igraph: Network Analysis and Visualization
- CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/igraph/index.html
- GitHub: https://github.com/igraph/igraph
> library(igraph)
Attaching package: 'igraph'
The following object is masked from 'package:arules':
The following object is masked from 'package:vegdata':
The following objects are masked from 'package:sna':
%c%, betweenness, bonpow, closeness, components, degree,
dyad.census, evcent, hierarchy, is.connected, neighborhood,
The following object is masked from 'package:BioFTF':
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
decompose, spectrum
The following object is masked from 'package:git2r':
The following object is masked from 'package:magrittr':
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
バージョン: 1.0.1
関数名 | 概略 |
%>% |
Magrittr's pipes |
+.igraph |
Add vertices, edges or another graph to a graph |
E |
Edges of a graph |
V |
Vertices of a graph |
[.igraph |
Query and manipulate a graph as it were an adjacency matrix |
[[.igraph |
Query and manipulate a graph as it were an adjacency list |
add_edges |
Add edges to a graph |
add_layout_ |
Add layout to graph |
add_vertices |
Add vertices to a graph |
adjacent_vertices |
Adjacent vertices of multiple vertices in a graph |
all_simple_paths |
List all simple paths from one source |
alpha_centrality |
Find Bonacich alpha centrality scores of network positions |
are_adjacent |
Are two vertices adjacent? |
arpack_defaults |
ARPACK eigenvector calculation |
articulation_points |
Articulation points of a graph |
as.directed |
Convert between directed and undirected graphs |
as.igraph |
Conversion to igraph |
as_adj_list |
Adjacency lists |
as_adjacency_matrix |
Convert a graph to an adjacency matrix |
as_data_frame |
Creating igraph graphs from data frames or vice-versa |
as_edgelist |
Convert a graph to an edge list |
as_graphnel |
Convert igraph graphs to graphNEL objects from the graph package |
as_ids |
Convert a vertex or edge sequence to an ordinary vector |
as_incidence_matrix |
Incidence matrix of a bipartite graph |
as_long_data_frame |
Convert a graph to a long data frame |
as_membership |
Declare a numeric vector as a membership vector |
assortativity |
Assortativity coefficient |
authority_score |
Kleinberg's authority centrality scores. |
automorphisms |
Number of automorphisms |
bfs |
Breadth-first search |
biconnected_components |
Biconnected components |
bipartite_mapping |
Decide whether a graph is bipartite |
bipartite_projection |
Project a bipartite graph |
c.igraph.es |
Concatenate edge sequences |
c.igraph.vs |
Concatenate vertex sequences |
canonical_permutation |
Canonical permutation of a graph |
categorical_pal |
Palette for categories |
centr_betw |
Centralize a graph according to the betweenness of vertices |
centr_betw_tmax |
Theoretical maximum for betweenness centralization |
centr_clo |
Centralize a graph according to the closeness of vertices |
centr_clo_tmax |
Theoretical maximum for closeness centralization |
centr_degree |
Centralize a graph according to the degrees of vertices |
centr_degree_tmax |
Theoretical maximum for degree centralization |
centr_eigen |
Centralize a graph according to the eigenvector centrality of vertices |
centr_eigen_tmax |
Theoretical maximum for betweenness centralization |
centralize |
Centralization of a graph |
cliques |
The functions find cliques, ie. complete subgraphs in a graph |
closeness |
Closeness centrality of vertices |
cluster_edge_betweenness |
Community structure detection based on edge betweenness |
cluster_fast_greedy |
Community structure via greedy optimization of modularity |
cluster_infomap |
Infomap community finding |
cluster_label_prop |
Finding communities based on propagating labels |
cluster_leading_eigen |
Community structure detecting based on the leading eigenvector of the community matrix |
cluster_louvain |
Finding community structure by multi-level optimization of modularity |
cluster_optimal |
Optimal community structure |
cluster_spinglass |
Finding communities in graphs based on statistical meachanics |
cluster_walktrap |
Community strucure via short random walks |
cocitation |
Cocitation coupling |
cohesive_blocks |
Calculate Cohesive Blocks |
compare |
Compares community structures using various metrics |
complementer |
Complementer of a graph |
component_distribution |
Connected components of a graph |
component_wise |
Component-wise layout |
compose |
Compose two graphs as binary relations |
consensus_tree |
Create a consensus tree from several hierarchical random graph models |
console |
The igraph console |
constraint |
Burt's constraint |
contract |
Contract several vertices into a single one |
convex_hull |
Convex hull of a set of vertices |
coreness |
K-core decomposition of graphs |
count_isomorphisms |
Count the number of isomorphic mappings between two graphs |
count_motifs |
Graph motifs |
count_subgraph_isomorphisms |
Count the isomorphic mappings between a graph and the subgraphs of another graph |
count_triangles |
Find triangles in graphs |
curve_multiple |
Optimal edge curvature when plotting graphs |
decompose |
Decompose a graph into components |
degree |
Degree and degree distribution of the vertices |
delete_edge_attr |
Delete an edge attribute |
delete_edges |
Delete edges from a graph |
delete_graph_attr |
Delete a graph attribute |
delete_vertex_attr |
Delete a vertex attribute |
delete_vertices |
Delete vertices from a graph |
dfs |
Depth-first search |
diameter |
Diameter of a graph |
difference |
Difference of two sets |
difference.igraph |
Difference of graphs |
difference.igraph.es |
Difference of edge sequences |
difference.igraph.vs |
Difference of vertex sequences |
dim_select |
Dimensionality selection for singular values using profile likelihood. |
disjoint_union |
Disjoint union of graphs |
distance_table |
Shortest (directed or undirected) paths between vertices |
diverging_pal |
Diverging palette |
diversity |
Graph diversity |
dominator_tree |
Dominator tree |
dyad_census |
Dyad census of a graph |
each_edge |
Rewires the endpoints of the edges of a graph to a random vertex |
eccentricity |
Eccentricity of the vertices in a graph |
edge |
Helper function for adding and deleting edges |
edge_attr |
Query edge attributes of a graph |
edge_attr<- |
Set one or more edge attributes |
edge_attr_names |
List names of edge attributes |
edge_connectivity |
Edge connectivity. |
edge_density |
Graph density |
ego |
Neighborhood of graph vertices |
eigen_centrality |
Find Eigenvector Centrality Scores of Network Positions |
embed_adjacency_matrix |
Spectral Embedding of Adjacency Matrices |
embed_laplacian_matrix |
Spectral Embedding of the Laplacian of a Graph |
ends |
Incident vertices of some graph edges |
erdos.renyi.game |
Generate random graphs according to the Erdos-Renyi model |
estimate_betweenness |
Vertex and edge betweenness centrality |
fit_hrg |
Fit a hierarchical random graph model |
fit_power_law |
Fitting a power-law distribution function to discrete data |
gclust.app |
Graph Clustering Using NMF (and no SVT) - Apparent Clusters |
gclust.rsvt |
Graph Clustering Using SVT and NMF - Clusters Implied by Singular Value Thresholding |
get.edge.ids |
Find the edge ids based on the incident vertices of the edges |
getAICc |
Compute AIC based on a Poisson Approximation using the output from 'gclust' |
`girth | Girth of a graph |
gorder |
Order (number of vertices) of a graph |
graph_ |
Convert object to a graph |
graph_attr |
Graph attributes of a graph |
graph_attr<- |
Set all or some graph attributes |
graph_attr_names |
List names of graph attributes |
graph_from_adj_list |
Create graphs from adjacency lists |
graph_from_adjacency_matrix |
Create graphs from adjacency matrices |
graph_from_atlas |
Create a graph from the Graph Atlas |
graph_from_edgelist |
Create a graph from an edge list matrix |
graph_from_graphdb |
Load a graph from the graph database for testing graph isomorphism. |
graph_from_graphnel |
Convert graphNEL objects from the graph package to igraph |
graph_from_incidence_matrix |
Create graphs from an incidence matrix |
graph_from_isomorphism_class |
Create a graph from an isomorphism class |
graph_from_lcf |
Creating a graph from LCF notation |
graph_from_literal |
Creating (small) graphs via a simple interface |
graph_version |
Igraph data structure versions |
graphlet_basis |
Graphlet decomposition of a graph |
groups |
Groups of a vertex partitioning |
gsize |
The size of the graph (number of edges) |
head_of |
Head of the edge(s) in a graph |
hrg |
Create a hierarchical random graph from an igraph graph |
hrg-methods |
Hierarchical random graphs |
hrg_tree |
Create an igraph graph from a hierarchical random graph model |
hub_score |
Kleinberg's hub centrality scores. |
identical_graphs |
Decide if two graphs are identical |
igraph-attribute-combination |
How igraph functions handle attributes when the graph changes |
igraph-dollar |
Getting and setting graph attributes, shortcut |
igraph-es-attributes |
Query or set attributes of the edges in an edge sequence |
igraph-es-indexing |
Indexing edge sequences |
igraph-es-indexing2 |
Select edges and show their metadata |
igraph-minus |
Delete vertices or edges from a graph |
igraph-package |
The igraph package |
igraph-vs-attributes |
Query or set attributes of the vertices in a vertex sequence |
igraph-vs-indexing |
Indexing vertex sequences |
igraph-vs-indexing2 |
Select vertices and show their metadata |
igraph.plotting |
Drawing graphs |
igraph_demo |
Run igraph demos, step by step |
igraph_options |
Parameters for the igraph package |
igraph_test |
Run package tests |
igraph_version |
Query igraph's version string |
incident |
Incident edges of a vertex in a graph |
incident_edges |
Incident edges of multiple vertices in a graph |
intersection |
Intersection of two or more sets |
intersection.igraph |
Intersection of graphs |
intersection.igraph.es |
Intersection of edge sequences |
intersection.igraph.vs |
Intersection of vertex sequences |
is_bipartite |
Create a bipartite graph |
is_chordal |
Chordality of a graph |
is_dag |
Directed acyclic graphs |
is_degseq |
Check if a degree sequence is valid for a multi-graph |
is_directed |
Check whether a graph is directed |
is_graphical |
Is a degree sequence graphical? |
is_igraph |
Is this object an igraph graph? |
is_matching |
Graph matching |
is_min_separator |
Minumal vertex separators |
is_named |
Named graphs |
is_separator |
Vertex separators |
is_weighted |
Weighted graphs |
isomorphic |
Decide if two graphs are isomorphic |
isomorphism_class |
Isomorphism class of a graph |
isomorphisms |
Calculate all isomorphic mappings between the vertices of two graphs |
ivs |
Independent vertex sets |
keeping_degseq |
Graph rewiring while preserving the degree distribution |
knn |
Average nearest neighbor degree |
laplacian_matrix |
Graph Laplacian |
layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid |
Grid Fruchterman-Reingold layout, this was removed from igraph |
layout.reingold.tilford |
Deprecated layout functions |
layout.spring |
Spring layout, this was removed from igraph |
layout.svd |
SVD layout, this was removed from igraph |
layout_ |
Graph layouts |
layout_as_bipartite |
Simple two-row layout for bipartite graphs |
layout_as_star |
Generate coordinates to place the vertices of a graph in a star-shape |
layout_as_tree |
The Reingold-Tilford graph layout algorithm |
layout_in_circle |
Graph layout with vertices on a circle. |
layout_nicely |
Choose an appropriate graph layout algorithm automatically |
layout_on_grid |
Simple grid layout |
layout_on_sphere |
Graph layout with vertices on the surface of a sphere |
layout_randomly |
Randomly place vertices on a plane or in 3d space |
layout_with_dh |
The Davidson-Harel layout algorithm |
layout_with_drl |
The DrL graph layout generator |
layout_with_fr |
The Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm |
layout_with_gem |
The GEM layout algorithm |
layout_with_graphopt |
The graphopt layout algorithm |
layout_with_kk |
The Kamada-Kawai layout algorithm |
layout_with_lgl |
Large Graph Layout |
layout_with_mds |
Graph layout by multidimensional scaling |
layout_with_sugiyama |
The Sugiyama graph layout generator |
local_scan |
Compute local scan statistics on graphs |
make_ |
Make a new graph |
make_chordal_ring |
Create an extended chordal ring graph |
make_clusters |
Creates a communities object. |
make_de_bruijn_graph |
De Bruijn graphs |
make_empty_graph |
A graph with no edges |
make_full_bipartite_graph |
Create a full bipartite graph |
make_full_citation_graph |
Create a complete (full) citation graph |
make_full_graph |
Create a full graph |
make_graph |
Create an igraph graph from a list of edges, or a notable graph |
make_kautz_graph |
Kautz graphs |
make_lattice |
Create a lattice graph |
make_line_graph |
Line graph of a graph |
make_ring |
Create a ring graph |
make_star |
Create a star graph, a tree with n vertices and n - 1 leaves |
make_tree |
Create tree graphs |
match_vertices |
Match Graphs given a seeding of vertex correspondences |
max_cardinality |
Maximum cardinality search |
max_flow |
Maximum flow in a graph |
membership |
Functions to deal with the result of network community detection |
merge_coords |
Merging graph layouts |
min_cut |
Minimum cut in a graph |
min_separators |
Minimum size vertex separators |
min_st_separators |
Minimum size vertex separators |
modularity.igraph |
Modularity of a community structure of a graph |
motifs |
Graph motifs |
mst |
Minimum spanning tree |
neighbors |
Neighboring (adjacent) vertices in a graph |
norm_coords |
Normalize coordinates for plotting graphs |
normalize |
Normalize layout |
page_rank |
The Page Rank algorithm |
path |
Helper function to add or delete edges along a path |
permute |
Permute the vertices of a graph |
plot.igraph |
Plotting of graphs |
plot.sir |
Plotting the results on multiple SIR model runs |
plot_dendrogram |
Community structure dendrogram plots |
plot_dendrogram.igraphHRG |
HRG dendrogram plot |
power_centrality |
Find Bonacich Power Centrality Scores of Network Positions |
predict_edges |
Predict edges based on a hierarchical random graph model |
print.igraph |
Print graphs to the terminal |
print.igraph.es |
Print an edge sequence to the screen |
print.igraph.vs |
Show a vertex sequence on the screen |
print.igraphHRG |
Print a hierarchical random graph model to the screen |
print.igraphHRGConsensus |
Print a hierarchical random graph consensus tree to the screen |
print.nexusDatasetInfo |
Query and download from the Nexus network repository |
r_pal |
The default R palette |
radius |
Radius of a graph |
random_walk |
Random walk on a graph |
read_graph |
Reading foreign file formats |
reciprocity |
Reciprocity of graphs |
rep.igraph |
Replicate a graph multiple times |
rev.igraph.es |
Reverse the order in an edge sequence |
rev.igraph.vs |
Reverse the order in a vertex sequence |
rewire |
Rewiring edges of a graph |
rglplot |
3D plotting of graphs with OpenGL |
running_mean |
Running mean of a time series |
sample_ |
Sample from a random graph model |
sample_bipartite |
Bipartite random graphs |
sample_correlated_gnp |
Generate a new random graph from a given graph by randomly adding/removing edges |
sample_correlated_gnp_pair |
Sample a pair of correlated G(n,p) random graphs |
sample_degseq |
Generate random graphs with a given degree sequence |
sample_dirichlet |
Sample from a Dirichlet distribution |
sample_dot_product |
Generate random graphs according to the random dot product graph model |
sample_fitness |
Random graphs from vertex fitness scores |
sample_fitness_pl |
Scale-free random graphs, from vertex fitness scores |
sample_forestfire |
Forest Fire Network Model |
sample_gnm |
Generate random graphs according to the G(n,m) Erdos-Renyi model |
sample_gnp |
Generate random graphs according to the G(n,p) Erdos-Renyi model |
sample_grg |
Geometric random graphs |
sample_growing |
Growing random graph generation |
sample_hierarchical_sbm |
Sample the hierarchical stochastic block model |
sample_hrg |
Sample from a hierarchical random graph model |
sample_islands |
A graph with subgraphs that are each a random graph. |
sample_k_regular |
Create a random regular graph |
sample_last_cit |
Random citation graphs |
sample_motifs |
Graph motifs |
sample_pa |
Generate scale-free graphs according to the Barabasi-Albert model |
sample_pa_age |
Generate an evolving random graph with preferential attachment and aging |
sample_pref |
Trait-based random generation |
sample_sbm |
Sample stochastic block model |
sample_seq |
Sampling a random integer sequence |
sample_smallworld |
The Watts-Strogatz small-world model |
sample_sphere_surface |
Sample vectors uniformly from the surface of a sphere |
sample_sphere_volume |
Sample vectors uniformly from the volume of a sphere |
sample_traits_callaway |
Graph generation based on different vertex types |
scan_stat |
Scan statistics on a time series of graphs |
scg All-in-one |
Function for the SCG of Matrices and Graphs |
scg-method |
Spectral Coarse Graining |
scg_eps |
Error of the spectral coarse graining (SCG) approximation |
scg_group |
SCG Problem Solver |
scg_semi_proj |
Semi-Projectors |
sequential_pal |
Sequential palette |
set_edge_attr |
Set edge attributes |
set_graph_attr |
Set a graph attribute |
set_vertex_attr |
Set vertex attributes |
shapes |
Various vertex shapes when plotting igraph graphs |
similarity |
Similarity measures of two vertices |
simplified |
Constructor modifier to drop multiple and loop edges |
simplify |
Simple graphs |
spectrum |
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix of a graph |
split_join_distance |
Split-join distance of two community structures |
srand |
Deprecated function, used to set random seed of the C library's RNG |
st_cuts |
List all (s,t)-cuts of a graph |
st_min_cuts |
List all minimum (s,t)-cuts of a graph |
stochastic_matrix |
Stochastic matrix of a graph |
strength |
Strength or weighted vertex degree |
subcomponent |
In- or out- component of a vertex subgraph Subgraph of a graph |
subgraph_centrality |
Find subgraph centrality scores of network positions |
subgraph_isomorphic |
Decide if a graph is subgraph isomorphic to another one |
subgraph_isomorphisms |
All isomorphic mappings between a graph and subgraphs of another graph |
tail_of |
Tails of the edge(s) in a graph |
time_bins.sir |
SIR model on graphs |
tkigraph |
Experimental basic igraph GUI |
tkplot |
Interactive plotting of graphs |
topo_sort |
Topological sorting of vertices in a graph |
transitivity |
Transitivity of a graph |
triad_census |
Triad census, subgraphs with three vertices |
unfold_tree |
Convert a general graph into a forest |
union |
Union of two or more sets |
union.igraph |
Union of graphs |
union.igraph.es |
Union of edge sequences |
union.igraph.vs |
Union of vertex sequences |
unique.igraph.es |
Remove duplicate edges from an edge sequence |
unique.igraph.vs |
Remove duplicate vertices from a vertex sequence |
upgrade_graph |
Igraph data structure versions |
`vertex Helper function for adding and deleting vertices | |
vertex.shape.pie |
Using pie charts as vertices in graph plots |
vertex_attr |
Query vertex attributes of a graph |
vertex_attr<- |
Set one or more vertex attributes |
vertex_attr_names |
List names of vertex attributes |
vertex_connectivity |
Vertex connectivity. |
which_multiple |
Find the multiple or loop edges in a graph |
which_mutual |
Find mutual edges in a directed graph |
with_edge_ |
Constructor modifier to add edge attributes |
with_graph_ |
Constructor modifier to add graph attributes |
with_vertex_ |
Constructor modifier to add vertex attributes |
without_attr |
Construtor modifier to remove all attributes from a graph |
without_loops |
Constructor modifier to drop loop edges |
without_multiples |
Constructor modifier to drop multiple edges |
write_graph |
Writing the graph to a file in some format |