packrat: A Dependency Management System for Projects and their R Package Dependencies


> library(packrat)

バージョン: 0.4.4

関数名 概略
bundle Bundle a Packrat Project
clean Remove Packages from the Library
create_repo Create a Local, CRAN-like Repository
disable Disable the use of Packrat in a Project
init Initialize Packrat on a new or existing R project
install Install a local development package.
install_github Install a package from GitHub
install_local Install a Package from a Local Repository
migrate Migrate to Packrat Mode
packify Automatically Enter Packrat Mode on Startup
packrat Packrat: Reproducible dependency management
packrat-external Managing External Libraries
packrat-mode Packrat Mode
packrat-options Get/set packrat project options
repository-management Add a Repository
restore Apply the most recent snapshot to the library
search_path Get Packages on the Search Path
snapshot Capture and store the packages and versions in use
status Show differences between the last snapshot and the library
unbundle Unbundle a Packrat Project
unused_packages Find Unused Packages in a Project
upload_package Upload a Package to a Local CRAN-like Repository





