ReporteRs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint and HTML Documents Generation


> library(ReporteRs)

バージョン: 0.8.2

関数名 概略
+.pot pot concatenation
BootstrapMenu Create a bootstrap DropDownMenu
CodeBlock Code Block Object
DropDownMenu Create a bootstrap DropDownMenu
FlexCell Cell object for FlexTable
FlexRow Row object for FlexTable
FlexTable FlexTable creation
FontMetric Font metric
Footnote Create a Footnote
RScript RScript object
ReporteRs-package ReporteRs: a package to create document from R
[<-.FlexRow modify FlexRow content
[<-.FlexTable alter FlexTable content and format
add.plot.interactivity add interactivity on a plot
add.pot add a paraggraph to an existing set of paragraphs of text
addBootstrapMenu add a 'BootstrapMenu' into a 'bsdoc' object.
addCodeBlock Add code block into a document object
addCodeBlock.bsdoc Add a code block into a bsdoc object
addCodeBlock.docx Add a code block into a docx object
addCodeBlock.pptx Add a code block into a pptx object
addColumnBreak Add a column break into a section
addColumnBreak.docx Insert a column break into a docx section
addDate Insert a date into a document object
addDate.pptx Insert a date shape into a document pptx object
addDocument Add an external document into a document object
addDocument.docx Add external document into a docx object
addFlexTable Insert a FlexTable into a document object
addFlexTable.bsdoc Insert a FlexTable into an bsdoc object
addFlexTable.docx Insert a FlexTable into a docx object
addFlexTable.pptx Insert a FlexTable into a pptx object
addFooter Insert a footer into a document object
addFooter.bsdoc Add text in footer of a 'bsdoc' object
addFooter.pptx Insert a footer shape into a document pptx object
addFooterRow add footer in a FlexTable
addHeaderRow add header in a FlexTable
addIframe Add an iframe into a document object
addIframe.bsdoc Insert an iframe into a bsdoc object
addImage Add an external image into a document object
addImage.bsdoc Insert an external image into a bsdoc object
addImage.docx Add external image into a docx object
addImage.pptx Insert an external image into a pptx object
addJavascript add javascript into a bsdoc object
addLinkItem add an item in a 'BootstrapMenu' or a 'DropDownMenu'
addMarkdown Add a markdown text or file
addMarkdown.bsdoc Add a markdown text or file into an bsdoc object
addMarkdown.docx Add a markdown text or file into a docx object
addMarkdown.pptx Add a markdown text or file into a pptx object
addPageBreak Add a page break into a document object
addPageBreak.docx Insert a page break into a docx object
addPageNumber Insert a page number into a document object
addPageNumber.pptx Insert a page number shape into a document pptx object
addParagraph Add a paragraph into a document object
addParagraph.Footnote Insert a paragraph into a Footnote object
addParagraph.bsdoc Insert a paragraph into an bsdoc object
addParagraph.docx Insert a paragraph into a docx object
addParagraph.pptx Insert a paragraph into a pptx object
addPlot Add a plot into a document object
addPlot.bsdoc Add a plot into an bsdoc object
addPlot.docx Add a plot into a docx object
addPlot.pptx Add a plot into a pptx object
addPostCommand add post plot commands
addRScript Add R script into a document object
addRScript.bsdoc Add R script into a bsdoc object
addRScript.docx Add R script into a docx object
addRScript.pptx Add R script into a pptx object
addSection Add a section into a document object
addSection.docx Add a section into a docx object
addSlide Add a slide into a document object
addSlide.pptx Insert a slide into a pptx object
addSubtitle Add a subtitle shape into a document object
addSubtitle.pptx Insert a addSubtitle shape into a pptx object
addTOC Add a table of contents into a document object
addTOC.bsdoc Insert a table of contents into a bsdoc object
addTOC.docx Insert a table of contents into a docx object
addTitle Add a title into a document object
addTitle.bsdoc Insert a title into a bsdoc object
addTitle.docx Insert a title into a docx object
addTitle.pptx Insert a title into a pptx object
as.FlexTable R tables as FlexTables
as.FlexTable.sessionInfo get FlexTable from a sessionInfo object
as.html get HTML code
as.html.FlexTable get HTML code from a FlexTable
as.html.RScript get HTML code from a RScript object
as.html.bsdoc get HTML code from a bsdoc object
as.html.pot get HTML code from a pot
borderDashed shortcut for dashed border
borderDotted shortcut for dotted border
borderNone shortcut for no border
borderProperties border properties object
borderSolid shortcut for solid border
bsdoc Create an object representation of a bootstrap html document
cellProperties Cell formatting properties
chprop Change a formatting properties object
chprop.borderProperties Modify border formatting properties
chprop.cellProperties Modify a cell formatting properties object
chprop.parProperties Modify paragraph formatting properties
chprop.textProperties Modify text formatting properties
declareTitlesStyles Set manually headers'styles of a document object
declareTitlesStyles.docx Set manually headers'styles of a docx object
deleteBookmark delete a bookmark into a docx object
deleteBookmarkNextContent delete first content after a bookmark into a docx object
dim.docx Get page layout dimensions of a Word document
dim.pptx Get layout information on a PowerPoint slide
doc-list-settings format ordered and unordered lists
docx Create Microsoft Word document object representation
docx-bookmark docx bookmarks
is.color color checking
light.table get a simple FlexTable from a dataset
list_bookmarks List Bookmarks from a Word Document
parCenter shortcut for centered alignment
parJustify shortcut for justified alignment
parLeft shortcut for left alignment
parProperties Paragraph formatting properties
parRight shortcut for right alignment
pot Piece of Text (formated text)
pot_img Image to be concatenate with pot object
pptx Create Microsoft PowerPoint document object representation
print.FlexTable Print FlexTables
print.Footnote print a Footnote
print.bsdoc Print method for 'bsdoc' objects.
print.docx print informations about an object of class 'docx'.
print.pot Print pot objects
print.pptx print informations about an object of class 'pptx'.
print.textProperties print formatting properties
raphael.html get HTML code from a plot
raphael_clicks clicks instructions to raphael device
raphael_dbclicks tooltips instructions to raphael device
raphael_tooltips tooltips instructions to raphael device
raphael_tracer_off trace id off signal
raphael_tracer_on trace id on signal
registerRaphaelGraph register Raphael plots
reporters_str_width Compute the width of a string
setColumnsColors applies background colors to columns of a FlexTable
setFlexTableBackgroundColors applies background colors to cells of a FlexTable
setFlexTableBorders change grid lines of a FlexTable
setFlexTableWidths set columns widths of a FlexTable
setRowsColors applies background colors to rows of a FlexTable
setZebraStyle FlexTable rows zebra striping
set_of_paragraphs Set of paragraphs of text
slide.layouts Get layout names of a document object
slide.layouts.pptx Get layout names of a pptx document
spanFlexTableColumns Span columns within rows
spanFlexTableRows Span rows within columns
styles Get styles names of a document object
styles.docx Get styles names of a docx document
textBold shortcut for bold
textBoldItalic shortcut for bold italic
textItalic shortcut for italic
textNormal shortcut for default textProperties
textProperties Text formatting properties
text_extract Simple Text Extraction From a Word Document
toc.options Set TOC options for a document object
toc.options.docx Set TOC options
triggerPostCommand trigger post plot commands
vanilla.table get a simple FlexTable from a dataset
writeDoc Write a document object
writeDoc.bsdoc Write a 'bsdoc' object in a html file
writeDoc.docx Write a docx object in a docx file
writeDoc.pptx Write a pptx object in a pptx file