datarobot: DataRobot Predictive Modeling API

> library(datarobot)
Did not connect to DataRobot on package startup. Use `ConnectToDataRobot`.
To connect by default on startup, you can put a config file at: /Users/uri/.config/datarobot/drconfig.yaml

バージョン: 2.2.32

関数名 概略
AutopilotMode Autopilot modes
ConnectToDataRobot Establish a connection to the DataRobot modeling engine
CreateFeaturelist Create a new featurelist in a DataRobot project
CreateGroupPartition Create a group-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget function
`CreateRandomPartition Create a random sampling-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget function
CreateStratifiedPartition Create a stratified sampling-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget function
`CreateUserPartition Create a user-defined S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget function
DeleteJob Cancel a running job
DeleteModel Delete a specified DataRobot model
DeleteModelJob Delete a model job from the modeling queue
DeletePendingJob Delete a model job from the modeling queue
DeletePredictJob Function to delete one predict job from the DataRobot queue
DeleteProject Delete a specified element from the DataRobot project list
GetAllModels Retrieve all available model information for a DataRobot project
GetFeatureInfo Details about a feature
GetFeaturelist Retrieve a specific featurelist from a DataRobot project
GetFeatures Deprecated (use ListModelFeatures instead)
GetModelFromJobId Retrieve a new or updated model defined by modelJobId
GetModelJobs Retrieve status of Autopilot modeling jobs that are not complete
GetModelObject Retrieve the details of a specified model
GetPendingJobs Retrieve status of Autopilot modeling jobs that are not complete
GetPredictJobs Function to list all prediction jobs in a project
GetPredictions Retrieve model predictions from predictJobId
GetProject Retrieve dtails about a specified DataRobot modeling project
GetProjectList Retrieve a list of all DataRobot projects
GetProjectStatus Request Autopilot status for a specified DataRobot project
GetRecommendedBlueprints Retrieve the list of recommended blueprints for a project
`GetValidMetrics Retrieve the valid fitting metrics for a specified project and target
JobStatus Job statuses
ListFeatureInfo Details about all features for this project
ListFeaturelists Retrieve all featurelists associated with a project
ListJobs Retrieve information about (model and predict) jobs
ListModelFeatures Returns the list of features (i.e., variables) on which a specified model is based
PauseQueue Pause the DataRobot modeling queue
RequestNewModel Adds a new model of type specified by blueprint to a DataRobot project
RequestPredictions Request predictions for model from newdata
RequestSampleSizeUpdate Refits an existing model to a different fraction of the training dataset
SetTarget Set the target variable (and by default, start the DataRobot Autopilot)
SetupProject Function to set up a new DataRobot project
StartAutopilot (deprecated: Use SetTarget instead)
StartNewAutoPilot Starts autopilot on provided featurelist. Only one autopilot can be running at the time. That's why any ongoing autopilot on different featurelist will be halted - modelling jobs in queue would not be affected but new jobs would not be added to queue by halted autopilot.
UnpauseQueue Re-start the DataRobot modeling queue
UpdateProject Update parameters for an existing project
ViewWebModel Retrieve a DataRobot web page that displays detailed model information
ViewWebProject Retrieve a DataRobot web page that displays detailed project information
WaitForAutopilot This function periodically checks whether Autopilot is finished and returns only after it is. DataRobot S3 object methods for R's generic function
datarobot-package DataRobot Predictive Modeling API
plot.listOfModels Plot method for DataRobot S3 objects of class listOfModels
summary.dataRobotModel DataRobot S3 object methods for R's generic summary function