htmltab: Assemble Data Frames from HTML Tables
- GitHub:
- Vignettes: htmltab case studies
> library(htmltab)
Due to new features and arguments introduced with v.0.6.0 code can break.
Use suppressPackageStartupMessages to eliminate package startup messages.
バージョン: 0.7.0
関数名 | 概略 |
check_type |
Produce the table node |
create_inbody |
Reshape in table header information into wide format |
eval_body |
Evaluate and deparse the body argument |
eval_header |
Evaluate and deparse the header argument |
get_body_xpath |
Return body xpath |
get_cell_element |
Extracts cells elements |
get_head_xpath |
Return header xpath |
get_header_elements |
Extracts header elements |
get_span |
Extracts rowspan information |
get_trindex |
Return trindex given an XPath |
htmltab |
Assemble a data frame from HTML table data |
identify_elements |
Assemble XPath expressions for header and body |
normalize_tr |
Normalizes rows to be nested in tr tags, header in thead, body in tbody and numbers them |
num_xpath |
num_xpath: Generate numeric XPath expression |
rm_empty_cols |
Remove columns which do not have data values |
rm_empty_rows |
Remove rows which do not have data values |
rm_nuisance |
Remove nuisance elements from the the table code |
select_tab |
Selects the table from the HTML Code |
- doc
- which
- header
- headerFun
- headerSep
- body
- bodyFun
- complementary
- fillNA
- rm_superscript
- rm_escape
- rm_footnotes
- rm_nodata_cols
- rm_nodata_rows
- rm_invisible
- rm_whitespace
- colNames
- ...