DDD: Diversity-Dependent Diversification

> library(DDD)
Loading required package: deSolve

Attaching package: 'deSolve'
The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':

Loading required package: ape
Loading required package: ade4

バージョン: 3.2

関数名 概略
DDD-package Diversity Dependent Diversification
bd_ML Maximization of the loglikelihood under the diversity-independent, possibly time-dependent diversification model
bd_loglik Loglikelihood for diversity-independent diversification model
dd_KI_ML Maximization of the loglikelihood under a
diversity-dependent diversification model with decoupling of a subclade's diversication dynamics from the main clade's dynamics
dd_KI_loglik Loglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models with decoupling of a subclade from a main clade at time t = t_d
dd_KI_sim Function to simulate a key innovation in macro-evolution with the innovative clade decoupling from the diversity-dependent diversification dynamics of the main clade
dd_LR Bootstrap likelihood ratio test of diversity-dependent diversification model
dd_ML Maximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent diversification model
dd_MS_ML Maximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent diversification model with decoupling of a subclade's diversication dynamics from the main clade's dynamics
dd_MS_loglik Loglikelihood for macro-evolutionary succession under diversity-dependent diversification with the key innovation at time t = t_d
dd_MS_sim Function to simulate the macro-evolutionary succession process assuming diversity-dependent diversification
dd_SR_ML Maximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent diversification model with a shift in the parameters
dd_SR_loglik Loglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models with a shift in the parameters at time t = tshift
dd_loglik Loglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models
dd_sim Function to simulate the diversity-dependent diversification process