spoccutils: Utilities for Use with 'spocc'


> library(spoccutils)
Warning: replacing previous import by 'grid::unit' when loading

バージョン: 0.1.0

関数名 概略
basemaps Base maps to use with maprcharts function
clean Clean spocc data
get_palette Get palette actual name from longer names
map_ggmap ggpmap visualization of species occurences
map_ggplot ggplot2 visualization of species occurences
map_gist Make an interactive map to view in the browser as a Github gist
map_leaflet Make an interactive map to view in the browser
map_plot Use base R plotting method to visualize spocc data.
occ2sp Create a spatial points dataframe from a spocc search
palettes Palettes to use with maprcharts function
spocc_duplicates A note about duplicate occurrence records
spoccutils-package Utility functions for use with the spocc package
style_geojson Style a data.frame prior to converting to geojson.