DescTools: Tools for Descriptive Statistics


> library(DescTools)

Attaching package: 'DescTools'
The following object is masked from 'package:data.tree':

> data("")

バージョン: 0.99.17

関数名 概略
%c% Concatenates two strings without any separator.
%like% Like operator
%nin% Find Matching (or Non-Matching) Elements
%overlaps% Determines If And How Extensively Two Date Ranges Overlap
AUC Area Under the Curve
AddMonths Add a Month to a Date
Agree Raw Simple And Extended Percentage Agreement
AllDuplicated Index Vector of All Values Involved in Ties
AndersonDarlingTest Anderson-Darling Test of Goodness-of-Fit
AscToChar Converts ASCII Codes to Characters and Vice Versa
Assocs Association Measures
Atkinson Calculate the Atkinson Index
AxisBreak Place a Break Mark on an Axis
BartelsRankTest Bartels Rank Test
Benford Benford's Distribution
Between Operators To Check, If a Value Lies Within Or Outside a Given Range
BinToDec Converts numbers from binmode, octmode or hexmode to decimal and vice versa
BinomCI Confidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions
BinomDiffCI Confidence Interval for a Difference of Binomials
BinomRatioCI Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Binomial and Multinomial Proportions
BoxCox Box Cox Transformation
BoxCoxLambda Automatic Selection of Box Cox Transformation Parameter
BoxedText Add Text in a Box to a Plot
BreslowDayTest Breslow-Day Test for Homogeneity of the Odds Ratios
BubbleLegend Add a Legend to a Bubble Plot
CCC Concordance Correlation Coefficient
Canvas Canvas for Geometric Plotting
CartToPol Transform Cartesian to Polar/Spherical
Coordinates and vice versa
CatTable Function to write a table
ChooseColorDlg Display Color Dialog to Choose a Color
ClipToVect Reformat a Table in the Clipboard as Vector
Clockwise Calculates Begin and End Angle From a List of
Given Angles in Clockwise Mode
Closest Find the Closest Value
Coalesce Return the First Element Not Being NA
CochranArmitageTest Cochran-Armitage test for trend
CochranQTest Cochran's Q test
CoefVar Coefficient of Variation
CohenD Cohen's Effect Size
CohenKappa Cohen's Kappa and Weighted Kappa
ColToGrey Convert Colors to Grey/Grayscale
ColToHex Convert a Color into Hex String
ColToHsv R Color to HSV Conversion
ColToRgb Color to RGB Conversion
CollapseTable Collapse Levels of a Table
ColorLegend Add a ColorLegend to a Plot
ConDisPairs Concordant and Discordant Pairs
Conf Confusion Matrix And Associated Statistics
ConnLines Add Connection Lines to a Barplot
Contrasts Pairwise Contrasts
CorPolychor Polychoric Correlation
CramerVonMisesTest Cramer-von Mises test for normality
CronbachAlpha Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha
CutQ Create a Factor Variable Using the Quantiles of a Continuous Variable
Date Create a Date from Numeric Representation
DegToRad Convert Degrees to Radians and vice versa
DenseRank Dense Ranks
Desc Describe Data
Desc.Date Describe a Date Vector Describe a data.frame Or a List
Desc.factor Describe a Factor, an Ordered Factor Or a Character Vector
Desc.flags Describe a Set of Dichotomous Variables
Desc.formula Describe Variables by Groups
Desc.integer Describe an integer variable
Desc.logical Describe a dichotomous variable
Desc.numeric Describe a numeric vector
Desc.table Describe a n-dimensional Contingency Table
DescTools-package Tools for Efficient Descriptive Statistics
DescWrd Use Word as Reporting Tool for Describing Data
DivCoef Rao's diversity coefficient also called quadratic entropy
DivCoefMax Maximal value of Rao's diversity coefficient also called quadratic entropy
DrawAnnulus Draw One or Several Annuli
DrawAnnulusSector Draw a Sector of an Annulus
DrawArc Draw Elliptic or Circular Arc(s)
DrawBand Draw Confidence Band
DrawBezier Draw a Bezier Curve
DrawCircle Draw a Circle
DrawEllipse Draw an Ellipse
DrawRegPolygon Draw Regular Polygon(s)
Dummy Generate Dummy Codes for a Factor
DunnTest Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons
DunnettTest Dunnett's Test for Comparing Several Treatments With a Control
DurbinWatsonTest Durbin-Watson Test
Entropy Shannon Entropy and Mutual Information
ErrBars Add Error Bars to an Existing Plot
EtaSq Effect size calculations for ANOVAs
Exec Execute a Command Given As String
ExpFreq Expected frequencies
Explore Interactive Graphical Data Explorer
Factorize Prime Factorization of Integers
FctArgs Retrieve a Functions' Arguments
Fibonacci Fibonacci Numbers
FindColor Get Color on a Defined Color Range
FindCorr Determine highly correlated variables
FisherZ Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
FixToTab Text to Table
Format Format Numbers and Dates
Frac Return the Fractional Part of a Numeric Value
Freq Frequency Table
GCD Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple
GTest G-Test for Count Data
GetAllSubsets Get All Subsets out of a List of Elements
GetCurrWrd Get a Handle to a Running Word Instance
GetNewPP Create a new PowerPoint Instance
GetNewWrd Create a new Word Instance
GetNewXL Create a new Excel Instance
GetPairs Get All Pairs out of one or two Sets of Elements
Gini Gini Coefficient
GiniSimpson Compute Gini-Simpson Coefficient
Gmean Geometric Mean and Standard Deviation
GoodmanKruskalGamma Goodman Kruskal's Gamma
GoodmanKruskalTauA Goodman Kruskal's Tau a
Herfindahl Concentration Measures
HexToCol Identify closest match to a color given by a hexadecimal string
HexToRgb Convert a Hexstring Color to a Matrix With Three Red/Green/Blue Rows
HighLow Return the Lowest and the Highest Values and Their Frequencies
Hmean Harmonic mean
HmsToSec Convert h:m:s To/From Seconds
HodgesLehmann Hodges-Lehmann Estimator of Location
HoeffD Matrix of Hoeffding's D Statistics
HotellingsT2Test Hotelling's T2 Test
HuberM Safe (generalized) Huber M-Estimator of Location
ICC Intraclass Correlations (ICC1, ICC2, ICC3 From Shrout and Fleiss)
IdentifyA Identify Points in Plot Lying within a Rectangle or Polygon
ImportDlg Get Path of a Data File to Be Opened
ImportFileDlg Import File In Foreign Format
InDots Is a Specific Argument in the Dots-Arguments?
IsDate Check if an Object is of Type Date
IsDichotomous Test If a Variable Contains Only Two Unique Values
IsEuclid Is a Distance Matrix Euclidean?
IsOdd Checks If An Integer Is Even Or Odd
IsPrime IsPrime Property
IsValidWrd Check Word Pointer
IsWhole Check a Vector For Being Numeric, Zero Or a Whole Number
JarqueBeraTest (Robust) Jarque Bera Test
JonckheereTerpstraTest Exact Version of Jonckheere-Terpstra Test
KappaM Kappa for m raters
KendallTauB Kendall tau-b
KendallW Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance W
Keywords List valid Keywords for R man pages
KrippAlpha Krippendorff's Alpha Reliability Coefficient
LOCF Last Observation Carried Forward
LOF Local Outlier Factor
Label Label Attribute of an Object
Lambda Goodman Kruskal Lambda
Large Kth Smallest/Largest Values
Lc Lorenz Curve
LehmacherTest Lehmacher's Test for Marginal Homogenity
LeveneTest Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance
LillieTest Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality
LinScale Perform a linear scaling of x
LogLin Log Linear Hybrid, Generalized Log
LogSt Started Logarithmic Transformation and Its Inverse
Logit Generalized Logit and Inverse Logit function
LsFct List Functions of a Package
MHChisqTest Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square Test
Mar Set Plot Margins
Mbind Bind k nxm-matrices with the same dimension
MeanAD Mean Absolute Deviation From a Center Point
MeanCI Confidence Interval for the Mean
MeanDiffCI Confidence Interval For Difference of Means
MeanSE Standard error of mean
MedianCI Confidence Interval for the Median
Midx Find the Midpoints of a Numeric Vector
MixColor Compute the convex combination of two colors
Mode Mode
MosesTest Moses Test of Extreme Reactions
MoveAvg Moving Average
MultinomCI Confidence Intervals for Multinomial Proportions
NPV One Period Returns, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return
Ndec Count Decimal Places of a Number
NemenyiTest Nemenyi Test
OddsRatio Odds Ratio Estimation and Confidence Intervals
Outlier Outlier
PageTest Exact Page Test for Ordered Alternatives
PairApply Pairwise Calculations
PalDescTools Some Custom Palettes
ParseFormula Parse a Formula and Create a Model Frame
ParseSASDatalines Parse a SAS Dataline Command
PartCor Find the Correlations for a Set x of Variables With Set y Removed
`PartitionBy PartitionBy Evaluates a Function Groupwise
PasswordDlg Password Dialog
PearsonTest Pearson chi-square test for normality
PercTable Percentage Table
Permn Determine All Possible Permutations of a Set
Phi Cramer's V, Pearson's Contingency Coefficient and Phi Coefficient Yule's Q and Y, Tschuprow's T
PlotACF Combined Plot of a Time Series and its ACF and PACF
PlotArea Create an Area Plot
PlotBag PlotBag, a bivariate boxplot
PlotBubble Draw a Bubble Plot
PlotCandlestick Plot Candlestick Chart
PlotCirc Plot Circular Plot
PlotCorr Plot a Correlation Matrix
PlotDesc Display descriptive plots
PlotDot Cleveland's Dot Plots
PlotDotCI Plot a Dotchart with Confidence Intervals
PlotDotCIp Plot a Dotchart with Binomial Confidence Intervals
PlotFaces Chernoff Faces
PlotFdist Frequency Distribution Plot
PlotFun Plot a Function
PlotHorizBar Plot Horizontal Bars
PlotLinesA Plot Lines
PlotMarDens Scatterplot with Marginal Densities
PlotMatrix Scatterplot Matrix
PlotMonth Plot Monthly or Seasonal Effects Of a Univariate Time Series
PlotMultiDens Plot Multiple Density Curves
PlotPolar Plot Values on a Circular Grid
PlotPyramid Draw a Back To Back Pyramid Plot
PlotQQ QQ-Plot for Any Distribution
PlotRCol Information plots
PlotTernary Ternary or Triangular Plots.
PlotTreemap Create a Treemap
PlotVenn Plot a Venn Diagram
PlotViolin Plot Violins Instead of Boxplots
PlotWeb Plot a Web of Connected Points
PoissonCI Poisson Confidence Interval
PolarGrid Plot a Grid in Polar Coordinates
PostHocTest Post-Hoc Tests
PpPlot Add Slides, Insert Texts and Plots to PowerPoint
Primes Find all Primes Less Than n
PtInPoly Point in Polygon
Ray Compact Information About the Columns of a Data Frame
Recode Recode a Factor
Recycle Recyle a List of Elements
RelRisk Relative Risk
Rename Change Names of a Named Object
Rev Reverse Elements of a Vector or the Rows/Columns of Matrices and Tables
RgbToCol Find the Named R-Color Which Is Nearest to a Given RGB-Color
RndPairs Create Pairs of Correlated Random Numbers
RobRange Robust Range
RobScale Robust Scaling With Median and Mad
Rotate Rotate a Geometric Structure
RoundM Round to Multiple
RunsTest Runs Test for Randomness
SampleTwins Sample Twins
SaveAsDlg Save R Objects By Choosing a File Interactively
ScheffeTest Scheffe Test for Pairwise and Otherwise Comparisons
SelectVarDlg Select Elements of a Set by Click
SetAlpha Add an Alpha Channel To a Color
ShapiroFranciaTest Shapiro-Francia test for normality
SiegelTukeyTest Siegel-Tukey Test For Equality In Variability
SignTest Sign Test
Skew Skewness and Kurtosis
SomersDelta Somers' Delta
Sort Sort a Vector, a Matrix, a Table or a Data.frame
SortMixed Order or Sort Strings With Embedded Numbers So
That The Numbers Are In The Correct Order
SpearmanRho Spearman Rank Correlation
SplitPath Split Path In Drive, Path, Filename
SpreadOut Spread Out a Vector of Numbers To a Minimum Interval
Stamp Date/Time/Directory Stamp the Current Plot
Str Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object
StrAbbr String Abbreviation
StrCap Capitalize the First Letter of a String
StrChop Split a String in a Number of Pieces With Fixed Length
StrCountW Count Words in a String
StrDist Compute Distances Between Strings
StrIsNumeric Does a String Contain Only Numeric Data
StrPad Pad a String With Justification
StrPos Find Position of First Occurrence Of a String
StrRev Reverse a String
StrRight Returns the Left Part Or the Right Part Of a String
StrTrim Trim a string
StrTrunc Truncate Strings and Add Ellipses If a String is Truncated.
StrVal Extract All Numeric Values From a String
Strata Stratified sampling
StuartMaxwellTest Stuart-Maxwell Marginal Homogeneity Test
StuartTauC Stuart Tau C
SysInfo System Information And DescTools Options
TextContrastColor Choose Textcolor Depending on Background Color
TheilU Theil's U index of inequality
ToWide Reshape a Vector From Long to Wide Shape Or Vice Versa
Trim Trim a Vector
TukeyBiweight Calculate Tukey's Biweight Robust Mean
UncertCoef Uncertainty Coefficient
UnitConv Unit Conversion
Untable Recover Original Data From Contingency Table
VarCI Confidence Interval for the Variance
VecRot Vector Rotation
Vigenere Vigenere Cypher
Winsorize Winsorize
WoolfTest Woolf Test
WrdCaption Insert Caption to Word
WrdInsTab Insert a Table in a Word Document
WrdInsertBookmark Insert a Bookmark, Goto Bookmark and Update the Text of a Bookmark
WrdPlot Insert Active Plot to Word
WrdR Insert a R Command and It's Output in a Word Document
WrdSetFont Set the Font in Word
WrdTable Produces a Table in Word
WrdText Insert Normal Text to Word
XLGetRange Import Data Directly From Excel
XLView Use Excel as Viewer for a Data.Frame
Year Basic Date Functions
YuenTTest Yuen t-Test For Trimmed Means
ZTest Z Test for Known Population Standard Deviation
ZeroIfNA Replace NAs by 0
Zodiac Calculate the Zodiac of a Date
as.matrix.xtabs Xtabs to Matrix
d.countries ISO 3166-1 Country Codes Data diamonds
d.periodic Periodic Table of Elements Data pizza Build-in Constants Extension
identify.formula Identify points in a plot using a formula.
lines.lm Add a Linear Regression Line
lines.loess Add a Loess or a Spline Smoother
median.factor Median for Ordered Factors
pRevGumbel "Reverse" Gumbel Distribution Functions
power.chisq.test Power Calculations for ChiSquared Tests
reorder.factor Reorder the Levels of a Factor
split.formula Formula Interface for Split
wdConst Word VBA constants



> "foo" %c% "bar"
[1] "foobar"




  • x, y
  • method... trapezoid, step or spline
  • na.rm
> data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 2.5), y = c(1, 2, 4)) %$% {
+   AUC(x, y) %>% print()
+   plot(x, y, type = "l", col = "blue", ylim = c(0, 4))
+ }
> # [1] 3


> ColToHex(c("lightblue", "salmon"))
[1] "#ADD8E6" "#FA8072"


> ColToHsv("peachpuff")
h 0.07857143
s 0.27450980
v 1.00000000


> ColToRgb("peachpuff")
red    255
green  218
blue   185



> Desc($wrongpizza)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------$wrongpizza (logical - dichotomous)

  length      n    NAs unique
   1'209  1'205      4      2

        freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
FALSE  1'122  93.1%   91.5%   94.4%
TRUE      83   6.9%    5.6%    8.5%

' 95%-CI Wilson
> Desc(iris)
Describe data.frame

'data.frame':    150 obs. of  5 variables:
 1 $ Sepal.Length: num  5.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 5 5.4 4.6 5 4.4 4.9 ...
 2 $ Sepal.Width : num  3.5 3 3.2 3.1 3.6 3.9 3.4 3.4 2.9 3.1 ...
 3 $ Petal.Length: num  1.4 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 ...
 4 $ Petal.Width : num  0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 ...
 5 $ Species     : Factor w/ 3 levels "setosa","versicolor",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

1 - Sepal.Length (numeric)

  length       n     NAs  unique      0s    mean  meanSE
     150     150       0      35       0   5.843   0.068

     .05     .10     .25  median     .75     .90     .95
   4.600   4.800   5.100   5.800   6.400   6.900   7.255

   range      sd   vcoef     mad     IQR    skew    kurt
   3.600   0.828   0.142   1.038   1.300   0.309  -0.606

lowest : 4.3, 4.4 (3), 4.5, 4.6 (4), 4.7 (2)
highest: 7.3, 7.4, 7.6, 7.7 (4), 7.9

2 - Sepal.Width (numeric)

  length       n     NAs  unique      0s    mean  meanSE
     150     150       0      23       0   3.057   0.036

     .05     .10     .25  median     .75     .90     .95
   2.345   2.500   2.800   3.000   3.300   3.610   3.800

   range      sd   vcoef     mad     IQR    skew    kurt
   2.400   0.436   0.143   0.445   0.500   0.313   0.139

lowest : 2.0, 2.2 (3), 2.3 (4), 2.4 (3), 2.5 (8)
highest: 3.9 (2), 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4

3 - Petal.Length (numeric)

  length       n     NAs  unique      0s    mean  meanSE
     150     150       0      43       0    3.76    0.14

     .05     .10     .25  median     .75     .90     .95
    1.30    1.40    1.60    4.35    5.10    5.80    6.10

   range      sd   vcoef     mad     IQR    skew    kurt
    5.90    1.77    0.47    1.85    3.50   -0.27   -1.42

lowest : 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 (2), 1.3 (7), 1.4 (13)
highest: 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7 (2), 6.9

4 - Petal.Width (numeric)

  length       n     NAs  unique      0s    mean  meanSE
     150     150       0      22       0    1.20    0.06

     .05     .10     .25  median     .75     .90     .95
    0.20    0.20    0.30    1.30    1.80    2.20    2.30

   range      sd   vcoef     mad     IQR    skew    kurt
    2.40    0.76    0.64    1.04    1.50   -0.10   -1.36

lowest : 0.1 (5), 0.2 (29), 0.3 (7), 0.4 (7), 0.5
highest: 2.1 (6), 2.2 (3), 2.3 (8), 2.4 (3), 2.5 (3)

5 - Species (factor)

  length      n    NAs unique levels  dupes
     150    150      0      3      3      y

        level  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
1      setosa    50  33.3%       50    33.3%
2  versicolor    50  33.3%      100    66.7%
3   virginica    50  33.3%      150   100.0%


> data("")
> dplyr::glimpse(
Observations: 1,209
Variables: 16
$ index          <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ...
$ date           <date> 2014-03-01, 2014-03-01, 2014-03-01, 2014-03-01...
$ week           <dbl> 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,...
$ weekday        <dbl> 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,...
$ area           <fctr> Camden, Westminster, Westminster, Brent, Brent...
$ count          <int> 5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4, NA, 3, 6, 3, 5, 4, 1, 6, 5...
$ rabate         <lgl> TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, N...
$ price          <dbl> 65.655, 26.980, 40.970, 25.980, 57.555, 13.990,...
$ operator       <fctr> Rhonda, Rhonda, Allanah, Allanah, Rhonda, Alla...
$ driver         <fctr> Taylor, Butcher, Butcher, Taylor, Carter, Tayl...
$ delivery_min   <dbl> 20.0, 19.6, 17.8, 37.3, 21.8, 48.7, 49.3, 25.6,...
$ temperature    <dbl> 53.00, 56.40, 36.50, NA, 50.00, 27.00, 33.90, 5...
$ wine_ordered   <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, NA, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0...
$ wine_delivered <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, NA, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0...
$ wrongpizza     <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE...
$ quality        <ord> medium, high, NA, NA, medium, low, low, high, h...


> Canvas(xlim = c(-5,5))
> DrawCircle(radius = 4:1, 
+            col    = c("white", "steelblue2", "white", "red"), 
+            lwd = 3, 
+            nv = 300)


> data(
> Freq($price) %>% kable()
level freq perc cumfreq cumperc
[0,10] 4 0.0033417 4 0.0033417
(10,20] 96 0.0802005 100 0.0835422
(20,30] 183 0.1528822 283 0.2364244
(30,40] 147 0.1228070 430 0.3592314
(40,50] 263 0.2197160 693 0.5789474
(50,60] 169 0.1411863 862 0.7201337
(60,70] 119 0.0994152 981 0.8195489
(70,80] 109 0.0910610 1090 0.9106099
(80,90] 68 0.0568087 1158 0.9674185
(90,100] 22 0.0183793 1180 0.9857978
(100,110] 7 0.0058480 1187 0.9916458
(110,120] 6 0.0050125 1193 0.9966583
(120,130] 3 0.0025063 1196 0.9991646
(130,140] 1 0.0008354 1197 1.0000000



> data(
> %$% HighLow(temperature, na.rm = TRUE) %>% cat()
Error in HighLow(temperature, na.rm = TRUE): unused argument (na.rm = TRUE)



> Outlier($temperature, na.rm = TRUE)
 [1] 20.00 20.45 22.20 20.35 22.10 21.30 21.00 21.60 21.70 21.80 22.20
[12] 22.50 20.40 21.90 19.40 20.20 19.30 20.20 22.40



> Untable(HairEyeColor) %>% head()
   Hair   Eye  Sex
1 Black Brown Male
2 Black Brown Male
3 Black Brown Male
4 Black Brown Male
5 Black Brown Male
6 Black Brown Male
> Untable(HairEyeColor) %>% str()
'data.frame':    592 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ Hair: Factor w/ 4 levels "Black","Brown",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Eye : Factor w/ 4 levels "Brown","Blue",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "Male","Female": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 - attr(*, "out.attrs")=List of 2
  ..$ dim     : Named int  4 4 2
  .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr  "Hair" "Eye" "Sex"
  ..$ dimnames:List of 3
  .. ..$ Hair: chr  "Hair=Black" "Hair=Brown" "Hair=Red" "Hair=Blond"
  .. ..$ Eye : chr  "Eye=Brown" "Eye=Blue" "Eye=Hazel" "Eye=Green"
  .. ..$ Sex : chr  "Sex=Male" "Sex=Female"