deeplearning: An Implementation of Deep Neural Network for Regression and Classification

> library(deeplearning)
Loading required package: darch

Attaching package: 'darch'
The following objects are masked from 'package:rCharts':

    addLayer, getLayer

バージョン: 0.1.0

関数名 概略
AR Calculates the Accuracy Ratio of a classifier
AR.DArch Calculates the Accruacy Ratio of a given set of probability
AR.default Calculates the Accruacy Ratio of a given set of probability
AR.numeric Calculates the Accruacy Ratio of a given set of probability
applyDropoutMask Applies the given dropout mask to the given data row-wise.
backpropagate_delta_bn Calculates the delta functions using backpropagation
batch_normalization Batch Normalization Function that normalizes the input before applying non-linearity
batch_normalization_differential Function that calcualtes the differentials in the batch normalization mode
calcualte_population_mu_sigma Calculates the mu and sigmas of a darch instance
classification_error Calculates the classification error
convert_categorical Data proprosess function that covnerts a categorical input to continuous input or vectorize it
crossEntropyErr Calculates the cross entropy error
finetune_SGD_bn Updates a deep neural network's parameters using stochastic gradient descent method and batch normalization
generateDropoutMask Generates the dropout mask for the deep neural network
generateDropoutMasksForDarch Generates dropout masks for dnn
matMult Calculates the outer product of two matricies
meanSquareErr Calculates the mean squared error
new_dnn Creats a new instance of darch class
print_weight Prints out the weight of a deep neural network
rectified_linear_unit_function Rectified Linear Unit Function
reset_population_mu_sigma Resets the mu and sigmas of a darch instance to 0 and 1
rsq Calculate the RSQ of a regression model Utilitiy function that calcualtes RSQ of a model. It measures the goodness-of- fit of a regression model.
rsq.DArch Utilitiy function that calcualtes RSQ of a DArch instance
rsq.lm Utilitiy function that calcualtes RSQ of a linear model
run_dnn Execution function that runs in the batch normalization mode
train_dnn Train a deep neural network
verticalize Creates a matrix by repeating a row vector N times