Locations of 47 government offices in Japan's prefectures.



A sf contains 2 column and 47 rows.


The original file was downloaded from https://www.gsi.go.jp/KOKUJYOHO/center.htm, which parses the PDF data and organizes the coordinates of the prefectural hall.


require("sf") jp47prefectural_offices
#> Simple feature collection with 47 features and 1 field #> geometry type: POINT #> dimension: XY #> bbox: xmin: 127.6811 ymin: 26.2125 xmax: 141.3469 ymax: 43.06417 #> geographic CRS: WGS 84 #> # A tibble: 47 x 2 #> office geometry #> <chr> <POINT [°]> #> 1 北海道庁 (141.3469 43.06417) #> 2 青森県庁 (140.74 40.82444) #> 3 岩手県庁 (141.1525 39.70361) #> 4 宮城県庁 (140.8719 38.26889) #> 5 秋田県庁 (140.1025 39.71861) #> 6 山形県庁 (140.3633 38.24055) #> 7 福島県庁 (140.4678 37.75) #> 8 茨城県庁 (140.4467 36.34139) #> 9 栃木県庁 (139.8836 36.56583) #> 10 群馬県庁 (139.0608 36.39111) #> # … with 37 more rows