geocodeHERE: Wrapper for Nokia's HERE Geocoding API

> library(geocodeHERE)
> data("chicago_landmarks")

バージョン: 0.1.3

関数名 概略
chicago_landmarks Chicago Landmarks.
df_to_string Format a df of addresses for upload
geocodeHERE geocodeHERE.
geocodeHERE_batch_get_data Gets the results of a batch geocoding job
geocodeHERE_batch_status Check the status on a batch geocoding job
geocodeHERE_batch_upload Bulk upload addresses to Nokia HERE batch geocoding API
geocodeHERE_simple Attempt to geocode a string


> data("chicago_landmarks")
> chicago_landmarks %>% {
+   class(.) %>% print()
+   dplyr::glimpse(.)
+ }
[1] "data.frame"
Observations: 375
Variables: 5
$ Landmark          (chr) "300 West Adams Building", "333 North Michig...
$ Designation_date  (chr) "May 13, 2009", "February 7, 1997", "Februar...
$ Construction_date (chr) "1927", "1928", "1925-27", "1907", "1919", "...
$ Address           (chr) "300 W. Adams Street", "333 N. Michigan Aven...
$ Neighborhood      (chr) "Loop", "Loop", "Loop", "Lakeview", "Woodlaw...