rmarkdown: Dynamic Documents for R
- CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rmarkdown/index.html
- GitHub: https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown
- URL: http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/
> library(rmarkdown)
バージョン: 0.9.5
関数名 | 概略 |
beamer_presentation |
Convert to a Beamer presentation |
compile_notebook |
Compiling R scripts to a notebook |
default_output_format |
Determine the default output format for an R Markdown document |
draft |
Create a new document based on a template |
find_external_resources |
Find External Resource References |
github_document |
Convert to GitHub Flavored Markdown |
html-dependencies |
Provide common HTML dependencies for R Markdown formats |
html_document |
Convert to an HTML document |
html_document_base |
Base output format for HTML-based output formats |
html_fragment |
Convert to an HTML fragment. |
html_vignette |
Convert to an HTML vignette. |
includes |
Include content within output |
ioslides_presentation |
Convert to an ioslides Presentation |
knit_params_ask |
Run a shiny application asking for parameter configuration for the given document. |
knitr_options |
Knitr options for an output format |
knitr_options_html |
Knitr options for an HTML output format |
knitr_options_pdf |
Knitr options for a PDF output format |
md_document |
Convert to a markdown document |
metadata |
The YAML metadata of the current R Markdown document |
odt_document |
Convert to an OpenDocument Text (ODT) document |
output_format |
Define an R Markdown output format |
pandoc_args |
Functions for generating pandoc command line arguments |
pandoc_available |
Check pandoc availabilty and version |
pandoc_convert |
Convert a document with pandoc |
pandoc_options |
Pandoc options for an output format |
pandoc_path_arg |
Transform path for passing to pandoc |
pandoc_self_contained_html |
Create a self-contained HTML document using pandoc. |
pandoc_template |
Render a pandoc template. |
pdf_document |
Convert to a PDF document |
relative_to |
Relative path utility function |
render |
Render R Markdown |
render_delayed |
Delay Rendering for an Expression |
render_supporting_files |
Render supporting files for an input document |
rmarkdown-package |
R Markdown Document Conversion |
rmarkdown_format |
R Markdown input format definition |
rmd_metadata |
R Markdown Metadata |
rtf_document |
Convert to an RTF document |
run |
Run a Shiny document |
slidy_presentation |
Convert to a slidy presentation |
tufte_handout |
Tufte handout format (PDF) |
word_document |
Convert to an MS Word document |
- file: 新規に作成するファイルの名称
- template: 使用するテンプレート
- package: テンプレートを含むパッケージ
- edit: ファイル作成後、すぐに編集する場合は
> # devtools::install_git("uribo/lab.note")
> rmarkdown::draft("MyReport.Rmd", template = "report", package = "lab.note")