wakefield: Generate Random Data Sets

> library(wakefield)

Attaching package: 'wakefield'

The following object is masked from 'package:raster':


バージョン: 0.2.0

関数名 概略
age Generate Random Vector of Ages
animal Generate Random Vector of animals
animal_list Animal List
answer Generate Random Vector of Answers (Yes/No)
area Generate Random Vector of Areas
as_integer Convert a Factor Data Frame to Integer
car Generate Random Vector of Cars
children Generate Random Vector of Number of Children
coin Generate Random Vector of Coin Flips
color Generate Random Vector of Colors
date_stamp Generate Random Vector of Dates
death Generate Random Vector of Deaths Outcomes
dice Generate Random Vector of Dice Throws
dna Generate Random Vector of DNA Nucleobases
dob Generate Random Vector of Birth Dates
dummy Generate Random Dummy Coded Vector
education Generate Random Vector of Educational Attainment Level
employment Generate Random Vector of Employment Statuses
eye Generate Random Vector of Eye Colors
grade Generate Random Vector of Grades
grade_level Generate Random Vector of Grade Levels
grady_augmented Augmented List of Grady Ward's English Words and Mark Kantrowitz's Names List
group Generate Random Vector of Control/Treatment Groups
hair Generate Random Vector of Hair Colors
height Generate Random Vector of Heights
hour Generate a Random Sequence of H:M:S Times
id Identification Numbers
income Generate Random Gamma Vector of Incomes
internet_browser Generate Random Vector of Internet Browsers
interval Cut Numeric Into Factor
iq Generate Random Vector of Intelligence Quotients (IQs)
language Generate Random Vector of Languages
languages Languages of the World
level Generate Random Vector of Levels
likert Generate Random Vector of Likert-Type Responses
lorem_ipsum Generate Random Lorem Ipsum Strings
marital Generate Random Vector of Marital Statuses
military Generate Random Vector of Military Branches
minute Generate a Random Sequence of Minutes in H:M:S Format
month Generate Random Vector of Months
name Generate Random Vector of Names
name_neutral Gender Neutral Names
normal Generate Random Normal Vector
peek Data Frame Viewing
plot.tbl_df Plots a tbl_df Object
political Generate Random Vector of Political Parties
presidential_debates_2012 2012 U.S. Presidential Debate Dialogue
print.available Prints an available Object.
print.variable Prints a variable Object
probs Generate a Random Vector of Probabilities.
r_data Pre-Selected Column Data Set
r_data_frame Data Frame Production (From Variable Functions)
r_dummy Title
r_insert Insert Data Frames Into 'r_data_frame'
r_list List Production (From Variable Functions)
r_na Title
r_sample Generate Random Vector
r_sample_binary Generate Random Binary Vector
r_sample_factor Generate Random Factor Vector
r_sample_integer Generate Random Integer Vector
r_sample_logical Generate Random Logical Vector
r_sample_ordered Generate Random Ordered Factor Vector
r_sample_replace Generate Random Vector (Without Replacement)
r_series Data Frame Series (Repeated Measures)
race Generate Random Vector of Races
relate Create Related Numeric Columns
religion Generate Random Vector of Religions
sat Generate Random Vector of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SATs)
second Generate a Random Sequence of Seconds in H:M:S Format
sentence Generate Random Vector of Sentences
seriesname Add Internal Name to Data Frame
sex Generate Random Vector of Genders
sex_inclusive Generate Random Vector of Non-Binary Genders
smokes Generate Random Logical Smokes Vector
speed Generate Random Vector of Speeds
state Generate Random Vector of states
state_populations State Populations (2010)
string Generate Random Vector of Strings
table_heat View Data Table Column Types as Heat Map
time_stamp Generate a Random Sequence of Times in H:M:S Format
upper Generate Random Letter Vector
valid Generate Random Logical Vector
variables Available Variable Functions
varname Add Internal Name to Vector
wakefield Generate Random Data Sets
year Generate Random Vector of Years
zip_code Generate Random Vector of Zip Codes


> age(10)
 [1] 28 28 34 21 34 29 24 33 32 23