kulife: Datasets and functions from the (now non-existing) Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen


> library(kulife)

バージョン: 0.1.14

関数名 概略
auc Compute the area under the curve for two vectors.
bees Bee data. Number of different types of bees caught.
clotting Blood clotting for 158 rats
greenland Average yearly summer air temperature for Tasiilaq, Greenland
kulife.colors Color palette for faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen
qpcr Gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR
rainman Perception of points in a swarm
rootonorm Hanging rootogram for normal distribution
superroot2 Gene expression data from two-color dye-swap experiment
write.xml Write a data frame in XML format


> data(trees)
> write.xml(trees, file = "mydata.xml")