XLConnect: Excel Connector for R


> library(XLConnect)
Loading required package: XLConnectJars
Error: package 'XLConnectJars' could not be loaded

バージョン: 0.2.12

関数名 概略
$-methods Executing workbook methods in object$method(...) form
XLC XLConnect Constants
XLConnect-deprecated Deprecated functions in package 'XLConnect'
XLConnect-package Excel Connector for R
[ Workbook data extraction & replacement operators
addImage-methods Adding images to a worksheet
appendNamedRegion-methods Appending data to a named region
appendWorksheet-methods Appending data to worksheets
aref Constructing Excel area references
aref2idx Converting Excel cell references to row and column based cell references
cellstyle-class Class "cellstyle"
clearNamedRegion-methods Clearing named regions in a workbook
clearRange-methods Clearing cell ranges in a workbook
clearRangeFromReference-methods Clearing cell ranges in a workbook
clearSheet-methods Clearing worksheets in a workbook
cloneSheet-methods Cloning/copying worksheets
col2idx Converting Excel column names to indices
createCellStyle-methods Creating custom named and anonymous cell styles
createFreezePane-methods Creating a freeze pane on a worksheet
createName-methods Creating names in a workbook
createSheet-methods Creating worksheets in a workbook
createSplitPane-methods Creating a split pane on a worksheet
cref2idx Converting Excel cell references to indices
existsName-methods Checking existence of names in a workbook
existsSheet-methods Checking for existence of worksheets in a workbook
extractSheetName Extracting the sheet name from a formula
getActiveSheetIndex-methods Querying the active worksheet index
getActiveSheetName-methods Querying the active worksheet name
getBoundingBox-methods Querying the coordinates of a worksheet bounding box
getCellFormula-methods Retrieving formula definitions from cells
getCellStyle-methods Retrieving named cell styles
getCellStyleForType-methods Querying the cell style per data type for the DATATYPE style action
getDefinedNames-methods Retrieving defined names in a workbook
getForceFormulaRecalculation-methods Querying the coordinates of the range reference by an Excel name
getLastColumn-methods Querying the last (non-empty) column on a worksheet
getLastRow-methods Querying the last (non-empty) row on a worksheet
getReferenceCoordinates-methods Querying the coordinates of the range reference by an Excel name
getReferenceCoordinatesForName-methods Querying the coordinates of the range reference by an Excel name
getReferenceCoordinatesForTable-methods Querying the coordinates of the range of an Excel table
getReferenceFormula-methods Querying reference formulas of Excel names
getSheetPos-methods Querying worksheet position
getSheets-methods Querying available worksheets in a workbook
getTables-methods Querying available Excel tables in a workbook
hideSheet-methods Hiding worksheets in a workbook
idx2aref Converting row and column based area references to Excel area references
idx2col Converting column indices to Excel column names
idx2cref Converting indices to Excel cell references
isSheetHidden-methods Checking if worksheets are hidden in a workbook
isSheetVeryHidden-methods Checking if worksheets are very hidden in a workbook
isSheetVisible-methods Checking if worksheets are visible in a workbook
loadWorkbook Loading Microsoft Excel workbooks
mergeCells-methods Merging cells
mirai Mirai Solutions GmbH
onErrorCell-methods Behavior when error cells are detected
print-methods Print a workbook's filename
readNamedRegion Reading named regions from a workbook
readNamedRegionFromFile Reading named regions from an Excel file (wrapper function)
readTable Reading Excel tables from a workbook
readWorksheet-methods Reading data from worksheets
readWorksheetFromFile Reading data from worksheets in an Excel file (wrapper function)
removeName-methods Removing names from workbooks
removePane-methods Removing panes from worksheet
removeSheet-methods Removing worksheets from workbooks
renameSheet-methods Renaming worksheets from workbooks
saveWorkbook-methods Saving Microsoft Excel workbooks
setActiveSheet-methods Setting the active worksheet in a workbook
setAutoFilter-methods Setting auto-filters on worksheets
setBorder-methods Specifying borders for cell styles
setCellFormula-methods Setting cell formulas
setCellStyle-methods Setting cell styles
setCellStyleForType-methods Setting the cell style per data type for the DATATYPE style action
setColumnWidth-methods Setting the width of a column in a worksheet
setDataFormat-methods Specifying custom data formats for cell styles
setDataFormatForType-methods Setting the data format for the DATA_FORMAT_ONLY style action
setFillBackgroundColor-methods Specifying the fill background color for cell styles
setFillForegroundColor-methods Specifying the fill foreground color for cell styles
setFillPattern-methods Specifying the fill pattern for cell styles
setForceFormulaRecalculation-methods Forcing Excel to recalculate formula values when opening a workbook
setMissingValue-methods Setting missing value identifiers
setRowHeight-methods Setting the height of a row in a worksheet
setSheetColor-methods Setting colors on worksheet tabs
setSheetPos-methods Setting worksheet position
setStyleAction-methods Controlling application of cell styles when writing data to Excel
setStyleNamePrefix-methods Setting the style name prefix for the "name prefix" style action
setWrapText-methods Specifying text wrapping behaviour
show-methods Display a workbook object
summary-methods Summarizing workbook objects
swissfranc Historical Exchange Rates: CHF vs EUR, USD and GBP
unhideSheet-methods Unhiding worksheets in a workbook
unmergeCells-methods Unmerging cells
with.workbook Evaluate an R expression in a workbook environment
workbook-class Class "workbook"
writeNamedRegion-methods Writing named regions to a workbook
writeNamedRegionToFile Writing named regions to an Excel file (wrapper function)
writeWorksheet-methods Writing data to worksheets
writeWorksheetToFile Writing data to worksheets in an Excel file (wrapper function)
xlcDump Dumping data sets to Excel files
xlcEdit Editing data sets in an Excel file editor
xlcFreeMemory Freeing Java Virtual Machine memory
xlcMemoryReport Reporting free Java Virtual Machine memory
xlcRestore Restoring objects from Excel files



ref) readTable()


  • filename
  • create
> path <- system.file("demoFiles/mtcars.xlsx", package = "XLConnect")
> XLConnect::loadWorkbook(path) %>% class()
Error: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'XLConnectJars', details:
  call: .jinit()
  error: JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs returned -1



ref) loadWorkbook()

> path <- system.file("demoFiles/mtcars.xlsx", package = "XLConnect")
> path %>% XLConnect::loadWorkbook() %>% readTable(sheet = "mtcars_table", table = "MtcarsTable") %>% {
+   print(class(.))
+   dplyr::tbl_df(.)
+ }




  • file
  • data
  • sheet
  • ...
  • styleAction
  • clearSheets
> path <- system.file("demoFiles/mtcars.xlsx", package = "XLConnect")
> path %>% readWorksheetFromFile(sheet = 1, 
+                                header = FALSE, 
+                                startCol = 2, 
+                                startRow = 2, 
+                                endCol = 3, 
+                                endRow = 3)
Error in function_list[[k]](value): could not find function "readWorksheetFromFile"
