spatstat: Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests


> library(spatstat)
Loading required package: nlme

Attaching package: 'nlme'

The following object is masked from 'package:raster':


The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':


spatstat 1.43-0       (nickname: 'Mixed Effects') 
For an introduction to spatstat, type 'beginner'

Attaching package: 'spatstat'

The following objects are masked from 'package:raster':

    area, rotate, shift

バージョン: 1.43.0

関数名 概略
AreaInter The Area Interaction Point Process Model
BadGey Hybrid Geyer Point Process Model
CDF Cumulative Distribution Function From Kernel Density Estimate
Concom The Connected Component Process Model
DiggleGatesStibbard Diggle-Gates-Stibbard Point Process Model
DiggleGratton Diggle-Gratton model
Emark Diagnostics for random marking
F3est Empty Space Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern
Fest Estimate the Empty Space Function or its Hazard Rate
Fiksel The Fiksel Interaction
Finhom Inhomogeneous Empty Space Function
Frame Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial Object
G3est Nearest Neighbour Distance Distribution Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern
Gcom Model Compensator of Nearest Neighbour Function
Gcross Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-j)
Gdot Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-any)
Gest Nearest Neighbour Distance Function G
Geyer Geyer's Saturation Point Process Model
Gfox Foxall's Distance Functions
Ginhom Inhomogeneous Nearest Neighbour Function
Gmulti Marked Nearest Neighbour Distance Function
Gres Residual G Function
Hardcore The Hard Core Point Process Model
Hest Spherical Contact Distribution Function
HierHard The Hierarchical Hard Core Point Process Model
HierStrauss The Hierarchical Strauss Point Process Model
HierStraussHard The Hierarchical Strauss Hard Core Point Process Model
Hybrid Hybrid Interaction Point Process Model
Iest Estimate the I-function
Jcross Multitype J Function (i-to-j)
Jdot Multitype J Function (i-to-any)
Jest Estimate the J-function
Jinhom Inhomogeneous J-function
Jmulti Marked J Function
K3est K-function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern
Kcom Model Compensator of K Function
Kcross Multitype K Function (Cross-type)
Kcross.inhom Inhomogeneous Cross K Function
Kdot Multitype K Function (i-to-any)
Kdot.inhom Inhomogeneous Multitype K Dot Function
Kest K-function
Kest.fft K-function using FFT
Kinhom Inhomogeneous K-function
Kmark Mark-Weighted K Function
Kmeasure Reduced Second Moment Measure
Kmodel K Function or Pair Correlation Function of a Point Process Model
Kmodel.dppm K-function or Pair Correlation Function of a Determinantal Point Process Model
Kmodel.kppm K Function or Pair Correlation Function of Cluster Model or Cox model
Kmodel.ppm K Function or Pair Correlation Function of Gibbs Point Process model
Kmulti Marked K-Function
Kmulti.inhom Inhomogeneous Marked K-Function
Kovesi Colour Sequences with Uniform Perceptual Contrast
Kres Residual K Function
Kscaled Locally Scaled K-function
Ksector Sector K-function
LambertW Lambert's W Function
Lcross Multitype L-function (cross-type)
Lcross.inhom Inhomogeneous Cross Type L Function
Ldot Multitype L-function (i-to-any)
Ldot.inhom Inhomogeneous Multitype L Dot Function
LennardJones The Lennard-Jones Potential
Lest L-function
Linhom L-function S3 Group Generic methods for images
Math.linim S3 Group Generic Methods for Images on a Linear Network
MultiHard The Multitype Hard Core Point Process Model
MultiStrauss The Multitype Strauss Point Process Model
MultiStraussHard The Multitype/Hard Core Strauss Point Process Model
Ord Generic Ord Interaction model
OrdThresh Ord's Interaction model
PPversion Transform a Function into its P-P or Q-Q Version
PairPiece The Piecewise Constant Pairwise Interaction Point Process Model
Pairwise Generic Pairwise Interaction model
Penttinen Penttinen Interaction
Poisson Poisson Point Process Model
SatPiece Piecewise Constant Saturated Pairwise Interaction Point Process Model
Saturated Saturated Pairwise Interaction model
Smooth Spatial smoothing of data
Smooth.fv Apply Smoothing to Function Values
Smooth.msr Smooth a Signed or Vector-Valued Measure
Smooth.ppp Spatial smoothing of observations at irregular points
Smoothfun.ppp Smooth Interpolation of Marks as a Spatial Function
Softcore The Soft Core Point Process Model
Strauss The Strauss Point Process Model
StraussHard The Strauss / Hard Core Point Process Model
Triplets The Triplet Point Process Model
Tstat Third order summary statistic
Window Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window.ppm Extract Window of Spatial Object
[.anylist Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things
[.fasp Extract Subset of Function Array
[.fv Extract or Replace Subset of Function Values
[.hyperframe Extract or Replace Subset of Hyperframe
[.im Extract Subset of Image
[.influence.ppm Extract Subset of Influence Object
[.layered Extract or Replace Subset of a Layered Object
[.leverage.ppm Extract Subset of Leverage Object
[.linnet Extract Subset of Linear Network
[.lpp Extract Subset of Point Pattern on Linear Network
[.msr Extract Subset of Signed or Vector Measure
[.owin Extract Subset of Window
[.ppp Extract or Replace Subset of Point Pattern
[.ppx Extract Subset of Multidimensional Point Pattern
[.psp Extract Subset of Line Segment Pattern
[.quad Subset of Quadrature Scheme
[.solist Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Spatial Objest
[.splitppp Extract or Replace Sub-Patterns
[.tess Extract or Replace Subset of Tessellation
[< Reset Values in Subset of Image
[<-.listof Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things
adaptive.density Intensity Estimate of Point Pattern Using Tessellation
add.texture Fill Plot With Texture
addvar Added Variable Plot for Point Process Model
affine Apply Affine Transformation Apply Affine Transformation To Pixel Image
affine.linnet Apply Geometrical Transformations to a Linear Network
affine.lpp Apply Geometrical Transformations to Point Pattern on a Linear Network
affine.owin Apply Affine Transformation To Window
affine.ppp Apply Affine Transformation To Point Pattern
affine.psp Apply Affine Transformation To Line Segment Pattern
affine.tess Apply Geometrical Transformation To Tessellation
allstats Calculate four standard summary functions of a point pattern.
alltypes Calculate Summary Statistic for All Types in a Multitype Point Pattern
amacrine Hughes' Amacrine Cell Data
anemones Beadlet Anemones Data
angles.psp Orientation Angles of Line Segments
anova.lppm ANOVA for Fitted Point Process Models on Linear Network
anova.mppm ANOVA for Fitted Multiple Point Process Models
anova.ppm ANOVA for Fitted Point Process Models
anova.slrm Analysis of Deviance for Spatial Logistic Regression Models
ants Harkness-Isham ants' nests data
anylist List of Objects
append.psp Combine Two Line Segment Patterns
applynbd Apply Function to Every Neighbourhood in a Point Pattern
area.owin Area of a Window
areaGain Difference of Disc Areas
areaLoss Difference of Disc Areas
as.box3 Convert Data to Three-Dimensional Box
as.boxx Convert Data to Multi-Dimensional Box Coerce Hyperframe to Data Frame Convert Pixel Image to Data Frame Convert Window to Data Frame Coerce Point Pattern to a Data Frame Coerce Line Segment Pattern to a Data Frame
as.function.fv Convert Function Value Table to Function Convert Pixel Image to Function of Coordinates
as.fv Convert Data To Class fv
as.hyperframe Convert Data to Hyperframe
as.hyperframe.ppx Extract coordinates and marks of multidimensional point pattern Convert to Pixel Image
as.interact Extract Interaction Structure
as.layered Convert Data To Layered Object
as.linim Convert to Pixel Image on Linear Network
as.linnet.linim Extract Linear Network from Data on a Linear Network
as.linnet.psp Convert Line Segment Pattern to Linear Network
as.lpp Convert Data to a Point Pattern on a Linear Network
as.mask Pixel Image Approximation of a Window
as.mask.psp Convert Line Segment Pattern to Binary Pixel Mask Convert Pixel Image to Matrix or Array
as.matrix.owin Convert Pixel Image to Matrix
as.owin Convert Data To Class owin
as.polygonal Convert a Window to a Polygonal Window
as.ppm Extract Fitted Point Process Model
as.ppp Convert Data To Class ppp
as.psp Convert Data To Class psp
as.rectangle Window Frame
as.solist Convert List of Two-Dimensional Spatial Objects
as.tess Convert Data To Tessellation
auc Area Under ROC Curve
austates Australian States and Mainland Territories
bdist.pixels Distance to Boundary of Window
bdist.points Distance to Boundary of Window
bdist.tiles Distance to Boundary of Window
bdspots Breakdown Spots in Microelectronic Materials
beachcolours Create Colour Scheme for a Range of Numbers
beginner Print Introduction For Beginners
begins Check Start of Character String
bei Tropical rain forest trees
berman.test Berman's Tests for Point Process Model
betacells Beta Ganglion Cells in Cat Retina
bind.fv Combine Function Value Tables
blur Apply Gaussian Blur to a Pixel Image
border Border Region of a Window Convex Hull of Points
boundingbox Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
box3 Three-Dimensional Box
boxx Multi-Dimensional Box
bramblecanes Hutchings' Bramble Canes data
branchlabelfun Tree Branch Membership Labelling Function
bronzefilter Bronze gradient filter data
bw.diggle Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density
bw.frac Bandwidth Selection Based on Window Geometry
bw.ppl Likelihood Cross Validation Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density
bw.relrisk Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Relative Risk Estimation
bw.scott Scott's Rule for Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density
bw.smoothppp Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Spatial Smoothing
bw.stoyan Stoyan's Rule of Thumb for Bandwidth Selection Apply Function to Image Broken Down by Factor
by.ppp Apply a Function to a Point Pattern Broken Down by Factor
cauchy.estK Fit the Neyman-Scott cluster process with Cauchy kernel
cauchy.estpcf Fit the Neyman-Scott cluster process with Cauchy kernel
cbind.hyperframe Combine Hyperframes by Rows or by Columns
cdf.test Spatial Distribution Test for Point Pattern or Point Process Model
cdf.test.mppm Spatial Distribution Test for Multiple Point Process Model
cells Biological Cells Point Pattern
centroid.owin Centroid of a window
chicago Chicago Street Crime Data
chop.tess Subdivide a Window or Tessellation using a Set of Lines
chorley Chorley-Ribble Cancer Data
circdensity Density Estimation for Circular Data
circumradius Circumradius of a Window
clarkevans Clark and Evans Aggregation Index
clarkevans.test Clark and Evans Test
clickbox Interactively Define a Rectangle
clickdist Interactively Measure Distance
clickjoin Interactively join vertices on a plot
clickpoly Interactively Define a Polygon
clickppp Interactively Add Points
clip.infline Intersect Infinite Straight Lines with a Window
clmfires Castilla-La Mancha Forest Fires
closepairs Close Pairs of Points
closepairs.pp3 Close Pairs of Points in 3 Dimensions
closing Morphological Closing
clusterfield Field of clusters
clusterfit Fit Cluster or Cox Point Process Model via Minimum Contrast
clusterkernel Extract Cluster Offspring Kernel
clusterradius Compute or Extract Effective Range of Cluster Kernel
clusterset Allard-Fraley Estimator of Cluster Feature
coef.mppm Coefficients of Point Process Model Fitted to Multiple Point Patterns
coef.ppm Coefficients of Fitted Point Process Model
coef.slrm Coefficients of Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression Model
collapse.fv Collapse Several Function Tables into One
colourmap Colour Lookup Tables
colourtools Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
commonGrid Determine A Common Spatial Domain And Pixel Resolution
compareFit Residual Diagnostics for Multiple Fitted Models
compatible Test Whether Objects Are Compatible
compatible.fasp Test Whether Function Arrays Are Compatible
compatible.fv Test Whether Function Objects Are Compatible Test Whether Pixel Images Are Compatible
complement.owin Take Complement of a Window
concatxy Concatenate x,y Coordinate Vectors
connected Connected components
connected.ppp Connected components of a point pattern Contour plot of pixel image
contour.imlist Array of Contour Plots
convexhull Convex Hull
convexhull.xy Convex Hull of Points Convolution of Pixel Images
coords Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
copper Berman-Huntington points and lines data
copyExampleFiles Copy Data Files for Example
corners Corners of a rectangle
crossdist Pairwise distances
crossdist.default Pairwise distances between two different sets of points
crossdist.lpp Pairwise distances between two point patterns on a linear network
crossdist.pp3 Pairwise distances between two different three-dimensional point patterns
crossdist.ppp Pairwise distances between two different point patterns
crossdist.ppx Pairwise Distances Between Two Different Multi-Dimensional Point Patterns
crossdist.psp Pairwise distances between two different line segment patterns
crossing.psp Crossing Points of Two Line Segment Patterns Convert Pixel Image from Numeric to Factor
cut.ppp Classify Points in a Point Pattern
data.ppm Extract Original Data from a Fitted Point Process Model
dclf.progress Progress Plot of Test of Spatial Pattern
dclf.sigtrace Significance Trace of Cressie-Loosmore-Ford or Maximum Absolute Deviation Test
dclf.test Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford and Maximum Absolute Deviation Tests
default.dummy Generate a Default Pattern of Dummy Points
default.expand Default Expansion Rule for Simulation of Model
default.rmhcontrol Set Default Control Parameters for Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm.
delaunay Delaunay Triangulation of Point Pattern
delaunayDistance Distance on Delaunay Triangulation
delaunayNetwork Linear Network of Delaunay Triangulation or Dirichlet Tessellation
deletebranch Delete or Extract a Branch of a Tree
deltametric Delta Metric
demohyper Demonstration Example of Hyperframe of Spatial Data
demopat Artificial Data Point Pattern
dendrite Dendritic Spines Data
density.lpp Kernel Estimate of Intensity on a Linear Network
density.ppp Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Point Pattern
density.psp Kernel Smoothing of Line Segment Pattern
density.splitppp Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Split Point Pattern
deriv.fv Calculate Derivative of Function Values
detpointprocfamilyfun Construct a New Determinantal Point Process Model Family Function
dfbetas.ppm Parameter influence measure
dg.envelope Global Envelopes for Dao-Genton Test
dg.progress Progress Plot of Dao-Genton Test of Spatial Pattern
dg.sigtrace Significance Trace of Dao-Genton Test
dg.test Dao-Genton Adjusted Goodness-Of-Fit Test
diagnose.ppm Diagnostic Plots for Fitted Point Process Model
diameter Diameter of an Object
diameter.box3 Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
diameter.boxx Geometrical Calculations for Multi-Dimensional Box
diameter.linnet Circumradius and Diameter of a Linear Network
diameter.owin Diameter of a Window
dilated.areas Areas of Morphological Dilations
dilation Morphological Dilation
dim.detpointprocfamily Dimension of Determinantal Point Process Model
dirichlet Dirichlet Tessellation of Point Pattern
dirichletAreas Compute Areas of Tiles in Dirichlet Tessellation
dirichletVertices Vertices and Edges of Dirichlet Tessellation
dirichletWeights Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Dirichlet Tessellation
disc Circular Window
discpartarea Area of Part of Disc
discretise Safely Convert Point Pattern Window to Binary Mask
discs Union of Discs
distcdf Distribution Function of Interpoint Distance
distfun Distance Map as a Function
distfun.lpp Distance Map on Linear Network
distmap Distance Map
distmap.owin Distance Map of Window
distmap.ppp Distance Map of Point Pattern
distmap.psp Distance Map of Line Segment Pattern
dkernel Kernel distributions and random generation
dmixpois Mixed Poisson Distribution
domain Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
dppBessel Bessel Type Determinantal Point Process Model
dppCauchy Generalized Cauchy Determinantal Point Process Model
dppGauss Gaussian Determinantal Point Process Model
dppMatern Whittle-Matern Determinantal Point Process Model
dppPowerExp Power Exponential Spectral Determinantal Point Process Model
dppapproxkernel Approximate Determinantal Point Process Kernel
dppapproxpcf Approximate Pair Correlation Function of Determinantal Point Process Model
dppeigen Internal function calculating eig and index
dppkernel Extract Kernel from Determinantal Point Process Model Object
dppm Fit Determinantal Point Process Model
dppparbounds Parameter Bound for a Determinantal Point Process Model
dppspecden Extract Spectral Density from Determinantal Point Process Model Object
dppspecdenrange Range of Spectral Density of a Determinantal Point Process Model
dummify Convert Data to Numeric Values by Constructing Dummy Variables
dummy.ppm Extract Dummy Points Used to Fit a Point Process Model
duplicated.ppp Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point Pattern
edge.Ripley Ripley's Isotropic Edge Correction
edge.Trans Translation Edge Correction
edges Extract Boundary Edges of a Window.
edges2triangles List Triangles in a Graph
edges2vees List Dihedral Triples in a Graph
edit.hyperframe Invoke Text Editor on Hyperframe
edit.ppp Invoke Text Editor on Spatial Data
eem Exponential Energy Marks
effectfun Compute Fitted Effect of a Spatial Covariate in a Point Process Model
ellipse Elliptical Window.
emend Force Model to be Valid
emend.ppm Force Point Process Model to be Valid
endpoints.psp Endpoints of Line Segment Pattern
envelope Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function
envelope.envelope Recompute Envelopes
envelope.lpp Envelope for Point Patterns on Linear Network
envelope.pp3 Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function for 3D Point Pattern
eroded.areas Areas of Morphological Erosions
erosion Morphological Erosion
eval.fasp Evaluate Expression Involving Function Arrays
eval.fv Evaluate Expression Involving Functions Evaluate Expression Involving Pixel Images
eval.linim Evaluate Expression Involving Pixel Images on Linear Network
ewcdf Weighted Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
exactMPLEstrauss Exact Maximum Pseudolikelihood Estimate for Stationary Strauss Process
expand.owin Apply Expansion Rule
fardist Farthest Distance to Boundary of Window
fasp.object Function Arrays for Spatial Patterns
finpines Pine saplings in Finland.
fitin.ppm Extract the Interaction from a Fitted Point Process Model
fitted.lppm Fitted Intensity for Point Process on Linear Network
fitted.mppm Fitted Conditional Intensity for Multiple Point Process Model
fitted.ppm Fitted Conditional Intensity for Point Process Model
fitted.slrm Fitted Probabilities for Spatial Logistic Regression
fixef.mppm Extract Fixed Effects from Point Process Model
flipxy Exchange X and Y Coordinates
flu Influenza Virus Proteins
foo Foo is Not a Real Name
formula.fv Extract or Change the Plot Formula for a Function Value Table
formula.ppm Model Formulae for Gibbs Point Process Models
fourierbasis Fourier Basis Functions
fryplot Fry Plot of Point Pattern
funxy Spatial Function Class
fv Create a Function Value Table
fv.object Function Value Table
fvnames Abbreviations for Groups of Columns in Function Value Table
ganglia Beta Ganglion Cells in Cat Retina, Old Version
gauss.hermite Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Approximation to Expectation for Normal Distribution
gordon People in Gordon Square
gorillas Gorilla Nesting Sites
gridcentres Rectangular grid of points
gridweights Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Grid Counts
grow.rectangle Add margins to rectangle
hamster Aherne's hamster tumour data
harmonic Basis for Harmonic Functions
harmonise Make Objects Compatible
harmonise.fv Make Function Tables Compatible Make Pixel Images Compatible
harmonise.owin Make Windows Compatible
heather Diggle's Heather Data
hextess Hexagonal Grid or Tessellation Hierarchical Pairwise Interaction Process Family Histogram of Pixel Values in an Image
hopskel Hopkins-Skellam Test
humberside Humberside Data on Childhood Leukaemia and Lymphoma Hybrid Interaction Family
hyperframe Hyper Data Frame
hyytiala Scots pines and other trees at Hyytiala
identify.ppp Identify Points in a Point Pattern
identify.psp Identify Segments in a Line Segment Pattern
idw Inverse-distance weighted smoothing of observations at irregular points
im Create a Pixel Image Object
im.apply Apply Function Pixelwise to List of Images
im.object Class of Images
imcov Spatial Covariance of a Pixel Image
improve.kppm Improve Intensity Estimate of Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
incircle Find Largest Circle Inside Window
increment.fv Increments of a Function
infline Infinite Straight Lines
influence.ppm Influence Measure for Spatial Point Process Model Infinite Order Interaction Family
inside.owin Test Whether Points Are Inside A Window Integral of a Pixel Image
integral.linim Integral on a Linear Network
integral.msr Integral of a Measure
intensity Intensity of a Dataset or a Model
intensity.dppm Intensity of Determinantal Point Process Model
intensity.lpp Empirical Intensity of Point Pattern on Linear Network
intensity.ppm Intensity of Fitted Point Process Model
intensity.ppp Empirical Intensity of Point Pattern
intensity.ppx Intensity of a Multidimensional Space-Time Point Pattern
intensity.quadratcount Intensity Estimates Using Quadrat Counts
interp.colourmap Interpolate smoothly between specified colours Interpolate a Pixel Image
intersect.owin Intersection, Union or Set Subtraction of Windows
intersect.tess Intersection of Two Tessellations
invoke.symbolmap Plot Data Using Graphics Symbol Map
iplot Point and Click Interface for Displaying Spatial Data
ippm Fit Point Process Model Involving Irregular Trend Parameters
is.convex Test Whether a Window is Convex
is.dppm Recognise Fitted Determinantal Point Process Models
is.empty Test Whether An Object Is Empty
is.hybrid Test Whether Object is a Hybrid Test Whether An Object Is A Pixel Image
is.lpp Test Whether An Object Is A Point Pattern on a Linear Network
is.marked Test Whether Marks Are Present
is.marked.ppm Test Whether A Point Process Model is Marked
is.marked.ppp Test Whether A Point Pattern is Marked
is.multitype Test whether Object is Multitype
is.multitype.ppm Test Whether A Point Process Model is Multitype
is.multitype.ppp Test Whether A Point Pattern is Multitype
is.owin Test Whether An Object Is A Window
is.ppm Test Whether An Object Is A Fitted Point Process Model
is.ppp Test Whether An Object Is A Point Pattern
is.rectangle Determine Type of Window
is.stationary Recognise Stationary and Poisson Point Process Models
is.subset.owin Determine Whether One Window is Contained In Another
istat Point and Click Interface for Exploratory Analysis of Point Pattern
japanesepines Japanese Pines Point Pattern
kaplan.meier Kaplan-Meier Estimator using Histogram Data
kernel.factor Scale factor for density kernel Kaplan-Meier and Reduced Sample Estimator using Histograms
kppm Fit Cluster or Cox Point Process Model
kstest Outdated Functions
lansing Lansing Woods Point Pattern Print News About Latest Version of Package
layered Create List of Plotting Layers
layerplotargs Extract or Replace the Plot Arguments of a Layered Object
layout.boxes Generate a Row or Column Arrangement of Rectangles.
lengths.psp Lengths of Line Segments
letterR Window in Shape of Letter R
levelset Level Set of a Pixel Image
leverage.ppm Leverage Measure for Spatial Point Process Model
lgcp.estK Fit a Log-Gaussian Cox Point Process by Minimum Contrast
lgcp.estpcf Fit a Log-Gaussian Cox Point Process by Minimum Contrast
linearK Linear K Function
linearKcross Multitype K Function (Cross-type) for Linear Point Pattern
linearKcross.inhom Inhomogeneous multitype K Function (Cross-type) for Linear Point Pattern
linearKdot Multitype K Function (Dot-type) for Linear Point Pattern
linearKdot.inhom Inhomogeneous multitype K Function (Dot-type) for Linear Point Pattern
linearKinhom Inhomogeneous Linear K Function
lineardisc Compute Disc of Given Radius in Linear Network
linearmarkconnect Mark Connection Function for Multitype Point Pattern on Linear Network
linearmarkequal Mark Connection Function for Multitype Point Pattern on Linear Network
linearpcf Linear Pair Correlation Function
linearpcfcross Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Cross-type) for Linear Point Pattern
linearpcfcross.inhom Inhomogeneous Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Cross-type) for Linear Point Pattern
linearpcfdot Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Dot-type) for Linear Point Pattern
linearpcfdot.inhom Inhomogeneous Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Dot-type) for Linear Point Pattern
linearpcfinhom Inhomogeneous Linear Pair Correlation Function
linfun Function on a Linear Network
linim Create Pixel Image on Linear Network
linnet Create a Linear Network
localK Neighbourhood density function
localKinhom Inhomogeneous Neighbourhood Density Function
localpcf Local pair correlation function
logLik.dppm Log Likelihood and AIC for Fitted Determinantal Point Process Model
logLik.kppm Log Likelihood and AIC for Fitted Cox or Cluster Point Process Model
logLik.mppm Log Likelihood for Poisson Point Process Model
logLik.ppm Log Likelihood and AIC for Point Process Model
logLik.slrm Loglikelihood of Spatial Logistic Regression
lohboot Bootstrap Confidence Bands for Summary Function
longleaf Longleaf Pines Point Pattern
lpp Create Point Pattern on Linear Network
lppm Fit Point Process Model to Point Pattern on Linear Network
lurking Lurking variable plot
lut Lookup Tables
markconnect Mark Connection Function
markcorr Mark Correlation Function
markcrosscorr Mark Cross-Correlation Function
marks Marks of a Point Pattern
marks.psp Marks of a Line Segment Pattern
marks.tess Marks of a Tessellation
markstat Summarise Marks in Every Neighbourhood in a Point Pattern
marktable Tabulate Marks in Neighbourhood of Every Point in a Point Pattern
markvario Mark Variogram
matchingdist Distance for a Point Pattern Matching
matclust.estK Fit the Matern Cluster Point Process by Minimum Contrast
matclust.estpcf Fit the Matern Cluster Point Process by Minimum Contrast Using Pair Correlation
maxnndist Compute Minimum or Maximum Nearest-Neighbour Distance Maximum, Minimum, Mean, Median, Range or Sum of Pixel Values in an Image
mergeLevels Merge Levels of a Factor
methods.box3 Methods for Three-Dimensional Box
methods.boxx Methods for Multi-Dimensional Box
methods.dppm Methods for Determinantal Point Process Models
methods.fii Methods for Fitted Interactions
methods.funxy Methods for Spatial Functions
methods.kppm Methods for Cluster Point Process Models
methods.layered Methods for Layered Objects
methods.linfun Methods for Functions on Linear Network
methods.linim Methods for Images on a Linear Network
methods.linnet Methods for Linear Networks
methods.lpp Methods for Point Patterns on a Linear Network
methods.lppm Methods for Fitted Point Process Models on a Linear Network
methods.objsurf Methods for Objective Function Surfaces
methods.pp3 Methods for three-dimensional point patterns
methods.ppx Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patterns
methods.rho2hat Methods for Intensity Functions of Two Spatial Covariates
methods.rhohat Methods for Intensity Functions of Spatial Covariate
methods.slrm Methods for Spatial Logistic Regression Models
methods.units Methods for Units
midpoints.psp Midpoints of Line Segment Pattern
mincontrast Method of Minimum Contrast
miplot Morisita Index Plot
model.depends Identify Covariates Involved in each Model Term
model.frame.ppm Extract the Variables in a Point Process Model
model.images Compute Images of Constructed Covariates
model.matrix.ppm Extract Design Matrix from Point Process Model
model.matrix.slrm Extract Design Matrix from Spatial Logistic Regression Model
mppm Fit Point Process Model to Several Point Patterns
msr Signed or Vector-Valued Measure
mucosa Cells in Gastric Mucosa
multiplicity.ppp Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Points
murchison Murchison gold deposits
nbfires Point Patterns of New Brunswick Forest Fires
nearest.raster.point Find Pixel Nearest to a Given Point
nearestsegment Find Line Segment Nearest to Each Point
nestsplit Nested Split
nnclean Nearest Neighbour Clutter Removal
nncorr Nearest-Neighbour Correlation Indices of Marked Point Pattern
nncross Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns
nncross.lpp Nearest Neighbours on a Linear Network
nncross.pp3 Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns in 3D
nndensity.ppp Estimate Intensity of Point Pattern Using Nearest Neighbour Distances
nndist Nearest neighbour distances
nndist.lpp Nearest neighbour distances on a linear network
nndist.pp3 Nearest neighbour distances in three dimensions
nndist.ppx Nearest Neighbour Distances in Any Dimensions
nndist.psp Nearest neighbour distances between line segments
nnfun Nearest Neighbour Index Map as a Function
nnfun.lpp Nearest Neighbour Map on Linear Network
nnmap K-th Nearest Point Map
nnmark Mark of Nearest Neighbour
nnorient Nearest Neighbour Orientation Distribution
nnwhich Nearest neighbour
nnwhich.lpp Identify Nearest Neighbours on a Linear Network
nnwhich.pp3 Nearest neighbours in three dimensions
nnwhich.ppx Nearest Neighbours in Any Dimensions
npfun Dummy Function Returns Number of Points
npoints Number of Points in a Point Pattern
nsegments Number of Line Segments in a Line Segment Pattern
nztrees New Zealand Trees Point Pattern
objsurf Objective Function Surface
opening Morphological Opening Ord Interaction Process Family
osteo Osteocyte Lacunae Data: Replicated Three-Dimensional Point Patterns
overlap.owin Compute Area of Overlap
owin Create a Window
owin.object Class owin
padimage Pad the Border of a Pixel Image
pairdist Pairwise distances
pairdist.default Pairwise distances
pairdist.lpp Pairwise shortest-path distances between points on a linear network
pairdist.pp3 Pairwise distances in Three Dimensions
pairdist.ppp Pairwise distances
pairdist.ppx Pairwise Distances in Any Dimensions
pairdist.psp Pairwise distances between line segments
pairorient Point Pair Orientation Distribution Scatterplot Matrix for Pixel Images Saturated Pairwise Interaction Point Process Family Pairwise Interaction Process Family
panel.contour Panel Plots using Colour Image or Contour Lines
paracou Kimboto trees at Paracou, French Guiana
parameters Extract Model Parameters in Understandable Form
parres Partial Residuals for Point Process Model
pcf Pair Correlation Function
pcf.fasp Pair Correlation Function obtained from array of K functions
pcf.fv Pair Correlation Function obtained from K Function
pcf.ppp Pair Correlation Function of Point Pattern
pcf3est Pair Correlation Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern
pcfcross Multitype pair correlation function (cross-type)
pcfcross.inhom Inhomogeneous Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Cross-Type)
pcfdot Multitype pair correlation function (i-to-any)
pcfdot.inhom Inhomogeneous Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Type-i-To-Any-Type)
pcfinhom Inhomogeneous Pair Correlation Function
pcfmulti Marked pair correlation function
perimeter Perimeter Length of Window
periodify Make Periodic Copies of a Spatial Pattern Perspective Plot of Pixel Image
perspPoints Draw Points or Lines on a Surface Viewed in Perspective
pixelcentres Extract Pixel Centres as Point Pattern
pixellate Convert Spatial Object to Pixel Image
pixellate.owin Convert Window to Pixel Image
pixellate.ppp Convert Point Pattern to Pixel Image
pixellate.psp Convert Line Segment Pattern to Pixel Image
pixelquad Quadrature Scheme Based on Pixel Grid
plot.anylist Plot a List of Things
plot.bermantest Plot Result of Berman Test
plot.cdftest Plot a Spatial Distribution Test
plot.colourmap Plot a Colour Map
plot.dppm Plot a fitted determinantal point process
plot.envelope Plot a Simulation Envelope
plot.fasp Plot a Function Array
plot.fv Plot Function Values
plot.hyperframe Plot Entries in a Hyperframe Plot a Pixel Image
plot.imlist Plot a List of Images
plot.influence.ppm Plot Influence Measure
plot.kppm Plot a fitted cluster point process
plot.layered Layered Plot
plot.leverage.ppm Plot Leverage Function
plot.linim Plot Pixel Image on Linear Network
plot.linnet Plot a linear network
plot.listof Plot a List of Things
plot.lpp Plot Point Pattern on Linear Network
plot.lppm Plot a Fitted Point Process Model on a Linear Network
plot.mppm plot a Fitted Multiple Point Process Model
plot.msr Plot a Signed or Vector-Valued Measure
plot.onearrow Plot an Arrow
plot.owin Plot a Spatial Window
plot.plotppm Plot a plotppm Object Created by plot.ppm
plot.pp3 Plot a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern
plot.ppm plot a Fitted Point Process Model
plot.ppp plot a Spatial Point Pattern
plot.psp plot a Spatial Line Segment Pattern
plot.quad Plot a Spatial Quadrature Scheme
plot.quadratcount Plot Quadrat Counts
plot.quadrattest Display the result of a quadrat counting test.
plot.scan.test Plot Result of Scan Test
plot.slrm Plot a Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression
plot.solist Plot a List of Spatial Objects
plot.splitppp Plot a List of Point Patterns
plot.symbolmap Plot a Graphics Symbol Map
plot.tess Plot a tessellation
plot.textstring Plot a Text String
`plot.texturemap Plot a Texture Map
plot.yardstick Plot a Yardstick or Scale Bar
pointsOnLines Place Points Evenly Along Specified Lines
ponderosa Ponderosa Pine Tree Point Pattern
pool Pool Data
pool.anylist Pool Data from a List of Objects
pool.envelope Pool Data from Several Envelopes
pool.fasp Pool Data from Several Function Arrays
pool.fv Pool Several Functions
pool.quadrattest Pool Several Quadrat Tests
pool.rat Pool Data from Several Ratio Objects
pp3 Three Dimensional Point Pattern
ppm Fit Point Process Model to Data
ppm.object Class of Fitted Point Process Models
ppm.ppp Fit Point Process Model to Point Pattern Data
ppp Create a Point Pattern
ppp.object Class of Point Patterns
pppdist Distance Between Two Point Patterns
pppmatching Create a Point Matching
pppmatching.object Class of Point Matchings
ppx Multidimensional Space-Time Point Pattern
predict.dppm Prediction from a Fitted Determinantal Point Process Model
predict.kppm Prediction from a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
predict.lppm Predict Point Process Model on Linear Network
predict.mppm Prediction for Fitted Multiple Point Process Model
predict.ppm Prediction from a Fitted Point Process Model
predict.slrm Predicted or Fitted Values from Spatial Logistic Regression Print Brief Details of an Image
print.owin Print Brief Details of a Spatial Window
print.ppm Print a Fitted Point Process Model
print.ppp Print Brief Details of a Point Pattern Dataset
print.psp Print Brief Details of a Line Segment Pattern Dataset
print.quad Print a Quadrature Scheme
profilepl Profile Maximum Pseudolikelihood or AIC
progressreport Print Progress Reports
project2segment Move Point To Nearest Line
project2set Find Nearest Point in a Region
psp Create a Line Segment Pattern
psp.object Class of Line Segment Patterns
psst Pseudoscore Diagnostic For Fitted Model against General Alternative
psstA Pseudoscore Diagnostic For Fitted Model against Area-Interaction Alternative
psstG Pseudoscore Diagnostic For Fitted Model against Saturation Alternative
pyramidal Pyramidal Neurons in Cingulate Cortex
qqplot.ppm Q-Q Plot of Residuals from Fitted Point Process Model
quad.object Class of Quadrature Schemes
quad.ppm Extract Quadrature Scheme Used to Fit a Point Process Model
quadrat.test Dispersion Test for Spatial Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts
quadrat.test.mppm Chi-Squared Test for Multiple Point Process Model Based on Quadrat Counts
quadrat.test.splitppp Dispersion Test of CSR for Split Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts
quadratcount Quadrat counting for a point pattern
quadratresample Resample a Point Pattern by Resampling Quadrats
quadrats Divide Region into Quadrats
quadscheme Generate a Quadrature Scheme from a Point Pattern
quadscheme.logi Generate a Logistic Regression Quadrature Scheme from a Point Pattern
quantess Quantile Tessellation
quantile.density Quantiles of a Density Estimate
quantile.ewcdf Quantiles of Weighted Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function Sample Quantiles of Pixel Image
quasirandom Quasirandom Patterns
rCauchy Simulate Neyman-Scott Point Process with Cauchy cluster kernel
rDGS Perfect Simulation of the Diggle-Gates-Stibbard Process
rDiggleGratton Perfect Simulation of the Diggle-Gratton Process
rGaussPoisson Simulate Gauss-Poisson Process
rHardcore Perfect Simulation of the Hardcore Process
rLGCP Simulate Log-Gaussian Cox Process
rMatClust Simulate Matern Cluster Process
rMaternI Simulate Matern Model I
rMaternII Simulate Matern Model II
rMosaicField Mosaic Random Field
rMosaicSet Mosaic Random Set
rNeymanScott Simulate Neyman-Scott Process
rPoissonCluster Simulate Poisson Cluster Process
rQuasi Generate Quasirandom Point Pattern in Given Window
rSSI Simulate Simple Sequential Inhibition
rStrauss Perfect Simulation of the Strauss Process
rStraussHard Perfect Simulation of the Strauss-Hardcore Process
rThomas Simulate Thomas Process
rVarGamma Simulate Neyman-Scott Point Process with Variance Gamma cluster kernel
ranef.mppm Extract Random Effects from Point Process Model
range.fv Range of Function Values
raster.x Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Raster
rat Ratio object
rcell Simulate Baddeley-Silverman Cell Process
rcellnumber Generate Random Numbers of Points for Cell Process
rdpp Simulation of a Determinantal Point Process
reach Interaction Distance of a Point Process
reach.dppm Range of Interaction for a Determinantal Point Process Model
reduced.sample Reduced Sample Estimator using Histogram Data
redwood California Redwoods Point Pattern (Ripley's Subset)
redwoodfull California Redwoods Point Pattern (Entire Dataset)
reflect Reflect In Origin Reorder Levels of a Factor-Valued Image or Pattern
reload.or.compute Compute Unless Previously Saved
relrisk Estimate of Spatially-Varying Relative Risk
relrisk.ppm Parametric Estimate of Spatially-Varying Relative Risk
relrisk.ppp Nonparametric Estimate of Spatially-Varying Relative Risk
rescale Convert dataset to another unit of length Convert Pixel Image to Another Unit of Length
rescale.owin Convert Window to Another Unit of Length
rescale.ppp Convert Point Pattern to Another Unit of Length
rescale.psp Convert Line Segment Pattern to Another Unit of Length
rescue.rectangle Convert Window Back To Rectangle
residuals.dppm Residuals for Fitted Determinantal Point Process Model
residuals.kppm Residuals for Fitted Cox or Cluster Point Process Model
residuals.mppm Residuals for Point Process Model Fitted to Multiple Point Patterns
residuals.ppm Residuals for Fitted Point Process Model
residualspaper Data and Code From JRSS Discussion Paper on Residuals
rgbim Create Colour-Valued Pixel Image
rho2hat Smoothed Relative Density of Pairs of Covariate Values
rhohat Smoothing Estimate of Covariate Transformation
ripras Estimate window from points alone
rjitter Random Perturbation of a Point Pattern
rknn Theoretical Distribution of Nearest Neighbour Distance
rlabel Random Re-Labelling of Point Pattern
rlinegrid Generate grid of parallel lines with random displacement
rmh Simulate point patterns using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
rmh.default Simulate Point Process Models using the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm.
rmh.ppm Simulate from a Fitted Point Process Model
rmhcontrol Set Control Parameters for Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm.
rmhexpand Specify Simulation Window or Expansion Rule
rmhmodel Define Point Process Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmhmodel.default Build Point Process Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmhmodel.list Define Point Process Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmhmodel.ppm Interpret Fitted Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmhstart Determine Initial State for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmpoint Generate N Random Multitype Points
rmpoispp Generate Multitype Poisson Point Pattern
rnoise Random Pixel Noise
roc Receiver Operating Characteristic
rose Rose Diagram
rotate Rotate Rotate a Pixel Image
rotate.owin Rotate a Window
rotate.ppp Rotate a Point Pattern
rotate.psp Rotate a Line Segment Pattern
rotmean Rotational Average of a Pixel Image
round.ppp Apply Numerical Rounding to Spatial Coordinates
rounding Detect Numerical Rounding
rpoint Generate N Random Points
rpoisline Generate Poisson Random Line Process
rpoislinetess Poisson Line Tessellation
rpoislpp Poisson Point Process on a Linear Network
rpoispp Generate Poisson Point Pattern
rpoispp3 Generate Poisson Point Pattern in Three Dimensions
rpoisppOnLines Generate Poisson Point Pattern on Line Segments
rpoisppx Generate Poisson Point Pattern in Any Dimensions
rshift Random Shift
rshift.ppp Randomly Shift a Point Pattern
rshift.psp Randomly Shift a Line Segment Pattern
rshift.splitppp Randomly Shift a List of Point Patterns
rstrat Simulate Stratified Random Point Pattern
rsyst Simulate systematic random point pattern
rtemper Simulated Annealing or Simulated Tempering for Gibbs Point Processes
rthin Random Thinning
run.simplepanel Run Point-and-Click Interface
runifdisc Generate N Uniform Random Points in a Disc
runiflpp Uniform Random Points on a Linear Network
runifpoint Generate N Uniform Random Points
runifpoint3 Generate N Uniform Random Points in Three Dimensions
runifpointOnLines Generate N Uniform Random Points On Line Segments
runifpointx Generate N Uniform Random Points in Any Dimensions
scalardilate Apply Scalar Dilation
scaletointerval Rescale Data to Lie Between Specified Limits
scan.test Spatial Scan Test
scanLRTS Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for Scan Test
scanpp Read Point Pattern From Data File
segregation.test Test of Spatial Segregation of Types
selfcrossing.psp Crossing Points in a Line Segment Pattern
selfcut.psp Cut Line Segments Where They Intersect
sessionLibs Print Names and Version Numbers of Libraries Loaded
setcov Set Covariance of a Window
shapley Galaxies in the Shapley Supercluster
sharpen Data Sharpening of Point Pattern
shift Apply Vector Translation Apply Vector Translation To Pixel Image
shift.owin Apply Vector Translation To Window
shift.ppp Apply Vector Translation To Point Pattern
shift.psp Apply Vector Translation To Line Segment Pattern
sidelengths.owin Side Lengths of Enclosing Rectangle of a Window
simba Simulated data from a two-group experiment with replication within each group.
simdat Simulated Point Pattern
simplenet Simple Example of Linear Network
simplepanel Simple Point-and-Click Interface Panels
simplify.owin Approximate a Polygon by a Simpler Polygon
simulate.dppm Simulation of Determinantal Point Process Model
simulate.kppm Simulate a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
simulate.lppm Simulate a Fitted Point Process Model on a Linear Network
simulate.ppm Simulate a Fitted Gibbs Point Process Model
simulate.slrm Simulate a Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression Model
slrm Spatial Logistic Regression
solapply Apply a Function Over a List and Obtain a List of Objects
solist List of Two-Dimensional Spatial Objects
solutionset Evaluate Logical Expression Involving Pixel Images and Return Region Where Expression is True
spatdim Spatial Dimension of a Dataset
spatialcdf Spatial Cumulative Distribution Function
spatstat-package The Spatstat Package
spatstat.options Internal Options in Spatstat Package
spiders Spider Webs on Mortar Lines of a Brick Wall
split.hyperframe Divide Hyperframe Into Subsets and Reassemble Divide Image Into Sub-images
split.ppp Divide Point Pattern into Sub-patterns
split.ppx Divide Multidimensional Point Pattern into Sub-patterns
spokes Spokes pattern of dummy points
sporophores Sporophores Data
spruces Spruces Point Pattern
square Square Window
stieltjes Compute Integral of Function Against Cumulative Distribution
stienen Stienen Diagram
stratrand Stratified random point pattern
studpermu.test Studentised Permutation Test
subfits Extract List of Individual Point Process Models
subset.hyperframe Subset of Hyperframe Satisfying A Condition
subset.ppp Subset of Point Pattern Satisfying A Condition
suffstat Sufficient Statistic of Point Process Model
summary.anylist Summary of a List of Things Summarizing a Pixel Image
summary.kppm Summarizing a Fitted Cox or Cluster Point Process Model
summary.listof Summary of a List of Things
summary.owin Summary of a Spatial Window
summary.ppm Summarizing a Fitted Point Process Model
summary.ppp Summary of a Point Pattern Dataset
summary.psp Summary of a Line Segment Pattern Dataset
summary.quad Summarizing a Quadrature Scheme
summary.solist Summary of a List of Spatial Objects
summary.splitppp Summary of a Split Point Pattern
sumouter Compute Quadratic Forms
superimpose Superimpose Several Geometric Patterns
superimpose.lpp Superimpose Several Point Patterns on Linear Network
swedishpines Swedish Pines Point Pattern
symbolmap Graphics Symbol Map
tess Create a Tessellation
texturemap Texture Map
textureplot Plot Image or Tessellation Using Texture Fill
thomas.estK Fit the Thomas Point Process by Minimum Contrast
thomas.estpcf Fit the Thomas Point Process by Minimum Contrast
tile.areas Compute Areas of Tiles in a Tessellation
tilenames Names of Tiles in a Tessellation
tiles Extract List of Tiles in a Tessellation
timed Record the Computation Time Pixel Values Along a Transect
transmat Convert Pixel Array Between Different Conventions
treebranchlabels Label Vertices of a Tree by Branch Membership
treeprune Prune Tree to Given Level
triangulate.owin Decompose Window into Triangles
trim.rectangle Cut margins from rectangle Triplet Interaction Family
tweak.colourmap Change Colour Values in a Colour Map
union.quad Union of Data and Dummy Points
unique.ppp Extract Unique Points from a Spatial Point Pattern
unitname Name for Unit of Length
unmark Remove Marks
unnormdensity Weighted kernel smoother
update.detpointprocfamily Set Parameter Values in a Determinantal Point Process Model
update.kppm Update a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
update.ppm Update a Fitted Point Process Model
update.rmhcontrol Update Control Parameters of Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
update.symbolmap Update a Graphics Symbol Map.
urkiola Urkiola Woods Point Pattern
valid Check Whether Point Process Model is Valid
valid.detpointprocfamily Check Validity of a Determinantal Point Process Model
valid.ppm Check Whether Point Process Model is Valid
varblock Estimate Variance of Summary Statistic by Subdivision
vargamma.estK Fit the Neyman-Scott Cluster Point Process with
Variance Gamma kernel
vargamma.estpcf Fit the Neyman-Scott Cluster Point Process with Variance Gamma kernel
vcov.kppm Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
vcov.mppm Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for Fitted Multiple Point Process Model
vcov.ppm Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Point Process Model
vcov.slrm Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression
vertices Vertices of a Window
vesicles Vesicles Data
volume Volume of an Object
waka Trees in Waka national park
waterstriders Waterstriders data. Three independent replications of a point pattern formed by insects.
whist Weighted Histogram
will.expand Test Expansion Rule
with.fv Evaluate an Expression in a Function Table
with.hyperframe Evaluate an Expression in Each Row of a Hyperframe
with.msr Evaluate Expression Involving Components of a Measure
yardstick Text, Arrow or Scale Bar in a Diagram Rounding of Pixel Values





> data("chorley")
> chorley %>% {
+   print(class(.))
+   str(., max.level = 2)
+ }
[1] "ppp"
List of 6
 $ window    :List of 5
  ..$ type  : chr "polygonal"
  ..$ xrange: num [1:2] 343 366
  ..$ yrange: num [1:2] 410 432
  ..$ bdry  :List of 1
  ..$ units :List of 3
  .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "units"
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "owin"
 $ n         : int 1036
 $ x         : num [1:1036] 353 353 349 353 353 ...
 $ y         : num [1:1036] 428 422 418 421 422 ...
 $ markformat: chr "vector"
 $ marks     : Factor w/ 2 levels "larynx","lung": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "ppp"



> W <- Window(chorley)
> s <- 0.7
> plot(hextess(W, s))









> W <- Window(humberside)
> te <- textstring(centroid.owin(W), txt = remoji::sub_emoji("寿司食べたい :sushi:"), cex=2.5)
> plot(layered(W, te), main="")




> x <- runif(20)
> y <- runif(20)
> ppp(x, y, c(0,1), c(0,1))# %>% hextess(s = 0.7) %>% plot()
Planar point pattern: 20 points
window: rectangle = [0, 1] x [0, 1] units









> #
> set.seed(123)
> n <- 24
> x <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
> y <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
> xy <- cbind(x, y)
> s <- SpatialPoints(xy)
> coords <- coordinates(xy)
> plot(xy)
> #x y座標上にぷろっと
> text(x, y, 1:n, pos = 1)