UpSetR: A More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for Visualizing Intersecting Sets

> library(UpSetR)
> movies <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "movies.csv", package = "UpSetR"), 
+     header = T, sep = ";")

バージョン: 1.2.3

関数名 概略
elements Element query for queries paramter
fromExpression Expression to UpSetR converters
fromList List of named vectors to UpSetR converter
histogram Histogram for custom plot
intersects Intersection query for queries paramter
scatter_plot Scatterplot for customplot
upset UpSetR Plot




> upset(movies, = "black", queries = list(list(query = intersects, 
+     params = list("Drama"), active = T)), attribute.plots = list(gridrows = 50, 
+     plots = list(list(plot = histogram, x = "ReleaseDate", queries = F), list(plot = histogram, 
+         x = "AvgRating", queries = T)), ncols = 2))