rmongodb: R-MongoDB driver


> library(rmongodb)
There are some quite big changes in this version of rmongodb.
mongo.bson.to.list, mongo.bson.from.list (which are workhorses of many other rmongofb high-level functions) are rewritten.
Also there are some other important changes, please see NEWS file and release notes at

バージョン: 1.8.0

関数名 概略
as.character.mongo.oid Convert a mongo.oid object to a string
mongo The mongo (database connection) class
mongo.add.user Add a user and password
mongo.aggregation Aggregation pipeline
mongo.authenticate Autherticate a user and password
mongo.binary.binary BSON binary data subtype constant for standard binary data
mongo.binary.function BSON binary data subtype constant for function data
mongo.binary.md5 BSON binary data subtype constant for md5 data
mongo.binary.old BSON binary data subtype constant for old format data
mongo.binary.user BSON binary data subtype constant for user data
mongo.binary.uuid BSON binary data subtype constant for uuid data
mongo.bson The mongo.bson class
mongo.bson.array BSON data type constant for an array
mongo.bson.binary BSON data type constant for a binary data value
mongo.bson.bool BSON data type constant for a bool value
mongo.bson.buffer The mongo.bson.buffer class
mongo.bson.buffer.append Append a name/value pair into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.bool Append a boolean field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.bson Append a mongo.bson object into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.code Append a code field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.code.w.scope Append a code field with a scope onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.complex Append a double field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.double Append a double field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.element Append a mongo.bson.iterator's element into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.int Append an integer field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.list Append a list onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.long Append a long valued field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.null Append a double field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.object Append an R object onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.oid Append a OID into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.raw Append a raw (binary) field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.regex Append a timestamp value into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.string Append a string field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.symbol Append a symbol field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.time Append a time value into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.timestamp Append a timestamp value into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.undefined Append a undefined field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.create Create an new mongo.bson.buffer object
mongo.bson.buffer.finish.object Finish a subobject or array within a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.size Get the size of a mongo.bson.buffer object
mongo.bson.buffer.start.array Start an array within a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.start.object Start a subobject within a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.code BSON data type constant for a code value
mongo.bson.code.w.scope BSON data type constant for a code with scope value
mongo.bson.date BSON data type constant for a date value
mongo.bson.dbref BSON data type constant for a dbref value
mongo.bson.destroy Destroy a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.double BSON data type constant for a double value
mongo.bson.empty Create an empty mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.eoo BSON data type constant for 'End Of Object'
mongo.bson.find Find a field within a mongo.bson object by name
mongo.bson.from.JSON Convert JSON to BSON Object
mongo.bson.from.buffer Convert a mongo.bson.buffer object to a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.from.df Convert a data.frame to a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.from.list Convert a list to a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.int BSON data type constant for a integer value
mongo.bson.iterator The mongo.bson.iterator class
mongo.bson.iterator.create Create a mongo.bson.iterator object
mongo.bson.iterator.key Return the key (name) of the field pointed to by an iterator
mongo.bson.iterator.next Advance an iterator to the first or next field
mongo.bson.iterator.type Get the type of data pointed to by an iterator
mongo.bson.iterator.value Return the value of the field pointed to by an iterator
mongo.bson.long BSON data type constant for a long value
mongo.bson.null BSON data type constant for a null value
mongo.bson.object BSON data type constant for a subobject value
mongo.bson.oid BSON data type constant for a oid value
mongo.bson.print Display a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.regex BSON data type constant for a regex value
mongo.bson.size Get the size of a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.string BSON data type constant for a string value
mongo.bson.symbol BSON data type constant for a symbol value
mongo.bson.timestamp BSON data type constant for a timestamp value
mongo.bson.to.Robject Convert a mongo.bson object to an R object.
mongo.bson.to.list Convert a mongo.bson object to an R list object.
mongo.bson.undefined BSON data type constant for a undefined value
mongo.bson.value Return the value of a mongo.bson field
mongo.code The mongo.code class
mongo.code.create Create a mongo.code object
mongo.code.w.scope The mongo.code.w.scope class
mongo.code.w.scope.create Create a mongo.code.w.scope object
mongo.command Issue a command to a database on MongoDB server
mongo.count Count records in a collection
mongo.create Create an object of class "mongo"
mongo.cursor The mongo.cursor class
mongo.cursor.destroy Release resources attached to a cursor
mongo.cursor.next Advance a cursor to the next record
mongo.cursor.to.data.frame Convert Mongo Cursor Object to Data.Frame
mongo.cursor.to.list Convert Mongo Cursor Object to List so that each element of resulting list represents document in source collection.
mongo.cursor.value Fetch the current value of a cursor
mongo.destroy Destroy a MongoDB connection
mongo.disconnect Disconnect from a MongoDB server
mongo.distinct Get a vector of distinct values for keys in a collection
mongo.drop Drop a collection from a MongoDB server
mongo.drop.database Drop a database from a MongoDB server
mongo.find Find records in a collection
mongo.find.all Find records in a collection and returns one R data frame object
mongo.find.await.data mongo.find flag constant - await data
mongo.find.cursor.tailable mongo.find flag constant - cursor tailable
mongo.find.exhaust mongo.find flag constant - exhaust
mongo.find.no.cursor.timeout mongo.find flag constant - no cursor timeout
mongo.find.one Find one record in a collection
mongo.find.oplog.replay mongo.find flag constant - oplog replay
mongo.find.partial.results mongo.find flag constant - partial results
mongo.find.slave.ok mongo.find flag constant - slave ok
mongo.get.database.collections Get a list of collections in a database
mongo.get.databases Get a list of databases from a MongoDB server
mongo.get.err Retrieve an connection error code from a mongo object
mongo.get.hosts Get a lists of hosts & ports as reported by a replica set master upon connection creation.
mongo.get.last.err Retrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.get.prev.err Retrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.get.primary Get the host & port of the server to which a mongo object is connected.
mongo.get.server.err Retrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.get.server.err.string Retrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.get.socket Get the socket assigned to a mongo object by mongo.create().
mongo.get.timeout Get the timeout value of a mongo connection
mongo.gridfile The mongo.gridfile class
mongo.gridfile.destroy Destroy a mongo.gridfile object
mongo.gridfile.get.chunk Get a chunk of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.chunk.count Get the chunk count of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.chunk.size Get the chunk.size of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.chunks Get a cursor for a range of chunks in a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.content.type Get the content type of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.descriptor Get the descriptor of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.filename Get the filename of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.length Get the length of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.md5 Get the MD5 hash of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.metadata Get the metadata of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.upload.date Get the upload date of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.pipe Pipe a mongo.gridfile to an R connection
mongo.gridfile.read Read raw data from a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.seek Seek to a position in a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.writer The mongo.gridfile.writer class
mongo.gridfile.writer.create Create a mongo.gridfile.writer object
mongo.gridfile.writer.finish Finish writing to a buffered GridFS file
mongo.gridfile.writer.write Write raw data to a buffered GridFS file
mongo.gridfs The mongo.gridfs class
mongo.gridfs.create Create a mongo.gridfs object
mongo.gridfs.destroy Destroy a mongo.gridfs object
mongo.gridfs.find Find a GridFS file
mongo.gridfs.remove.file Remove a file from a GridFS on a MongoDB server
mongo.gridfs.store Store raw data as a file in a GridFS
mongo.gridfs.store.file Store a file into a GridFS on a MongoDB server
mongo.index.TTLcreate Add a time to live (TTL) index to a collection
mongo.index.background mongo.index.create flag constant - background
mongo.index.create Add an index to a collection
mongo.index.drop.dups mongo.index.create flag constant - drop duplicate keys
mongo.index.sparse mongo.index.create flag constant - sparse
mongo.index.unique mongo.index.create flag constant - unique keys
mongo.insert Add record to a collection
mongo.insert.batch Add multiple records to a collection
mongo.is.connected Determine if a mongo object is connected to a MongoDB server
mongo.is.master Determine if a mongo connection object is connected to a master
mongo.oid The mongo.oid class
mongo.oid.create Create a mongo.oid object
mongo.oid.from.string Create a mongo.oid object ftom a string
mongo.oid.print Display a mongo.oid object
mongo.oid.time Get an Object ID's time
mongo.oid.to.string Convert a mongo.oid object to a string
mongo.reconnect Reconnect to a MongoDB server
mongo.regex The mongo.regex class
mongo.regex.create Create a mongo.regex object
mongo.remove Remove records from a collection
mongo.rename Rename a collection on a MongoDB server
mongo.reset.err Retrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.set.timeout Set the timeout value on a mongo connection
mongo.shorthand Define shorthand for BSON and GridFS
mongo.simple.command Issue a simple.command to a database on MongoDB server
mongo.symbol The mongo.symbol class
mongo.symbol.create Create a mongo.symbol object
mongo.timestamp The mongo.timestamp class
mongo.timestamp.create Create a mongo.timestamp object
mongo.undefined The mongo.undefined class
mongo.undefined.create Create a mongo.undefined object
mongo.update Perform an update on a collection
mongo.update.basic mongo.update() flag constant for performing a basic update
mongo.update.multi mongo.update() flag constant for updating multiple records
mongo.update.upsert mongo.update() flag constant for an upsert
print.mongo.bson Display a mongo.bson object
print.mongo.oid Display a mongo.oid object
zips zips Dataset


> mongo.create() %>% mongo.is.connected()
[1] TRUE