spocc: Interface to Species Occurrence Data Sources
- CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/spocc/index.html
- GitHub: https://github.com/ropensci/spocc
> library(spocc)
バージョン: 0.4.5
関数名 | 概略 |
as.antweb |
Coerce occurrence keys to antwebkey/occkey objects |
as.bison |
Coerce occurrence keys to bisonkey/occkey objects |
as.ecoengine |
Coerce occurrence keys to ecoenginekey/occkey objects |
as.gbif |
Coerce occurrence keys to gbifkey/occkey objects |
as.idigbio |
Coerce occurrence keys to idigbio uuid objects |
as.inat |
Coerce occurrence keys to iNaturalist id objects |
as.vertnet |
Coerce occurrence keys to vertnetkey/occkey objects |
bbox2wkt |
Convert a bounding box to a Well Known Text polygon, and a WKT to a bounding box |
fixnames |
Change names to be the same for each taxon. |
inspect |
Get more data on individual occurrences. |
occ |
Search for species occurrence data across many data sources. |
occ2df |
Combine results from occ calls to a single data.frame |
occ_names |
Search for species names across many data sources. |
occ_names_options |
Look up options for parameters passed to each source for occ_names function |
occ_options |
Look up options for parameters passed to each source |
spocc-package |
R interface to many species occurrence data sources |
spocc_duplicates |
A note about duplicate occurrence records |
wkt |
Read or write WKT |
wkt_vis |
Visualize well-known text area's on a map. |
- obj... occdataクラスオブジェクト
- how...
- namevec
> fixnames(obj, how = "shortest", namevec = NULL)
> inspect(x, from = "gbif")
- query
- from
- limit
- start, page
- geometry... 地理範囲の指定
- has_coords... 位置情報を含む
- ids
- callopts
- gbifopts... GBIFのデータを検索する際のオプション指定
- bisonopts
- inatopts
- ebirdopts
- ecoengineopts
- antwebopts
- vertnetopts
- idigbioopts
> occ(query = NULL, from = "gbif", limit = 500, start = NULL,
+ page = NULL, geometry = NULL, has_coords = NULL, ids = NULL,
+ callopts = list(), gbifopts = list(), bisonopts = list(),
+ inatopts = list(), ebirdopts = list(), ecoengineopts = list(),
+ antwebopts = list(), vertnetopts = list(), idigbioopts = list())
> c('Accipiter striatus', 'Setophaga caerulescens', 'Carduelis tristis') %>%
+ occ(query = ., from = 'gbif', gbifopts = list(hasCoordinate = TRUE), limit = 10) %>%
+ occ2df()
- from
- where...
> occ_options(from = "gbif", where = "html")