiny Shiny bindings for plotly
plotly_IMAGE Create/Modify plotly images
plotly_POST Create/Modify plotly graphs
plotly_build Create a 'plotly_built' object
plotly_empty Create a complete empty plotly graph.
print.figure Print a plotly figure object
print.plotly_built Print a 'built' plotly object
print.plotly_hash Print a plotly object
signup Create a new plotly account.
style Modify trace(s)
subplot View multiple plots in a single view
toRGB Convert R colours to RGBA hexadecimal colour values
to_basic Convert a geom to a "basic" geom.
wind Wind data