geonames: Interface to web service

> library(geonames)

バージョン: 0.998

関数名 概略
GNcities find cities
GNcountryCode country code for location
GNcountryInfo country info
GNcountrySubdivision country code and subdivision
GNearthquakes recent earthquakes
GNfindNearByWeather weather at location
GNfindNearby nearby search
GNfindNearbyPlaceName populated place search
GNfindNearbyPostalCodes find postal code
GNfindNearbyStreets nearby street finding
GNfindNearbyWikipedia nearby wikipedia entries
GNfindNearestAddress nearest address
GNfindNearestIntersection nearest intersection
GNgtopo30 topo30 height
GNneighbourhood neighbourhood
GNpostalCodeCountryInfo postal code info
GNpostalCodeLookup postal code lookup
GNpostalCodeSearch postal code search
GNsearch search geonames
GNsrtm3 srtm3 height
GNtimezone timezone for location
GNweather weather stations in box
GNweatherIcao ICAO weather station data
GNwikipediaBoundingBox wikipedia articles in a box
GNwikipediaSearch search wikipedia
geonames Query the geonames web API for geographic data
hierarchy Admin area hierarchy


> GNcities(north = 34.42731,south = 40, east = 135.2441, west = 145.2441, lang = "jp")


> GNfindNearby(lat = 34.42731, lng = 135.2441)



  • lat
  • lng
  • radius
  • maxRows
  • style
> GNfindNearbyPlaceName(lat = 34.42731, lng = 135.2441, radius = "10", maxRows = "10", style = "MEDIUM")
> GNfindNearbyPlaceName(35.76472, 140.3864, "30", maxRows= "10", "FULL")


> GNgtopo30(lat = 54, lng = -1)


lat = 34.42731, lng = 135.2441

> GNtimezone(lat = 34.42731, lng = 135.2441, radius = 0)
