plant: A package for modelling forest trait ecology and evolution

> library(plant)

バージョン: 1.0.0

関数名 概略
CohortSchedule Schedule of cohort introduction times
Control Control parameters
Disturbance Disturbance control object
Environment Environment object
FF16_Plant Create a FF16 Plant or Cohort
FF16_Strategy Strategy parameters
FF16r_Plant Create a FF16r Plant or Cohort
FF16r_Strategy Strategy parameters
FF16r_hyperpar Hyperparameters for FF16r physiological model are same as FF16
Interpolator Spline interpolation
OdeControl ODE Control parameters
Plant Plant object
PlantPlus PlantPlus object
QK Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature
assembly_parameters Helper function for creating parameter objects
bounds Trait bounds
build_schedule Build Cohort Schedule
carrying_capacity Carrying Capacity
check_inviable Check low-abundance strategies for viability
clamp_domain Clamp function to domain
cohort_schedule_times_default Generate Default Cohort Introduction Times
equilibrium_seed_rain Run system to seed rain equilibrium
equilibrium_verbose Noisy Parameters for Equilibrium Finding
expand_parameters Expand Parameters to include mutants
fast_control Fast Control Defaults
fitness_landscape Fitness Landscape
fixed_environment Create fixed light environment
grow_plant_to_size Grow plant to given size
grow_plant_to_time Grow a plant
lcp_whole_plant Whole plant light compensation point
make_FF16_hyperpar Hyperparameters for FF16 physiological model
make_patch Reconstruct a patch
make_reference_plant Reference Growth Model
make_reference_plant_FF16 Reference Growth Model
make_scm_integrate Integrate SCM variables
make_transparent Make colours transparent
max_fitness Find point of maximum fitness within some range.
max_growth_rate Compute Max Growth Rate
nlsolve Thin wrapper around nleqslv and dfsane
plant_log_console Activate logging with loggr
rbind_list Create matrices from lists
run_scm Run SCM
run_scm_collect Run the SCM, Collecting Output
run_stochastic_collect Run a stochastic patch, Collecting Output
scm_base_parameters Sensible, fast (ish) SCM parameters
seq_log Sequence in log space
splinefun_log Spline interpolation in log-x space
strategy_list Create a list of Strategies
trait_matrix Create trait matrix
validate Validate an object
viable_fitness Compute Region of Positive Fitnes