ggvis: Interactive Grammar of Graphics


> library(ggvis)

Attaching package: 'ggvis'
The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':



> library(help = "ggvis")$info[[2]] %>% data.frame() %>% kable(format = "markdown")

|.                                                                       |
|%>%                     Pipe graphics                                   |
|add_axis                Add a vega axis specification to a ggvis plot   |
|add_data                Add dataset to a visualisation                  |
|add_guide_axis          Defunct function for adding an axis             |
|add_guide_legend        Defunct function for adding a legend            |
|add_legend              Add a vega legend specification to a ggvis plot |
|add_props               Add visual properties to a visualisation        |
|add_relative_scales     Add x_rel and y_rel scales                      |
|add_tooltip             Add tooltips to a plot.                         |
|auto_group              Automatically group data by grouping variables  |
|axis_props              Create an axis_props object for controlling     |
|axis properties.                                                        |
|band                    A band                                          |
|cocaine                 Cocaine seizures in the US.                     |
|compute_align           Align positions using length.                   |
|compute_bin             Bin data along a continuous variable            |
|compute_boxplot         Calculate boxplot values                        |
|compute_count           Count data at each location                     |
|compute_density         Compute density of data.                        |
|compute_model_prediction                                                |
|Create a model of a data set and compute                                |
|predictions.                                                            |
|compute_stack           Stack overlapping data.                         |
|compute_tabulate        Count data at each location of a categorical    |
|variable                                                                |
|explain                 Explain details of an object                    |
|explain.ggvis           Print out the structure of a ggvis object in a  |
|friendly format                                                         |
|export_png              Export a PNG or SVG from a ggvis object         |
|get_data                Get data from a ggvis object                    |
|ggvis                   Visualise a data set with a ggvis graphic.      |
|ggvisControlOutput      Create a ggvis control output element in UI     |
|ggvis_message           Send a message to ggvis running on client       |
|group_by                Divide data into groups.                        |
|handle_brush            Handle brush events on a visualisation.         |
|handle_click            Handle mouse actions on marks.                  |
|handle_resize           Handlers and interactive inputs for plot        |
|sizing.                                                                 |
|input_checkbox          Create an interactive checkbox.                 |
|input_select            Create interactive control to select one (or    |
|more options) from a list.                                              |
|input_slider            Create an interactive slider.                   |
|input_text              Create an interactive text or numeric input     |
|box.                                                                    |
|               Determine if an object is a broker object       |
|layer_bars              Display data with bars (a barchart).            |
|layer_boxplots          Display data with a boxplot.                    |
|layer_densities         Transformation: density estimate                |
|layer_guess             Guess the right type of layer based on current  |
|properties.                                                             |
|layer_histograms        Display binned data                             |
|layer_lines             Layer lines on a plot.                          |
|layer_model_predictions                                                 |
|Overlay model predictions or a smooth curve.                            |
|left_right              Interactive inputs bound to arrow keys.         |
|legend_props            Create an axis_props object for controlling     |
|legend properties.                                                      |
|linked_brush            Create a linked brush object.                   |
|marks                   Vega marks.                                     |
|padding                 Define padding.                                 |
|prop                    Create a property.                              |
|prop_domain             Property domain.                                |
|props                   Manage a list of properties.                    |
|resolution              Compute the "resolution" of a data vector.      |
|scale_datetime          Add a date-time scale to a ggvis object.        |
|scale_numeric           Add a numeric scale to a ggvis object.          |
|scale_ordinal           Add a ordinal, nominal, or logical scale to a   |
|ggvis object.                                                           |
|scaled_value            Create a scaled_value object                    |
|scales                  Add a scale to a ggvis plot                     |
|set_options             Set options for a ggvis plot                    |
|set_scale_label         Set the label for a scale                       |
|shiny-ggvis             Connect a ggvis graphic to a shiny app.         |
|show_spec               Print out the vega plot specification           |
|show_tooltip            Send a message to the client to show or hide a  |
|tooltip                                                                 |
|sidebarBottomPage       Create a page with a sidebar                    |
|singular                singular.                                       |
|vector_type             Determine the "type" of a vector                |
|vega_data_parser        Determine the vega data type for a vector       |
|waggle                  Waggle back and forth between two numbers       |
|zero_range              Determine if range of vector is close to zero,  |
|with a specified tolerance                                              |
関数名 概略
%>% Pipe graphics
add_axis Add a vega axis specification to a ggvis plot
add_data Add dataset to a visualisation
add_guide_axis Defunct function for adding an axis
add_guide_legend Defunct function for adding a legend
add_legend Add a vega legend specification to a ggvis plot
add_props Add visual properties to a visualisation
add_relative_scales Add x_rel and y_rel scales
add_tooltip Add tooltips to a plot.
auto_group Automatically group data by grouping variables
axis_props Create an axis_props object for controlling axis properties.
band A band
cocaine Cocaine seizures in the US.
compute_align Align positions using length.
compute_bin Bin data along a continuous variable
compute_boxplot Calculate boxplot values
compute_count Count data at each location
compute_density Compute density of data.
compute_model_prediction Create a model of a data set and compute predictions.
compute_stack Stack overlapping data.
compute_tabulate Count data at each location of a categorical variable
explain Explain details of an object
explain.ggvis Print out the structure of a ggvis object in a friendly format
export_png Export a PNG or SVG from a ggvis object
get_data Get data from a ggvis object
ggvis Visualise a data set with a ggvis graphic.
ggvisControlOutput Create a ggvis control output element in UI
ggvis_message Send a message to ggvis running on client
group_by Divide data into groups.
handle_brush Handle brush events on a visualisation.
handle_click Handle mouse actions on marks.
handle_resize Handlers and interactive inputs for plot sizing.
input_checkbox Create an interactive checkbox.
input_select Create interactive control to select one (or more options) from a list.
input_slider Create an interactive slider.
input_text Create an interactive text or numeric input box. Determine if an object is a broker object
layer_bars Display data with bars (a barchart).
layer_boxplots Display data with a boxplot.
layer_densities Transformation: density estimate
layer_guess Guess the right type of layer based on current properties.
layer_histograms Display binned data
layer_lines Layer lines on a plot.
layer_model_predictions Overlay model predictions or a smooth curve.
left_right Interactive inputs bound to arrow keys.
legend_props Create an axis_props object for controlling legend properties.
linked_brush Create a linked brush object.
marks Vega marks.
padding Define padding.
prop Create a property.
prop_domain Property domain.
props Manage a list of properties.
resolution Compute the "resolution" of a data vector.
scale_datetime Add a date-time scale to a ggvis object.
scale_numeric Add a numeric scale to a ggvis object.
scale_ordinal Add a ordinal, nominal, or logical scale to a ggvis object.
scaled_value Create a scaled_value object
scales Add a scale to a ggvis plot
set_options Set options for a ggvis plot
set_scale_label Set the label for a scale
shiny-ggvis Connect a ggvis graphic to a shiny app.
show_spec Print out the vega plot specification
show_tooltip Send a message to the client to show or hide a tooltip
sidebarBottomPage Create a page with a sidebar
singular singular.
vector_type Determine the "type" of a vector
vega_data_parser Determine the vega data type for a vector
waggle Waggle back and forth between two numbers
zero_range Determine if range of vector is close to zero, with a specified tolerance