datacheck: Tools for Checking Data Consistency

> library(datacheck)

バージョン: 1.2.2

関数名 概略
as.rules Converts a vector of lines into a rules data frame
as_rules Converts a vector of lines into a rules data frame
datacheck-package Check a table against a set of constraints or rules defined in R.
datadict.profile Create a data quality profile (main function)
datadict_profile Create a data quality profile (main function)
has.punct Tests for presence of most common punctuation characters
has.ruleErrors Quick check if a rule profile on a table has any errors.
has_punct Tests for presence of most common punctuation characters
has_rule_errors Quick check if a rule profile on a table has any errors.
heatmap.quality Draws a heatmap based on data quality scores
heatmap_quality Draws a heatmap based on data quality scores
is.datadict.profile is.datadict.profile
is.oneOf Tests if a string or 'factor level' is one of a pre-defined set
is.onlyLowers Tests if a string has only lower case letters
is.properName Tests if string is like a proper name with inital letter in upper case
is.withinRange Tests if a numeric value is between a minimal and maximum value. Serves as convenience function.
is_datadict_profile is.datadict.profile
is_one_of Tests if a string or 'factor level' is one of a pre-defined set
is_only_lowers Tests if a string has only lower case letters
is_proper_name Tests if string is like a proper name with inital letter in upper case
is_within_range Tests if a numeric value is between a minimal and maximum value. Serves as convenience function.
pkg.version Get the current version of a package
pkg_version Get the current version of a package
prep4rep Prepares a summary table for display in a 'printed' report.
read.rules Reads a file containing rules in data dictionary format.
read_rules Reads a file containing rules in data dictionary format.
ruleCoverage Dotchart of rules per variable
rule_coverage Dotchart of rules per variable
runDatacheck Presents the packages graphical user interface
run_datacheck Presents the packages graphical user interface
scoreSum Line chart of cumulative sum of rule scores.
score_sum Line chart of cumulative sum of rule scores.
shortSummary Produces a tabular summary of descriptive statistics using the 'Hmisc::describe' function from the Hmisc package.
short_summary Produces a tabular summary of descriptive statistics using the 'Hmisc::describe' function from the Hmisc package.