lmodel2: Model II Regression

> library(lmodel2)
> data("mod2ex1")
> data("mod2ex2")
> data("mod2ex3")
> data("mod2ex4")
> data("mod2ex5")
> data("mod2ex6")
Warning in data("mod2ex6"): data set 'mod2ex6' not found

バージョン: 1.7.2

関数名 概略
lmodel2 Model II regression
mod2ex1 Example Data Sets for Model II Regression



> Ex1.res <- lmodel2(Predicted_by_model ~ Survival, data = mod2ex1, nperm = 99)
RMA was not requested: it will not be computed.
> Ex1.res

Model II regression

Call: lmodel2(formula = Predicted_by_model ~ Survival, data =
mod2ex1, nperm = 99)

n = 54   r = 0.8387315   r-square = 0.7034705 
Parametric P-values:   2-tailed = 2.447169e-15    1-tailed = 1.223585e-15 
Angle between the two OLS regression lines = 9.741174 degrees

Permutation tests of OLS, MA, RMA slopes: 1-tailed, tail corresponding to sign
A permutation test of r is equivalent to a permutation test of the OLS slope
P-perm for SMA = NA because the SMA slope cannot be tested

Regression results
  Method Intercept     Slope Angle (degrees) P-perm (1-tailed)
1    OLS 0.6852956 0.6576961        33.33276              0.01
2     MA 0.4871990 0.7492103        36.84093              0.01
3    SMA 0.4115541 0.7841557        38.10197                NA

Confidence intervals
  Method 2.5%-Intercept 97.5%-Intercept 2.5%-Slope 97.5%-Slope
1    OLS      0.4256885       0.9449028  0.5388717   0.7765204
2     MA      0.1725753       0.7633080  0.6216569   0.8945561
3    SMA      0.1349629       0.6493905  0.6742831   0.9119318

Eigenvalues: 0.1332385 0.01090251 

H statistic used for computing C.I. of MA: 0.007515993
> # plot(Ex1.res)



> data("mod2ex1")