ahp: Analytic Hierarchy Process


> library(ahp)

バージョン: 0.2.8

関数名 概略
AhpMatrix Create the AHP preference matrix from a dataframe containing the pairwiswe preferences.
Analyze Analyze your AHP model
Calculate Calculate the Ahp tree
GetPairwiseFromFunction Create table from function
Load Load an ahp model from file
PrioritiesFromPairwiseMatrixEigenvalues Calculate the ahp priority weights from the AHP matrix.
PrioritiesFromScoresDefault Converts a vector of scores into priority weights.
RunGUI Shows a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that lets you specify AHP models and view the results.
Visualize Draw a diagram of the AHP tree.
ahp ahp AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) Modeling for R


> AhpMatrix()

Analyze / AnalyzeTable

> ahpFile <- system.file("extdata", "car.ahp", package = "ahp")
> carAhp <- Load(ahpFile)
> Calculate(carAhp)
> Analyze(
+    carAhp, 
+    pruneFun = function(x, decisionMaker) {
+      PruneLevels(x, decisionMaker, 1) && PruneByCutoff(x, decisionMaker, minWeight = 0.05)
+    }
+ )
> AnalyzeTable(carAhp)


> ahpFile <- system.file("extdata", "car.ahp", package = "ahp")
> carAhp <- Load(ahpFile)
> Calculate(carAhp)