GGally: Extension to ggplot2.


> library(GGally)
Warning: replacing previous import by 'grid::arrow' when loading 'GGally'
Warning: replacing previous import by 'grid::unit' when loading 'GGally'
> data("flea")

バージョン: 0.5.0

関数名 概略 Modify a ggpairs object by adding an ggplot2 object to all plots
add_ref_boxes Add reference boxes around each cell of the glyphmap.
add_ref_lines Add reference lines for each cell of the glyphmap.
cityServiceFirms City and service firms data from the UCIrvine Network Data Repository
flea Historical data used for classification examples.
get.VarTypes Get vector of variable types from data frame
getPlot getPlot
ggally_barDiag Plots the Bar Plots by Using Diagonal
ggally_blank Blank
ggally_box Plots the Box Plot
ggally_cor Correlation from the Scatter Plot
ggally_density Plots the Scatter Density Plot
ggally_densityDiag Plots the Density Plots by Using Diagonal
ggally_denstrip Plots a tile plot with facets
ggally_diagAxis Internal Axis Labeling Plot for ggpairs
ggally_dot Plots the Box Plot with Dot
ggally_dotAndBox Plots either Box Plot or Dot Plots
ggally_facetbar Plots the Bar Plots Faceted by Conditional Variable
ggally_facetdensity Plots the density plots by faceting
ggally_facetdensitystrip Plots a density plot with facets or a tile plot with facets
ggally_facethist Plots the Histograms by Faceting
ggally_points Plots the Scatter Plot
ggally_ratio Plots a mosaic plots
ggally_smooth Plots the Scatter Plot with Smoothing
ggally_text GGplot Text
ggcorr ggcorr - Plot a correlation matrix with ggplot2
ggfluctuation2 Fluctuation plot
ggnet ggnet - Plot a network with ggplot2
ggpairs ggpairs - A GGplot2 Matrix
ggparcoord ggparcoord - A ggplot2 Parallel Coordinate Plot
ggscatmat ggscatmat - a traditional scatterplot matrix for purely quantitative variables
ggsurv Plot 'survfit' objects using 'ggplot2'
glyphs Create the data needed to generate a glyph plot.
happy Data related to happiness from the General Social Survey, 1972-2006.
lowertriangle lowertriangle - rearrange dataset as the preparation of ggscatmat function
nasa Data from the Data Expo JSM 2006.
putPlot Put Plot
scagOrder Find order of variables
scatmat scatmat - plot the lowertriangle plots and density plots of the scatter plot matrix.
singleClassOrder Order axis variables
skewness Sample skewness
uppertriangle uppertriangle - rearrange dataset as the preparation of ggscatmat function



> data("flea")
> flea %>% {
+   class(.) %>% print()
+   dplyr::tbl_df(.)
+ }
[1] "data.frame"
Source: local data frame [74 x 7]

    species tars1 tars2  head aede1 aede2 aede3
     (fctr) (int) (int) (int) (int) (int) (int)
1  Concinna   191   131    53   150    15   104
2  Concinna   185   134    50   147    13   105
3  Concinna   200   137    52   144    14   102
4  Concinna   173   127    50   144    16    97
5  Concinna   171   118    49   153    13   106
6  Concinna   160   118    47   140    15    99
7  Concinna   188   134    54   151    14    98
8  Concinna   186   129    51   143    14   110
9  Concinna   174   131    52   144    14   116
10 Concinna   163   115    47   142    15    95
..      ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...


> data("tips", package = "reshape")
> ggpairs(tips[,1:3])



> ggscatmat(flea, columns = 2:4, color = "species")