RGA: A Google Analytics API Client

> library(RGA)

バージョン: 0.4.2

関数名 概略
RGA-package A Google Analytics API client for R
authorize Authorize the RGA package to the user's Google Analytics account using OAuth2.0
firstdate First Date
ga Lists all columns for a Google Analytics core report type
get_custom_dimension Custom Dimensions
get_custom_metric Custom Metrics
get_experiment Experiments
get_filter Filters
get_ga Core Reporting API
get_goal Goals
get_mcf Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API
get_profile Views (Profiles)
get_realtime Real Time Reporting API
get_unsampled_report Unsampled Reports
get_upload Uploads
get_webproperty Web Properties
list_accounts Accounts
list_custom_data_sources Custom Data Sources
list_custom_dimensions Custom Dimensions
list_custom_metrics Custom Metrics
list_dimsmets Lists all the dimensions and metrics for a particular report type
list_experiments Experiments
list_filters Filters
list_goals Goals
list_profiles Views (Profiles)
list_segments Segments
list_unsampled_reports Unsampled Reports
list_uploads Uploads
list_webproperties Web Properties
shiny_dimsmets The Shiny Dimensions & Metrics Explorer


> ga_meta <- list_dimsmets()
> names(ga_meta) %>% testthat::expect_length(15) %>% print()
 [1] "id"                      "type"                   
 [3] "dataType"                "group"                  
 [5] "status"                  "uiName"                 
 [7] "description"             "allowedInSegments"      
 [9] "addedInApiVersion"       "replacedBy"             
[11] "calculation"             "minTemplateIndex"       
[13] "maxTemplateIndex"        "premiumMinTemplateIndex"
[15] "premiumMaxTemplateIndex"
> ga_meta %>% dplyr::filter(status != "DEPRECATED", type == "DIMENSION") %>% dim()
[1] 267  15
> ga_meta %>% dplyr::count(group, sort = TRUE)
# A tibble: 33 × 2
                          group     n
                          <chr> <int>
1                     Ecommerce    67
2  DoubleClick Campaign Manager    57
3                       Adwords    34
4       DoubleClick Bid Manager    31
5               Internal Search    25
6    Lifetime Value and Cohorts    25
7                 Page Tracking    24
8            DoubleClick Search    20
9                          Time    20
10                   Site Speed    19
# ... with 23 more rows