The JPGIS (GML) format file provided by FGD as input, the digital elevation models in the file are read as a data.frame or spatial object (raster, stars or terra). Supporting FGD Version 4.1 (2016/10/31)

read_fgd_dem(file, resolution = c(5, 10), return_class)



Path to XML file


the number of dem mesh size resolution: 5m or 10m


one of return object class: 'data.table' for faster than data.frame, 'data.frame', 'raster', 'stars' or 'terra'


A tibble (data.frame), raster, stars or terra


fgd_5dem <- system.file("extdata/FG-GML-0000-00-00-DEM5A-dummy.xml", package = "fgdr")
             resolution = 5,
             return_class = "data.table")
#>              type     value
#>     1:     その他 -9999 [m]
#>     2:     地表面 -9999 [m]
#>     3:     海水面 -9999 [m]
#>     4:     地表面 -9999 [m]
#>     5: データなし    NA [m]
#>    ---                     
#> 33746: データなし    NA [m]
#> 33747: データなし    NA [m]
#> 33748: データなし    NA [m]
#> 33749: データなし    NA [m]
#> 33750: データなし    NA [m]
             resolution = 5,
             return_class = "data.frame")
#> # A tibble: 33,750 × 2
#>    type       value
#>    <chr>        [m]
#>  1 その他     -9999
#>  2 地表面     -9999
#>  3 海水面     -9999
#>  4 地表面     -9999
#>  5 データなし    NA
#>  6 その他     -9999
#>  7 内水面     -9999
#>  8 データなし    NA
#>  9 内水面     -9999
#> 10 その他     -9999
#> # … with 33,740 more rows
# return as raster
             resolution = 5,
             return_class = "raster")
#> class      : RasterLayer 
#> dimensions : 150, 225, 33750  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#> resolution : 5.555556e-05, 5.553333e-05  (x, y)
#> extent     : 140.1, 140.1125, 36.075, 36.08333  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> crs        : +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs 
#> source     : memory
#> names      : layer 
#> values     : -9999, -9999  (min, max)
# return as stars
fgd_10dem <- system.file("extdata/FG-GML-0000-10-dem10b-dummy.xml", package = "fgdr")
             resolution = 10,
             return_class = "stars")
#> stars object with 2 dimensions and 1 attribute
#> attribute(s):
#>         Min. 1st Qu. Median  Mean 3rd Qu.  Max.   NA's
#> layer  -9999   -9999  -9999 -9999   -9999 -9999 843741
#> dimension(s):
#>   from   to  offset        delta  refsys point values x/y
#> x    1 1125     140  0.000111111 JGD2011    NA   NULL [x]
#> y    1  750 36.0833 -0.000111107 JGD2011    NA   NULL [y]