eVenn: A Powerful Tool to Quickly Compare Huge Lists and Draw Venn Diagrams

> library(eVenn)
> data("Data_Binary_Matrix")

バージョン: 2.2.1

関数名 概略
Data_Binary_Matrix Dataset of a binary matrix for a usage example of the package eVenn
Data_Lists Dataset of a list of 4 matrix of expression data with ratio columns and a matrix of means for a usage example of the package eVenn
Data_Matrix_Of_Folds Dataset of a matrix of folds for a usage example of the package eVenn
Data_Matrix_Of_Ratios Dataset of a matrix of ratios for a usage example of the package eVenn
autoevenn Automates the process of several eVenn
eVenn-package A Powerful Tool to Quickly Compare Huge Lists and Draw Venn Diagrams
evenn A Powerful Tool to Quickly Compare Huge Lists and Draw Venn Diagrams
man.evenn Quick manual for eVenn


> data("Data_Binary_Matrix")
> Data_Binary_Matrix %>% {
+   class(.) %>% print()
+   dim(.)
+ }
[1] "matrix"
[1] 212   4


> YNdisplay = TRUE
> evenn(matLists = Data_Binary_Matrix, 
+       display = YNdisplay, 
+       CompName = "Binary_Matrix")