formattable: Formattable Data Structures


> library(formattable)

バージョン: 0.1.5

関数名 概略
accounting Numeric vector with accounting format
as.htmlwidget Generic function to create an htmlwidget
as.htmlwidget.formattable Convert formattable to an htmlwidget
color_bar Create a color-bar formatter
color_text Create a color-text formatter
color_tile Create a color-tile formatter
comma Numeric vector with thousands separators
csscolor Generate CSS-compatible color strings
currency Numeric vector with currency format
digits Numeric vector showing pre-specific digits
format_table Format a data frame with formatter functions
formattable Generic function to create formattable object
formattable-package The formattable package
formattable.Date Create a formattable Date vector
formattable.POSIXct Create a formattable POSIXct vector
formattable.POSIXlt Create a formattable POSIXlt vector Create a formattable data frame
formattable.default Create a formattable object
formattable.factor Create a formattable factor object
formattable.logical Create a formattable logical vector
formattable.numeric Create a formattable numeric vector
formattableOutput Widget output function for use in Shiny
formatter Create a formatter function making HTML elements
gradient Create a matrix from vector to represent colors in gradient icontext Create icon-text elements
is.formattable Test for objects of type 'formattable'
normalize Normalize a vector to fit zero-to-one scale
percent Numeric vector with percentage representation
prefix Formattable object with prefix
qrank Quantile ranks of a vector
renderFormattable Widget render function for use in Shiny
scientific Numeric vector with scientific format
style Create a string-representation of CSS style
suffix Formattable object with suffix
vmap Vectorized map from element to case by index or string value