lawn: Client for 'Turfjs' for 'Geospatial' Analysis
- GitHub:
- Vignettes:
> library(lawn)
バージョン: 0.3.0
関数名 | 概略 |
as_feature |
Convert a FeatureCollection to a Feature |
data-types |
Description of GeoJSON data types |
georandom |
Return a FeatureCollection with N number of features with random coordinates |
lawn-package |
R client for turf.js for geospatial analysis |
lawn_aggregate |
Calculate a series of aggregations for a set of points within polygons |
lawn_along |
Get a point at a distance along a line |
lawn_area |
Calculate the area of a polygon or group of polygons |
lawn_average |
Average of a field among points within polygons |
lawn_bbox_polygon |
Make a polygon from a bounding box |
lawn_bearing |
Get geographic bearing between two points |
lawn_bezier |
Curve a linestring |
lawn_buffer |
Buffer a feature |
lawn_center |
Get center point |
lawn_centroid |
Centroid |
lawn_combine |
Combine singular features into plural versions |
lawn_concave |
Concave hull polygon |
lawn_convex |
Convex hull polygon |
lawn_count |
Count number of points within polygons |
lawn_data |
Data for use in examples |
lawn_destination |
Calculate destination point |
lawn_deviation |
Standard deviation of a field among points within polygons |
lawn_distance |
Distance between two points |
lawn_envelope |
Calculate envelope around features |
lawn_erase |
Erase one polygon from another |
lawn_explode |
Explode vertices to points |
lawn_extent |
Get a bounding box |
lawn_featurecollection |
Create a FeatureCollection |
lawn_filter |
Filter a FeatureCollection by a given property and value |
lawn_flip |
Flip x,y to y,x, and vice versa |
lawn_hex_grid |
Create a HexGrid |
lawn_inside |
Does a point reside inside a polygon |
lawn_intersect |
Intersection |
lawn_isolines |
Generate Isolines |
lawn_jenks |
Get Jenks breaks |
lawn_kinks |
Get points at all self-intersections of a polygon |
lawn_line_distance |
Measure a linestring |
lawn_line_slice |
Slice a line given two points |
lawn_linestring |
Create a linestring |
lawn_max |
Maximum value of a field among points within polygons |
lawn_median |
Median value of a field among points within polygons |
lawn_merge |
Merge polygons |
lawn_midpoint |
Get a point midway between two points |
lawn_min |
Minimum value of a field among points within polygons |
lawn_nearest |
Get nearest point |
lawn_planepoint |
Calculate a Planepoint |
lawn_point |
Create a point |
lawn_point_grid |
Create a PointGrid |
lawn_point_on_line |
Get closest point on linestring to reference point |
lawn_point_on_surface |
Get a point on the surface of a feature |
lawn_polygon |
Create a polygon |
lawn_quantile |
Calculate quantiles |
lawn_random |
Generate random data |
lawn_reclass |
Reclassify properties data |
lawn_remove |
Remove things from a FeatureCollection |
lawn_sample |
Return features from FeatureCollection at random |
lawn_simplify |
Simplify GeoJSON data |
lawn_size |
Expand a bounding box |
lawn_square |
Calculate a square bounding box |
lawn_square_grid |
Create a SquareGrid |
lawn_sum |
Sum of a field among points within polygons |
lawn_tag |
Spatial join of points and polygons |
lawn_tin |
Create a Triangulated Irregular Network |
lawn_triangle_grid |
Create a TriangleGrid |
lawn_union |
Merge polygons |
lawn_variance |
Variance of a field among points within polygons |
lawn_within |
Return points that fall within polygons |
print-methods |
Lawn print methods to provide summary view |
view |
Visualize geojson |
- n
- bbox
- vertices
- max_radial_length
> gr_point(n = 4, bbox = NULL)
Bounding box: -133.8 -32.8 141.9 53.7
No. features: 4
No. points: 8
Properties: NULL
> gr_position(bbox = NULL)
[1] -42.96173 -56.62047
> gr_polygon(n = 2, vertices = 10, max_radial_length = 10, bbox = NULL)
Bounding box: 136.9 -52.5 160.5 83.4
No. features: 2
No. points: 44
Properties: NULL
> lawn_average(polygons = lawn_data$polygons_average,
+ points = lawn_data$points_average,
+ field = 'population')
Error in lawn_average(polygons = lawn_data$polygons_average, points = lawn_data$points_average, : unused argument (field = "population")
> lawn_count(polygons = lawn_data$polygons_count, points = lawn_data$points_count)
Error in sprintf("var fc = turf.collect(%s, %s, '%s', 'values');", convert(polygons), : argument "in_field" is missing, with no default
> lawn_data %>% class()
[1] "list"
- from
- to
- units
- lint
> from <- '{
+ "type": "Feature",
+ "properties": {},
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Point",
+ "coordinates": [-75.343, 39.984]
+ }
+ }'
> to <- '{
+ "type": "Feature",
+ "properties": {},
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Point",
+ "coordinates": [-75.534, 39.123]
+ }
+ }'
> lawn_distance(from, to)
[1] 97.15958
> c(-74.5, 40) %>% lawn_point()
Bounding box: -74.5 40.0 -74.5 40.0
Coordinates: -74.5 40.0
Properties: NULL
> list(list(
+ c(-2.275543, 53.464547),
+ c(-2.275543, 53.489271),
+ c(-2.215118, 53.489271),
+ c(-2.215118, 53.464547),
+ c(-2.275543, 53.464547)
+ )) %>% lawn_polygon()
Bounding box: -2.3 53.5 -2.2 53.5
No. points: 5
Properties: NULL
> lawn_random(n = 2)
Bounding box: -51.9 73.5 -2.6 80.1
No. features: 2
No. points: 4
Properties: NULL
> view(lawn_data$points_average)