phytools: Phylogenetic Tools for Comparative Biology (and Other Things)
> library(phytools)
Attaching package: 'phytools'
The following object is masked from 'package:Matrix':
バージョン: 0.4.60
関数名 | 概略 |
add.arrow |
Add an arrow pointing to a tip or node on the tree | |
Add color bar to a plot |
add.everywhere |
Add tip to all edges in a tree |
add.random |
Add tips at random to the tree |
add.simmap.legend |
Add legend to stochastically mapped tree | |
Add species to genus on a phylogeny |
allFurcTrees |
Generate all bi- and multifurcating unrooted trees |
anc.Bayes |
Bayesian ancestral character estimation |
anc.ML |
Ancestral character estimation using likelihood |
anc.trend |
Ancestral character estimation with a trend |
ancThresh |
Ancestral character estimation under the threshold model using Bayesian MCMC |
`anoletree Phylogeny of Greater Antillean anole ecomorph species with mapped discrete character | |
applyBranchLengths |
Applies the branch lengths of a reference tree to a target |
ave.rates |
Average the posterior rates |
bind.tip |
Attaches a new tip to a tree |
bmPlot |
Simulates and visualizes discrete-time Brownian evolution on a phylogeny |
branching.diffusion |
Animation of branching random diffusion |
brownie.lite |
Likelihood test for rate variation in a continuous trait |
brownieREML |
REML version of brownie.lite |
cladelabels |
Add labels to subtrees of a plotted phylogeny | |
Collapse a subtree to a star phylogeny |
collapseTree |
Interactive tree visualizer |
contMap |
Map continuous trait evolution on the tree |
countSimmap |
Counts the number of character changes on a |
style tree or set of trees |
densityMap |
Plot posterior density of stochastic mapping on a tree |
describe.simmap |
Summarizes a stochastic mapped tree or set of trees |
di2multi.simmap |
Collapse branches of zero length to polytomy in stochastic map style tree |
drop.clade |
Drop a clade from a tree |
drop.leaves |
Drop all the leaves (tips) from a tree |
drop.tip.contMap |
Drop tip or tips from an object of class "contMap" or "densityMap" |
drop.tip.simmap |
Drop tips or extract clade from tree with mapped discrete character |
estDiversity |
Estimate diversity at each node of the tree |
evol.rate.mcmc |
Bayesian MCMC method for identifying |
exceptional |
phenotypic diversification in a phylogeny |
evol.vcv |
Likelihood test for variation in the evolutionary VCV matrix |
evolvcv.lite |
Likelihood test for a shift in the evolutionary correlation between traits |
exhaustiveMP |
Exhaustive and branch & bound MP optimization |
expm |
Matrix exponential | |
Export trees & data in XML format |
fancyTree Plots |
special types of phylogenetic trees |
fastAnc |
Fast estimation of ML ancestral states |
fastBM |
Fast Brownian simulation |
fastMRCA |
Get the MRCA (or height above the root of the MRCA) of a pair of tip taxa |
findMRCA |
Get the MRCA of a set of taxa |
fitBayes |
Evolutionary model fitting with intraspecific variability using Bayesian MCMC |
fitDiversityModel |
Fit diversity-dependent phenotypic evolution model |
fitPagel |
Function to test for correlated evolution of binary traits |
gammatest |
Gamma test of Pybus & Harvey (2000) |
genSeq |
Simulate a DNA alignment on the tree under a model |
getCladesofSize |
Get all subtrees larger than or equal to a specified size |
getDescendants |
Get descendant node numbers |
getExtant |
Returns a list of the extant or extinct lineages in a tree containing non-contemporaneous tips |
getSisters |
Get the sister node number, label, or set of nodes for a node or tip |
getStates |
Get the states at nodes or tips from a mapped tree |
ladderize.simmap |
Ladderize a tree with a mapped discrete character |
lambda.transform |
Lambda transformation of matrix |
likMlambda |
Likelihood for joint lambda |
locate.fossil |
Locate a fossil lineage in a tree using continuous characters |
locate.yeti |
Locate a cryptic, recently extinct, or missing taxon on a tree |
ls.tree |
Least squares branch lengths for a given tree |
ltt |
Creates lineage-through-time plot (including extinct lineages) |
ltt95 |
Creates a (1-alpha)-percent CI for a set of LTTs | |
Create "era" map on a phylogenetic tree |
make.simmap |
Simulate stochastic character maps on a phylogenetic tree or trees |
map.overlap |
Proportional overlap between two mapped character histories on a tree | |
Converts a mapped tree to a tree with singleton nodes |
matchNodes |
Matches nodes between two trees |
mergeMappedStates |
Merge two or more mapped states into one state |
midpoint.root |
Midpoint root a phylogeny |
minRotate |
Rotates all nodes of the tree to minimize the difference in order with a vector |
minSplit |
Finding the minimum (median) split in the posterior sample |
mrp.supertree |
Matrix representation parsimony supertree estimation |
multi.mantel |
Multiple matrix regression (partial Mantel test) |
multiC |
Returns a list with phylogenetic VCV matrix for each mapped state |
multiRF |
Computes Robinson-Foulds distance between a set of trees |
nodeHeights |
Compute the heights above the root of each node | |
Phylogeny inference using the least squares method |
orderMappedEdge |
Order the columns of mapped.edge to match across trees |
paintSubTree |
Paint sub-trees with a discrete character |
paste.tree |
Paste two trees together |
pbtree |
Simulate pure-birth or birth-death stochastic tree or trees |
pgls.Ives |
Phylogenetic regression with intraspecific sampling error |
phenogram |
Plot phenogram (traitgram) |
phyl.RMA |
Phylogenetic reduced major axis (RMA) regression |
phyl.cca |
Phylogenetic canonical correlation analysis |
phyl.pairedttest |
Phylogenetic paired t-test |
phyl.pca |
Phylogenetic principal components analysis |
phyl.resid |
Phylogenetic size-correction via GLS regression |
phyl.vcv |
Compute evolutionary VCV matrix for a tree & dataset |
phylANOVA |
Phylogenetic ANOVA and post-hoc tests | |
Plot tree with tips linked to geographic coordinates |
phylo.toBackbone |
Converts tree to backbone or vice versa |
phyloDesign |
Compute design matrix for least squares analyses |
phylomorphospace |
Creates phylomorphospace plot |
phylomorphospace3d |
Creates tree-dimensional phylomorphospace plot |
phylosig |
Compute phylogenetic signal with two methods |
phytools-package |
phytools: Phylogenetic Tools for comparative biology (and other things) |
plot.backbonePhylo |
Plots backbone tree with triangles as clades |
plotBranchbyTrait |
Plot branch colors by a quantitative trait or value |
plotSimmap |
Plot stochastic character mapped tree |
plotThresh |
Tree plotting with posterior probabilities of ancestral states from the threshold model |
plotTree |
Plots rooted phylogenetic tree |
plotTree.wBars |
Plot a tree with bars at the tips |
posterior.evolrate |
Analysis of the posterior sample from evol.rate.mcmc |
print.backbonePhylo |
Print method for backbone phylogeny |
ratebystate |
Method for investigating the rate of one trait as a function of the state of another |
rateshift |
Find the temporal position of one or more rate shifts |
read.newick |
Robust Newick style tree reader |
read.simmap |
Read SIMMAP style trees from file |
reorder.backbonePhylo |
Reorders a backbone phylogeny |
reorderSimmap |
Reorder edges of a simmap tree |
rep.phylo |
Replicate a tree or set of trees |
reroot |
Re-root a tree along an edge |
rerootingMethod |
Get marginal ancestral state reconstructions by re-rooting |
rescaleSimmap |
Rescale SIMMAP style tree |
rotateNodes |
Rotates a node or set of nodes in a phylogenetic tree |
roundBranches |
Rounds the branch lengths of a tree |
roundPhylogram |
Plot a round phylogram |
rstate |
Pick a random state according to a vector of probabilities |
sampleFrom |
Sample from a set of distributions |
setMap |
Set color map for objects of class '"contMap"' or '"densityMap"' |
sim.corrs |
Multivariate Brownian simulation with multiple correlations and rates |
sim.history |
Simulate stochastic character history under some model |
sim.ratebystate |
Conduct simulation of state dependent rate variation |
sim.rates |
Brownian simulation with multiple evolutionary rates |
skewers |
Matrix comparison using the method of random skewers |
splitTree |
Split tree at a point |
splitplotTree |
Plots a phylogeny in two columns |
starTree |
Create star phylogeny |
strahlerNumber |
Computes Strahler number for trees and nodes |
threshBayes |
Threshold model using Bayesian MCMC |
threshDIC |
Deviance Information Criterion from the threshold model |
threshState |
Computes value for a threshold character from a liability and thresholds |
to.matrix |
Convert a character vector to a binary matrix |
treeSlice |
Slices the tree at a particular point and returns all subtrees |
untangle |
Attempts to untangle crossing branches for plotting |
vcvPhylo |
Calculates cophenetic (i.e., phylogenetic VCV) matrix |
write.simmap |
Write a stochastic character mapped tree to file |
writeAncestors |
Write a tree to file with ancestral states and (optionally) CIs at nodes |
writeNexus |
Write a tree to file in Nexus format |
- tree
- vcv
- anc
- internal
- Pagel... 0は系統シグナルなし。1が完全な系統シグナルを検出
- Blomberg... 0は系統シグナルなし。1に近くなれば系統シグナルを検出
$H_0$: 系統シグナルを検出しない(ランダムサンプリングした種群の形質値と比較)
- tree
- x
- method:
- test
- nsim
- se
- start
- control
> tree <- pbtree(n = 100)
> x <- fastBM(tree)
> phylosig(tree, x, method = "lambda", test = TRUE)
[1] 1.012029
[1] -146.5145
[1] -198.9946
[1] 1.246044e-24