testwhat: Easily write submission correctness tests for R exercises

> library(testwhat)

バージョン: 4.2.1

関数名 概略
DC_reporter DataCamp reporter: 'log' test results
check_that Expectation wrapper
ex Get the main state
get_solution_code Get solution environment (backwards comp)
get_solution_env Get solution environment (backwards compatbility)
get_student_code Get solution environment (backwards comp)
is_equal Check equality of two objects
is_false Check if object is false
is_gte Check >= relation
is_true Check if object is true
override Override the solution code and pd in a state
s3definitions S3 definitions
set_language Specify the language for the automated feedback
success_msg Define the success message
test_an_object Check if the student defined an object, independent of the name
test_call Test whether a student correctly called a function/operator
test_call_result Check the result of a function call/operation
test_chunk_options Test whether the student defined the correct chunk options (R Markdown exercises)
test_code Test the student's code as text
test_control Test if student coded a control statement correctly
test_correct Test things. If it fails, test additional things.
test_error Check whether the student's submission threw an error.
test_exercise Run all tests for an exercise
test_expression_result Check the result, output or errors thrown by an expression
test_fun_def Check whether the student defined a function correctly
test_ggplot Test ggplot call
test_library_function Test whether the library function was called correctly
test_mc Test a multiple choice exercise
test_object Test R object existence and value
test_or Test if one of many test sets pass.
test_output Check whether the student printed something to the console
test_pipe Test whether a student used the pipe operator sufficiently (ggvis and dplyr exercises)
test_predefined_objects Test predefined R objects
test_props Test whether the student used the correct properties (ggvis exercises)
test_rmd_file Test R Markdown file
test_rmd_group Test a single R Markdown file group (R Markdown exercises)
test_text Test inline text and formatting (Markdown)
test_wd Test whether a file exists
test_yaml_header Test yaml header (Markdown)
testwhat Easily write submission correctness tests for DataCamp


> is_false(TRUE)
There was 1 failure:
  Position Value Cause
1        1  TRUE  true
> is_false(FALSE)


> # test_text