mvSLOUCH: Multivariate Stochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses
> library(mvSLOUCH)
Loading required package: ouch
Loading required package: numDeriv
Loading required package: corpcor
バージョン: 1.2.1
関数名 | 概略 |
BrownianMotionModel |
Estimate parameters under a Brownian motion model of evolution |
SummarizeBM |
Summarize parameters estimated under a Brownian motion model |
SummarizeMVSLOUCH |
Summarize parameters estimated under a multivariate OUBM motion model |
SummarizeOUCH |
Summarize parameters estimated under a (multivariate) OU motion model |
fitch.mvsl |
Unordered Fitch parsimony reconstruction of discrete character states |
mvSLOUCH-package |
Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type stochastic differential equation models for phylogenetic comparative data. |
mvslouchModel |
Estimate parameters under a (multivariate) OUBM model of evolution |
ouchModel |
Estimate parameters under a (multivariate) OU model of evolution |
simulBMProcPhylTree |
Simulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) Brownian motion model |
simulMVSLOUCHProcPhylTree |
Simulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) OUBM model |
simulOUCHProcPhylTree |
Simulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) OU model |
- phylotree
- X0
- sigma
- dropInternal
- M.error