tools: Tools for Package Development

> library(tools)

バージョン: 3.2.4

関数名 概略
.print.via.format Printing Utilities
Adobe_glyphs Conversion Tables between Character Sets
HTMLheader Generate a standard HTML header for R help
QC QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation
Rd2HTML Rd Converters
Rd2txt_options Set formatting options for text help
RdTextFilter Select text in an Rd file.
Rd_db Rd Utilities
Rdiff Difference R Output Files
Rdindex Generate Index from Rd Files
SweaveTeXFilter Strip R code out of Sweave file
add_datalist Add a 'datalist' File to a Package
assertCondition Asserting Error Conditions
bibstyle Select or define a bibliography style.
buildVignette Build one vignette
buildVignettes List and Build Package Vignettes
checkFF Check Foreign Function Calls
checkMD5sums Check and Create MD5 Checksum Files
checkPoFiles Check translation files for inconsistent format strings.
checkRd Check an Rd Object
checkRdaFiles Report on Details of Saved Images or Re-saves them
checkTnF Check R Packages or Code for T/F
checkVignettes Check Package Vignettes
check_packages_in_dir Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies
codoc Check Code/Documentation Consistency
compactPDF Compact PDF Files
delimMatch Delimited Pattern Matching
dependsOnPkgs Find Reverse Dependencies
encoded_text_to_latex Translate non-ASCII Text to LaTeX Escapes
file_ext File Utilities
findHTMLlinks Collect HTML Links from Package Documentation
find_gs_cmd Find a GhostScript Executable
getDepList Functions to Retrieve Dependency Information
getVignetteInfo Get information on installed vignettes.
installFoundDepends A function to install unresolved dependencies
loadRdMacros Load user-defined Rd help system macros.
make_translations_pkg Package the Current Translations in the R sources
md5sum Compute MD5 Checksums
package.dependencies Check Package Dependencies
package_dependencies Computations on the Dependency Hierarchy of Packages
parseLatex These experimental functions work with a subset of LaTeX code.
parse_Rd Parse an Rd file
pskill Kill a Process
psnice Get or Set the Priority (Niceness) of a Process
read.00Index Read 00Index-style Files
showNonASCII Pick Out Non-ASCII Characters
startDynamicHelp Start the Dynamic HTML Help System
testInstalledPackage Test Installed Packages
texi2dvi Compile LaTeX Files
toHTML Display an object in HTML.
toRd Generic function to convert object to a fragment of Rd code.
toTitleCase Convert Titles to Title Case
tools-deprecated Deprecated Objects in Package 'tools'
tools-package Tools for Package Development
undoc Find Undocumented Objects
update_pkg_po Prepare Translations for a Package
vignetteDepends Retrieve Dependency Information for a Vignette
vignetteEngine Set or Get a Vignette Processing Engine
write_PACKAGES Generate PACKAGES files
xgettext Extract Translatable Messages from R Files in a Package