sf: Simple Features for R
- CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sf/index.html
- GitHub: https://github.com/edzer/sfr/
- Vignettes:
> library(sf)
Linking to GEOS 3.6.1, GDAL 2.1.3, proj.4 4.9.3
バージョン: 0.4.3
関数名 | 概略 |
Ops.sfg |
S3 Ops Group Generic Functions (multiply and add/subtract) for affine transformation |
bind |
Bind rows (features) of sf objects |
dplyr |
Dplyr verb methods for sf objects |
geos |
Geometric operations on (pairs of) simple feature geometries |
plot |
Plot sf object |
rawToHex |
convert raw vector(s) into hexadecimal character string(s) |
sf |
Create sf object |
sfc |
Create simple feature collection object of class sfc from list |
st |
Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list |
st_as_binary |
Convert sfc object to an WKB object |
st_as_grob |
Convert sf* object to a grob |
st_as_sf |
Convert foreign object to an sf object |
st_as_sfc |
Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object |
st_as_text |
Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry |
st_bbox |
Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set |
st_cast |
Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly |
st_crs |
Retrieve coordinate reference system from object |
st_drivers |
Get GDAL drivers |
st_drop_zm |
Drop Z and/or M dimensions from feature geometries |
st_geometry |
Get, set, or replace geometry from an sf object |
st_geometry_type |
Return geometry type of an object |
st_is_longlat |
Assert whether simple feature coordinates are longlat degrees |
st_layers |
List layers in a datasource |
st_read |
Read simple features or layers from file or database |
st_transform |
Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature |
st_viewport |
Create viewport from sf, sfc or sfg object |
st_write |
Write simple features object to file or database |
st_write_db |
Write simple feature table to a spatial database |
summary.sfc |
Summarize simple feature column |
tibble |
Summarize simple feature type for tibble |