geographr: Discover the world geography with fun

> library(geographr)

バージョン: 1.0

関数名 概略
add_button geographr internal functions
find_cities Locate cities on the map
find_country Identify countries on the map
find_flag Identify national flags
find_region Locate regions on the map
geographr-package Discover the world geography with fun
get_country_name Get the name of countries
get_region_name Get the name of countries
learning Learn the geography of the world countries


> set.seed(71)
> get_country_name() %>% sample(10)
 [1] "Greenland"       "Mayotte"         "Ghana"          
 [4] "Croatia"         "Gambia"          "Uganda"         
 [7] "Northern Cyprus" "Sweden"          "Greece"         
[10] "Isle of Man"


> get_region_name()
[1] "Africa"          "Asia"            "Central america" "Europa"         
[5] "North America"   "Oceania"         "South America"
> get_region_name(lang = "fr")
[1] "Afrique"            "Amérique centrale" "Amérique du Nord" 
[4] "Amérique du Sud"   "Asie"               "Europe"            
[7] "Océanie"


> learning(region = "world", lang = "en")