• Speed up read_fgd_dem() by using data.table for backend.
  • Added support for terra format output with read_fgd_dem()
  • When a DEM file is read and returned as a df, a unit (meter) attribute is added to the elevation value.

Bug fix

  • Fix a XML element name discrepancy. (#21).
  • Compatibility with dependent packages.
  • read_fdg() and read_fgd_dem() always return JGD2011 (SRID: 6668).
  • read_fdg() always return sf object regardless of what kind of file is given (#7).
  • Change handling no data. It as NA_real instead of -9999 (#5).
  • read_fgd_dem()’s handling to fill up missing value cell improvement (@nonsabotage, #3).
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.