
> library(parallel)

バージョン: 3.2.2

children Low-level Functions for Management of Forked
clusterApply Apply Operations using Clusters
detectCores Detect the Number of CPU Cores
makeCluster Create a Parallel Socket Cluster
mcaffinity Get or Set CPU Affinity Mask of the Current
mcfork Fork a Copy of the Current R Process
mclapply Parallel Versions of 'lapply' and 'mapply'
using Forking
mcparallel Evaluate an R Expression Asynchronously in a
Separate Process
nextRNGStream Implementation of Pierre L'Ecuyer's RngStreams
parallel-package Support for Parallel Computation
pvec Parallelize a Vector Map Function using Forking
splitIndices Divide Tasks for Distribution in a Cluster
関数名 概略
children Low-level Functions for Management of Forked Processes
clusterApply Apply Operations using Clusters
detectCores Detect the Number of CPU Cores
makeCluster Create a Parallel Socket Cluster
mcaffinity Get or Set CPU Affinity Mask of the Current Process
mcfork Fork a Copy of the Current R Process
mclapply Parallel Versions of 'lapply' and 'mapply' using Forking
mcparallel Evaluate an R Expression Asynchronously in a Separate Process
nextRNGStream Implementation of Pierre L'Ecuyer's RngStreams
parallel-package Support for Parallel Computation
pvec Parallelize a Vector Map Function using Forking
splitIndices Divide Tasks for Distribution in a Cluster



> detectCores()
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