shiny: Web Application Framework for R
- GitHub:
> library(shiny)
Attaching package: 'shiny'
The following object is masked from 'package:git2r':
バージョン: 1.0.0
関数名 | 概略 |
Mark Characters as HTML |
NS |
Namespaced IDs for inputs/outputs |
Progress |
Reporting progress (object-oriented API) |
absolutePanel |
Panel with absolute positioning |
actionButton |
Action button/link |
addResourcePath |
Resource Publishing |
bootstrapLib |
Bootstrap libraries |
bootstrapPage |
Create a Bootstrap page |
brushOpts |
Create an object representing brushing options |
brushedPoints |
Find rows of data that are selected by a brush |
builder |
HTML Builder Functions |
callModule |
Invoke a Shiny module |
checkboxGroupInput |
Checkbox Group Input Control |
checkboxInput |
Checkbox Input Control |
clickOpts |
Create an object representing click options |
column |
Create a column within a UI definition |
conditionalPanel |
Conditional Panel |
createWebDependency |
Create a web dependency |
dateInput |
Create date input |
dateRangeInput |
Create date range input |
dblclickOpts |
Create an object representing double-click options |
domains |
Reactive domains |
downloadButton |
Create a download button or link |
downloadHandler |
File Downloads |
exprToFunction |
Convert an expression to a function |
fileInput |
File Upload Control |
fillPage |
Create a page that fills the window |
fillRow |
Flex Box-based row/column layouts |
fixedPage |
Create a page with a fixed layout |
flowLayout |
Flow layout |
fluidPage |
Create a page with fluid layout |
headerPanel |
Create a header panel |
helpText |
Create a help text element |
hoverOpts |
Create an object representing hover options |
htmlOutput |
Create an HTML output element |
htmlTemplate |
Process an HTML template |
icon |
Create an icon |
include |
Include Content From a File |
inputPanel |
Input panel |
installExprFunction |
Install an expression as a function |
invalidateLater |
Scheduled Invalidation |
is.reactivevalues |
Checks whether an object is a reactivevalues object |
isolate |
Create a non-reactive scope for an expression |
knit_print.html |
Knitr S3 methods |
knitr_methods |
Knitr S3 methods |
mainPanel |
Create a main panel |
makeReactiveBinding |
Make a reactive variable |
markRenderFunction |
Mark a function as a render function |
maskReactiveContext |
Evaluate an expression without a reactive context |
navbarPage |
Create a page with a top level navigation bar |
navlistPanel |
Create a navigation list panel |
nearPoints |
Find rows of data that are near a click/hover/double-click |
numericInput |
Create a numeric input control |
observe |
Create a reactive observer |
observeEvent |
Event handler |
outputOptions |
Set options for an output object. |
pageWithSidebar |
Create a page with a sidebar |
parseQueryString |
Parse a GET query string from a URL |
passwordInput |
Create a password input control |
plotOutput |
Create an plot or image output element |
plotPNG |
Run a plotting function and save the output as a PNG |
radioButtons |
Create radio buttons |
reactive |
Create a reactive expression |
reactiveFileReader |
Reactive file reader |
reactivePlot |
Plot output (deprecated) |
reactivePoll |
Reactive polling |
reactivePrint |
Print output (deprecated) |
reactiveTable |
Table output (deprecated) |
reactiveText |
Text output (deprecated) |
reactiveTimer |
Timer |
reactiveUI |
UI output (deprecated) |
reactiveValues |
Create an object for storing reactive values |
reactiveValuesToList |
Convert a reactivevalues object to a list |
registerInputHandler |
Register an Input Handler |
removeInputHandler |
Deregister an Input Handler |
renderDataTable |
Table output with the JavaScript library DataTables |
renderImage |
Image file output |
renderPlot |
Plot Output |
renderPrint |
Printable Output |
renderTable |
Table Output |
renderText |
Text Output |
renderUI |
UI Output |
repeatable |
Make a random number generator repeatable |
req |
Check for required values |
runApp |
Run Shiny Application |
runExample |
Run Shiny Example Applications |
runGadget |
Run a gadget |
runUrl |
Run a Shiny application from a URL |
selectInput |
Create a select list input control |
serverInfo |
Collect information about the Shiny Server environment |
session |
Session object |
shiny-options |
Global options for Shiny |
shiny-package |
Web Application Framework for R |
shinyApp |
Create a Shiny app object |
shinyServer |
Define Server Functionality |
shinyUI |
Create a Shiny UI handler |
showReactLog |
Reactive Log Visualizer |
sidebarLayout |
Layout a sidebar and main area |
sidebarPanel |
Create a sidebar panel |
singleton |
Include content only once |
sliderInput |
Slider Input Widget |
splitLayout |
Split layout |
stopApp |
Stop the currently running Shiny app |
submitButton |
Create a submit button |
suppressDependencies |
Suppress web dependencies |
tabPanel |
Create a tab panel |
tableOutput |
Create a table output element |
tabsetPanel |
Create a tabset panel |
tag |
HTML Tag Object |
textInput |
Create a text input control |
textOutput |
Create a text output element |
titlePanel |
Create a panel containing an application title. |
updateCheckboxGroupInput |
Change the value of a checkbox group input on the client |
updateCheckboxInput |
Change the value of a checkbox input on the client |
updateDateInput |
Change the value of a date input on the client |
updateDateRangeInput |
Change the start and end values of a date range input on the client |
updateNumericInput |
Change the value of a number input on the client |
updateRadioButtons |
Change the value of a radio input on the client |
updateSelectInput |
Change the value of a select input on the client |
updateSliderInput |
Change the value of a slider input on the client |
updateTabsetPanel |
Change the selected tab on the client |
updateTextInput |
Change the value of a text input on the client |
validate |
Validate input values and other conditions |
validateCssUnit |
Validate proper CSS formatting of a unit |
verbatimTextOutput |
Create a verbatim text output element |
verticalLayout |
Lay out UI elements vertically |
viewer |
Viewer options |
wellPanel |
Create a well panel |
withMathJax |
Load the MathJax library and typeset math expressions |
withProgress |
Reporting progress (functional API) |
withTags |
Evaluate an expression using 'tags' |
表形式データの出力 ref) renderTable()
- expr
- options
- searchDelay
- callback
- escape
- env
- quoted
表形式データの出力 ref) renderDatatable()
- appDir
- port
- launch.browser
- host
- workerId
- quiet
- display.mode
> runApp()
selectInput / selectizeInput
tag / tagList / tagAppendAttributes / tagAppendChild / tagAppendChildren / tagSetChildren
> tagList(tags$h1("Title"),
+ tags$h2("Header text"),
+ tags$p("Text here"))
Header text
Text here
> list(tags$h1("Title"),
+ tags$h2("Header text"),
+ tags$p("Text here")) %>%
+ tagList()
Header text
Text here
validate / need
> validate(
+ need(input$in1, 'Check at least one letter!'),
+ need(input$in2 != '', 'Please choose a state.')
+ )
viewer / paneViewer / dialogViewer / browserViewer
- minHeight
- dialogName
- width, height
- browser...
> paneViewer(minHeight = NULL)
> dialogViewer(dialogName, width = 600, height = 600)
> browserViewer(browser = getOption("browser"))